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RE: Valentine's Day Special—an Open Source Proposal to Decentralized Sex

in #blockchain7 years ago

Introvert you cray cray!
I like you.. but you cray cray.

Do you know that loyalty to one partner is actually a forced act for humans. Science is now realizing that we made a mistake by associating ourselves to be closely linked to chimps. We are actually more like Bonobo monkeys.

They have some extreme practices such as pedophilia, homo-intercourse, group sexual intercourse.. and even necrophilia. Now then.. do you see how it starts to make sense? Some of the practices are morally wrong in our society but cannot be denied existence. We are all those things collectively whether we want to address/accept them or not.

Humanity is farrrr farrrrr from even becoming a perfect species.
Relationships are about more than loyalty. For instance, one trend which is actually gathering momentum in the western world is a 3 party commitment. Most common is 2 women and 1 man. From a man's perspective this is god-sent... but it also makes perfect sense from the perspective of the females. Given that they find the right man who can provide. For the children it is also a great plus! And from the household point of view, bread winners are maintained and need for daycare is eliminated.

Society changes... after all. It's OK now to be born one gender and then claim opposite. To love and commit to the same gender. The old model is slowly but surely disappearing. I admire your initiative though. Maybe in The Philippines it's different but the west has most definitely changed.

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