CCECOIN-Decentralized and Transparent Peer to Peer Trading Ecosystem

in #blockchain6 years ago

CCECOIN-Decentralized and Transparent Peer to Peer Trading Ecosystem


CCE ECOSYSTEM LIMITED ("CCE"), has a unique scope of speculations and business interests, to a great extent arranged all through the South East Asia area, and works at both the nearby government level, and with grouped business relationship all through the district.

A key region of the improvement of the CCE business arrange is to energize and encourage proceeded with business development all through the South East Asia district by actualizing an exchanging system, in light of blockchain innovation, between neighborhood merchants and grouped customers.

CCE is building an immense exchanging system, or environment, in light of blockchain innovation with an underlying dispatch arranged all through the area of South East Asia in 2019. The biological community depends on uniting exchanging parties inside a completely decentralized and straightforward exchanging process using shared systems. CCE has created CCECOIN, and presented inside the biological system, an installment framework and trade medium using CCECOIN. The CCE biological system will give a broad stage and installment component that encourages territorial exchange, with an attention on conveying an incentive to dealers and further building up the novel item offers from the South East Asian area.

CCE is building a huge exchanging system, or environment, in view of blockchain innovation with an underlying dispatch arranged all through the district of South East Asia in 2019. The biological system depends on uniting exchanging parties inside a completely decentralized and straightforward exchanging process using distributed systems. CCE has created CCECOIN, and presented inside the biological community, an installment framework and trade medium using CCECOIN. The CCE biological system will give a broad stage and installment instrument that encourages provincial exchange, with an attention on conveying an incentive to dealers and further building up the one of a kind item offers from the South East Asian district

The South Asian Region are at the front standard of decentralizing the framework to clear route for reasonableness and reward dependent on ability, legitimacy and work instead of on giveaways. Research has additionally uncovered that raising assets and exchanging on the Blockchain space is heretofore connected with obstacles and outsider difficulties. These difficulties and different components has debilitated potential financial specialists and compromising effectively existing members, in this manner a noteworthy test militating defying against the free-stream of the procedure. To make a reasonable stage where the procedures of interrelating and trading will be disentangled, CCECOIN was started as a completely decentralized environment went for continuing itself through network support.

By making a token on global blockchain the two purchasers and venders can associate, exchange and trade merchandise utilizing CCE ECOSYSTEM.

CCECOIN made on Ethereum blockchain composed on the robustness drives disseminating record bookkeeping framework and token following.

Having worldwide exchange on a basic level of biological community, it encourages exchanges among merchants and purchasers, decreasing the expense of exchange and guaranteeing productive treatment of installments.

CCECOIN is another offering in the market of altcoins – which can be traded into all acknowledged cryptographic forms of money and fiat monetary standards inside our very own biological system stage. Together, with our growing ground-breaking biological community, the interest for CCECOIN will keep on expanding, as the two establishments and people drive request. Inside the environment, the CCECOIN can be traded to fiat cash and fiat money can be traded for CCECOIN. It's an adaptable stage – fueled by BLOCKCHAIN innovations.

Publicly supporting is the most up to date intends to gather pledges for advantageous network ventures. CCE, driving new activities in exchange all through the South East Asia area. will convey a critical ICO to advertise in 2018. Just as a gathering of submitted and eager supporters can really critical changes on any important scale be acquainted with the market. Assemble with us to spread the news of our ICO and destined to be conveyed amazing environment. Prompt riser bargains are accessible at the season of the ICO. Try not to pass up a great opportunity! The market of South East Asia is esteemed on a yearly premise in the billions of dollars.

CCECOIN looks to faciliate territorial exchange through the presentation of the most current provincial biological system – engaged with the simple to-utilize cost effective CCECOIN token. With a low passage cost of US$0.10 per CCECOIN, the upside of the venture inclines to the positive over the short to medium term. Assets raised will allow, provincial exchange to be streamlined, as well as permit CCE to take an immediate position in the venture of colorful durian organic product estates and extravagance winged animal home generation – a business area estimated in yearly turnover of billions of dollars inside the business sectors of South East Asia.

CCE has built up Durian Clubs . The motivation behind the club is to advance the colorful durian organic product business inside the creating CCE Ecosystem. Club individuals fall into two classifications – shoppers who can appreciate yearly paid visits to durian estates to take part in astonishing eat-everything you-can visitor occasions, and additionally take an interest in numerous durian celebrations held around Asia – encountering a definitive in testing the wide assortments of the colorful durian natural product! Tree-proprietorship program is likewise offered – where purchasers can no just appreciate free regular durian natural product, yet can acquire colossal benefits over a multi year time span.

The other part cooked for by the club is supporting the homestead proprietors by giving agri-counseling – helping agriculturists to amplify trim yields and harvest quality. The club additionally works inside the more extensive CCE Ecosystem, and encourages durian agriculturists to move create all through Asia.

•Philanthropy Emphasis

•Accessible Worldwide

•Partial Transaction

•Interchangeable to Fiat Currency

•Gathering Purchases

•Restricted Total Coins Issued

•Money Exchange

•Trader Building

•Installment For Everday

•Tradable Peer to Peer

•Protected and Secure

•Tradable in Crypto-Exchanges

As said before, CCECOIN is another offering in the market of altcoins – which can be traded into all acknowledged digital forms of money and fiat monetary forms inside our own biological system stage. Together, with our growing ground-breaking biological system, the interest for CCECOIN will keep on expanding, as the two organizations and people drive request. Inside the biological community, the CCECOIN can be traded to fiat money and fiat cash can be traded for CCECOIN. It's an adaptable stage – controlled by BLOCKCHAIN advancements.

Publicly supported Approach
Publicly supporting is the most up to date intends to raise support for advantageous network ventures. CCE, driving new activities in exchange all through the South East Asia district. will convey a huge ICO to advertise in 2018. Just as a gathering of submitted and energetic supporters can genuinely critical changes on any important scale be acquainted with the market. Accumulate with us to spread the news of our ICO and destined to be conveyed amazing biological system. Brisk riser bargains are accessible at the season of the ICO.

Durian Clubs
CCE has built up Durian Clubs . The reason for the club is to advance the outlandish durian natural product business inside the creating ECC biological community. Club individuals fall into two classifications – purchasers who can appreciate yearly paid visits to durian ranches to take an interest in astounding eat-everything you-can visitor occasions, and in addition take an interest in numerous durian celebrations held around Asia – encountering a definitive in testing the wide assortments of the fascinating durian organic product! Tree-possession program is likewise offered – where purchasers can no just appreciate free occasional durian organic product, yet can procure colossal benefits over a multi year time frame.

The other division cooked for by the club is supporting the homestead proprietors by giving agri-counseling – helping ranchers to expand trim yields and harvest quality. The club likewise works inside the more extensive ECC environment, and encourages durian agriculturists to move deliver all through Asia.

Regardless of what your dimension of intrigue, Durian Clubs is the ideal door to purchase, move, exchange, offer, and look for counseling – and continually getting a charge out of the fascinating taste of durian together.

Coordinate market commitment

Fulfilling neglected interest of buyers for the outlandish durian foods grown from the ground profoundly value swallow fowl settle – an extravagance palatable item.

Driving Transparency

Using blockchain innovation and keen contracts, CCE is trying to realize straightforwardness to the way toward purchasing and moving.

CCECOIN are intending to posting on well known ICO stage with sole expectation of making mindfulness among individuals. It will be soon.


Starting Time : October 1 [00:01 EST]

Ending Time : October 31 [23:59 EST]

Exchange Rate : 1 CCE = $0.10 + Bonus

Token for Sale : 40,000,000 CCE

Token Details

Soft Cap : 3,000,000 USD

Hard Cap : 10,000,000 USD

Token Symbol : CCE

Accepted Currencies: ETH


Starting Time : Nov. 1 [00:01 EST]

Ending Time : Nov. 30 [23:59 EST]

Exchange Rate : 1 CCE = $0.10

Token for Sale : 60,000,000 CCE

Token Distribution

Development Fund 30%

Reserves 10%

Management and Admin cost 15%

Ecosystem 20%

Charity 10%

Durian Farming 15%

July 2018

Open for Vendor registration

August 2018

Private Placement CCECOIN begins

October 2018

Pre ICO sales for CCECOIN

November 2018


December 2018

Public Trading of CCECOIN

March 2019

Durian farm Investments and Planting

September 2019

Durian Festivals in China, Malaysia and Thailand

John Loi: CEO

Robert Law: COO

Michelle Lim: Chief Strategist and Durian Expert

Kapil: Blockchain Expert

William Chen: Marketing Expert

Loi Wai Kit: Ecosystem Manager

Ngu Ngouh Ying: Ecosystem Builder

Edvin Law: Management

For more information, please visit:







Author TheJohnMatch



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