To Catch a Shiller: A false sense of anonymity

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

Okay, this is about anonymity and not about shilling at all but I liked the title so ran with it. Not too many hours ago I wrote a post about our actions and behaviours being recorded on the immutable blockchain.

There are many reasons to want anonymity here or anywhere as one is somewhat free of identity and has the chance to be something else or show a side without the judgement of those that know the 'real' person. There is of course for safety reasons so one can speak freely without the risk of direct persecution. Or there are the the reasons to be able to behave in less socially acceptable ways and avoid incrimination. There are many other reasons also.

The feeling of anonymity also comes burdened with problems. For example, when one is in the midst of a riot, it is not just the mob mentality that can take over, it is the idea of being a faceless person in the crowd. We see this often at protests now where people wear masks and act in very poor ways indeed, no matter the 'cause' claimed.

But, are we anonymous here or, how many among us are actually anonymous? I definitely am not. But, if push came to shove, are you? And if you are right now, for how long will you remain so?

If the authorities really wanted to find you, could they? Would they be able to match all of your anonymous interactions here to a real person if they were motivated? I would suggest it wouldn't be so hard for at least the majority of accounts here to be discoverable, no matter how safe you consider your actions.

There are probably many basic ways where unintentional information leaks come out for example through pictures or a few words here or there. Perhaps a comment on another's article mentioning a place, date or time. But there are also the habitual actions like voting patterns or writing style. There are so many little micro signals that can potentially give us away if someone is actively looking.

Perhaps it seems impossible to piece them altogether but again, for how long? How far into the future will it be before there is an AI that can crawl the data for all interactions of a single user, compare it across all other platforms and have a handful of potential suspects as to the real identity? How much surveillance does it take to narrow it down to the source? Is it implausible? Maybe right at this moment but I don't think it will take them too long to develop a relatively accurate tool.

But, even if one doesn't leak information, what happens if a person wants to leverage what they have built here to make a business or become part of a development team, are they always going to want to be anonymous? Some of the people here are relatively skilled and have built up a decent following of other skilled or influential people. At some point it is quite possible that they may actually want to be attached to their created persona but, what then?

What happens if the persona is nothing like the person and the trust of the created identity doesn't gel with the reality of the person behind it? Are people still willing to partner or will they feel somewhat duped? Will going legit make them illegitimate?

And this is why we should think a little about our own anonymity and our interactions under its protection as in all likelihood, we are a lot less anonymous than we may believe and, we may have to pay a large future cost for acting as if we were.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not saying to give up anonymity but one must also be responsible for actions, something many forget in the crowd. Instead of assuming facelessness, it may be better to consider that all information is and will forever be tied to us so if it were to come out, would we be happy for it to be forever attached?

In my opinion, this is a personal decision and the consequences of actions will be paid by the individuals, just like a person who sends nudes over the internet to people under the assumption they will never share them. Sure, the person sharing may break trust but, it is the person in the picture that must live with the reality. Err on the side of caution?

There are so many questions concerning these areas on the internet in general let alone on the blockchain. How we behave is our responsibility as an individual, even if we are wearing a mask.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth. -Buddha

[ a Steemit original ]


The term "anonymity" is often wrongly used. You use it here both correctly and incorrectly.

The correct usage is like the face in the crowd example you gave. The identity of the person is hidden in a sea and individuals are not recognizable in the riot.

The incorrect usage is any account on Steem, for exactly mainly of the reasons you mention about habits, patterns, etc. I like to use the term psudo-anonymity for this, because though the real world identity may be unknown, an account is a point if reference. Anonymity requires there be no point of reference. This is what is required for example by German law under the various protections there. I admit I am guilty of sometimes using them both as "anonymity", but since it's the topic it pays to be accurate.

So I am psudo-anonymous. I am the person you are talking about:

Some of the people here are relatively skilled and have built up a decent following of other skilled or influential people. At some point it is quite possible that they may actually want to be attached to their created persona but, what then?

I have started several projects and continue to start and maintain them. I have no wish to associate this with other manifestations of my person(z) online. Sure, it's limiting, but freeing in other ways. Not only that but it is a challenge to maintain this state, it takes work. I could ruin it all with a single post.

I do not however have any delusions of grandeur regarding the secret of my identity. Any government could no doubt find it. Steemit Inc could probably make a good guess given enough time and motivation. That doesn't bother me.

Before we talked about putting road blocks between adult content and children, not making it impossible to find but not presenting them with it easily. It's similar here. Except for the tantalizing mystery I'm drawing attention to here (which I shouldn't be!) it doesn't matter who I am out there in the world.

In fact it doesn't matter who you are either. I interact with you through your work, and only on Steem related channels. Your character, your behavior and your works speak for themselves and it's by them you are judged. Well, at least that's the theory I'm operating under.

And on the nudes. Always assume anything you send over an internet connection is compromised, unless carefully encrypted (and even then good luck out doing the NSA). Anything at all. I said this in one of my first posts here: the first rule of anonymity is, don't say anything!

I do not however have any delusions of grandeur regarding the secret of my identity. Any government could no doubt find it. Steemit Inc could probably make a good guess given enough time and motivation. That doesn't bother me.

I think we have touched on this before somewhere and the conclusion was along the lines of 'behave like they already know'

In fact it doesn't matter who you are either. I interact with you through your work, and only on Steem related channels. Your character, your behavior and your works speak for themselves and it's by them you are judged. Well, at least that's the theory I'm operating under.

This concept is being lost on many especially these days (and at Steemit) as the concept of creating a product out of the individual that overshadows the work they perform. People want their name in the paper, it doesn't matter why.

It is easy to get lost and engrossed sharing a part of our thoughts,personality,actions and life here.And the deeper we get involved in the blockchain community,it intensifies. It still a good thing not to indulge our private information because there are bad crazy people over there.

I was just thinking about this a bit earlier, about anonymity. To be honest, I think you could hide yourself, if you truly wanted to, and make yourself untraceable...just look at our "fearless leader", Satoshi.

But I see your point. Although,I don't really get this idea of not wanting to associate with your online persona. Take Steemit, for example. You know a user, and you've talked a lot and seem to know each other quite well. You read each other's posts and all that. You may not know their real name, or their job or the name of their dog, but you've seen quite a bit of how they think and that's a huge gateway into someone's personality.
I mean, sure, there's the possibility that you're faking it, your whole online persona, and you're completely different IRL. But I think a lot of people show their truest form here, on Steemit. You get to know a lot about a person if you constantly read their thoughts and ideas. More, even, if you pay attention to how they write, whether they're impatient, or well thought out...

Point is, I think in the end, your Steemit persona (or your online persona, in general) is a part of you. One that you should be willing to accept and embrace. I always think that what I post here is on the blockchain forever, it can, at any point, come back to me. So I really should be careful not to write things that I would hate or disown, if confronted IRL with them.

I like your posts. They make me think.

...just look at our "fearless leader", Satoshi.

Are you sure it is one person? It could just as well be data collection organisation.

there's the possibility that you're faking it, your whole online persona, and you're completely different IRL.

Think about it from an investor perspective judging people on relatively little free flowing writing. Faking is easier when there is a format based system to follow.

Point is, I think in the end, your Steemit persona (or your online persona, in general) is a part of you.

This may be true but again, some of the meanest online trolls? Sure it may be their personality but are they willing to say it to my face?

I just added more questions.... sorry :D

Oh, I agree about Satoshi, it very well could be an elaborate scheme...It's just I'm reading this book about Bitcoin and Satoshi and I think it got a bit under my skin! :D

I guess that second part is true...

some of the meanest online trolls? Sure it may be their personality but are they willing to say it to my face?

Well, that's the point. Their mean comments are part of who they are, otherwise they wouldn't say them, I think. And they should stand by them, although you're probably right and they probably would not, in real life... I don't know, I have conflicting feelings about this whole anonymity thing...on the one hand, I think it's good that we can be anyone online, it's necessary. Because while I wouldn't have a problem "admitting" to my online actions and owning up to them, I would hate to be forced to do them using my real name...I want the option of anonymity.

Well, that's the point. Their mean comments are part of who they are, otherwise they wouldn't say them, I think.

Most keyboard warriors are only filled with bravado when behind their screens and very few are willing to face the consequences of their words if said face to face. The potential for cruelty lays in us all, the difference is if we will be cruel even if we know we can't be caught. It is a question of personal morality.

Because while I wouldn't have a problem "admitting" to my online actions and owning up to them, I would hate to be forced to do them using my real name...I want the option of anonymity.

No one likes to be forced to do anything and when it comes to privacy (especially in this mess of a world) it is better to keep the cards close to the chest on some things.

That was one of the things I was considering when joining Steemit. Since the information and the account can never really be deleted, what information did I want to put out there? My username is a nod to that, although not the reason I chose it. Yes, there have been bits of the "real" me that have leaked out, but I'm me, so if it happens, it happens. I'm not actually trying to hide anything, I just like it to be about what I'm saying, not who I am. I think if people who knew me found out who I was on the platform, they wouldn't be surprised and they wouldn't have issue with it.

I have the same approach really. I am not hiding here but at the same time, there is a 'little' distance psychologically speaking. Even though I have changed my opinions on some things, or made mistakes, overall, I am not embarrassed to be found.

"Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." - Oscar Wilde

consequences, people are afraid of what others think. we imagine how others will receive it.

we often are wrong, but we are often right... so people feel it is better to hide than be judged.

i like to say 'if i knew it was wrong I wouldn't have done it' .. if we could have honest dialogue without consequences for ones thoughts, we would grow.

I know I changed the most not because someone condemned me, but because someone questioned me, and then didn't tell me what to think, but told me what they think. all this must be done without any future consequences, I know people that judge so harshly everyone lies to them, so sad, but reality.

Is it a worry for the man if his mask is flimsy?

Depends on why he dawns the mask, doesn't it?

The bottom line is: behave, because there's always a way to identify.
But all that hate speech stuff governments are trying to control on the internet is too much oversight already. People getting jailed for some tweets and jokes(Canada)... people getting fined for stating opinions against policies(Germany). This is seriously "BIG BROTHER"-esque. The thought-police is already active.

Yes, the world is a mess with so many overstepping the bounds of their own business. It is spreading very fast too.

Buddha was wise but the sun and moon in Scandinavia are easily hidden by clouds and the truth...oh the elaborative lies of talented people...

by elaborative lies of talented people...

I don't think they last so long even then :)

hmmmmmm......... I guess not....eventually the truth comes out (?)

I think eventually any truth of value does.

In Greek we call that 'Divine Justice' ... I don't know ... maybe ... it's just that sometimes it takes waaay to long.... Anyway ;) Goodnight from Denmark my friend - catch up soon :D

But for how long..

Appreciate the post. its crazy in this market. wolfs everywhere! Trade/ Invest safe!

wooow very niice !!! good poste

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