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Thanks for the wonderful feedback ma'am. You said exactly what my late mom said to me back then. She said "I hoped and prayed"

Even though my faith is so tiny, i know i just need a mustard seed size of it then i pray in my own little way. Not all my prayers have been answered though, but i still believe in the power of Prayers.


exactly what my late mom said to me

Wow is right! Perhaps, the transference of words was just God anointing you with a little gift to 'hear' from your beloved mother. Indeed, He does work in mysterious ways. Kinda' like receiving the fragrance of a loved one crossed over...just out of the one's around in a closed setting, and their signature fragrance just waffs through the air...things like that...Makes me tear up thinking about those gifts.

Not all my prayers have been answered though,

Wanna bet???????? ;+) All prayers are answered; just not in the way we 'hoped'...Thanking God for that as I speak!!!! God always answers in ways that are best for keeping us in line with His path for our life.

As an example...someone praying for a million dollars gets a job paying minimum wage instead. It looks like the prayer went unanswered; but, it was answered by God in the way that would be best for the get that million would have meant the person leaning on the worldly things, instead of God, for his needs/wants/yens.

The important thing is to never cease praying if you believe in the spirit, it is what God wants you to have. (Matthew 7:7). Some prayers are formed from a vision. If the vision tarries, wait for it (Habakkuk 2:3).

Best regards.


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