Russian Government Tests Blockchain..!!

in #blockchain8 years ago (edited)

The Russian Government is Testing Blockchain for Document Storage..!!

Credit: Coindesk

Recently I posted an article on how the Dubai Government is testing BLOCKCHAIN for Document Handling and how BLOCKCHAIN will play a major role in Central Government in the future.

This is another great article on how Russia is also testing BLOCKCHAIN for their Document Storing.

These articles supplement my recent piece on "MY VISION of the FUTURE for BLOCKCHAIN" and how we are slowly migrating towards our very own PERSONAL BLOCKCHAIN.

Enjoy the article and all credit to Coindesk.

Credit: Coindesk

What better place to read about these advances but on our very own BLOCKCHAIN Social Media Platorm.


Thanks for reading.



Any insight as to what are the results of using blockchain for document ?

Sure. This should help. It's "My Clear Vision of the Future". Thanks for the support. Stephen

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