Introducing Fusion, the financial backbone for the "internet of values".

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Change they say is always constant and technological innovation is the backbone of our human race.
The departure from a trade by barter system to a centralised fiat system is quite helpful and interesting. Imagine when I do my weekend shopping in a stress-free and easy manner armed with my purse and a few cash.
I also cherish the idea of paying for my cooking gas with a credit card through a POS. You know life can really be fun with all these financial dynamics.


As if that was not enough, I walk into any bank and pay in my son's school fees and he just only have to go back to school with the bank teller.
With in five minutes later, I transferred money from my account to my moms, with a little transaction charges.
How about obtaining a smart contracts' token with a few gems of Etherum through an exchange platform right in the comfort of my sitting room.
Anyways, we can't deny the efficiency and fruitfulness of Blockchain technology and cryptos validity. But the truth is that both the traditional financial institutions, Blockchain and financial exchange medium all have certain constraints and limitations (delays, transaction charges, Erc20/Bitcoin selectivity etc).
So how then can we make our daily transactions more efficient, affordable and non-chain selective?

Youtube video introducing fusion

With the inception of Fusion, all the traditional financial institutions, Academia, Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, intermediate users like me and you, investment and technical communities including data source providers will experience a great value in the use of services, relationships, intra-blockchain accessiblility, Scalability and transaction flow of smart contracts on the Blockchain.

Benefits of having a cross-chain financial platform

There is this new artificial intelligence project that I was interested in. I then made steps to join the ICO but couldn't because it was a bitshares based while am only on ether. So I lost the opportunity and always brood over it.
If fusion has been launched as of that five months ago, I won't have missed that chance but its better late than never.

With fusion now, all crypto currencies will be married and reborn into a one accepted token usable for assets, reward for internet of values, payments and services.
With the presence of Fusion, transactions will become more swift, affordable, universal and acceptable.

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How Fusion will propel the "internet of values"

Internet of values simply means the exchange of values of various institutions, assets and professions through the internet. It may be money, intelligence, activities, stock etc.
Fusion aims to build the economy where different institutions can easily operate and run financial transactions.
However, Fusion is like a mother in every family whose outstretched arms can accommodate all and sundry. This is because, cross-chain, cross-data sources, cross-organizations, assets and investments can all be assembled on fusion Blockchain and have them perfectly executed, financially and smart wise into a public DApp with little cost and no intermediaries.

Benefits of using traditional bank operated financial tools in a decentralised manner between cross-chain users


Fusion has the ability to assemble and utilize various private keys and run it in its super mega nodes and matrix, perfecting it with its Fail-safe security system.
Banks serves as intermediaries between investors and loan-seekers. Formalities like request for collateral are made and the cut is so much that the investors gain little while the borrowers get laden with big interests.
Contractors also, have to fulfil the criteria of potentiality before money for contracts can be discussed to them.
Fusion eliminates all these technicalities by providing a unique decentralised and autonomous system through its protocol that has a multiple triggering mechanism.

In conclusion, don't get confused as to if fusion is Jack of all trades. The answer is no because everything financial and the internet of values will be perfectly executed and also "locked in smart" by fusion Blockchain and protocol. Speed, efficiency, swift exchange of values and currencies, interoperability, Scalability, security and versatility are some of the features that comes to mind when you hear about Fusion.
Fusions' CEO and founder is Dejun Qian, the same founder of the prosperous Vechain cryptocurrency.
Fusion also has a great team that comprises of industry Veterans and computer engineers with branches at Singapore, Tel Aviv, New York and Shanghai.

This is an entry for @originalworks writing contest. For more details check out

Pictures are adapted from the following links....

(For more information please visit )

Fusion 2018


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hi @topfreeser

Thx for commenting my post about bots. Just checked your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

big fat upvote on the way! :) and good luck with contest. Great piece of work.

I will follow you closely :)

Take care, Piotr

Oh dear @Crypto.piotr, thanks so much for the kind words.
Am grateful.

always :) hope to see more crypto-related posts :)

will do my best to support you here on steemit

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