BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY: +35 Years of Mainstream Manipulation is about to be unwound. Fundamentally this will change the course of Humanity and yet few people are aware it's already starting to happen..!!

in #blockchain7 years ago

+35 Years of Mainstream Manipulation is about to be unwound..!!

Fundamentally this will change the course of Humanity

Earlier on I published a Blog and shared with you a short video about how Blockchain Technology is about to hit the Global System with a Technological Shock of Biblical Proportion.

A few people have called me today and have had a tremendous amount of support for finally making the video. Something that I have been promising to do for a while now.

One part of the video that appears to have caught people's attention starts at 13:26 mins and I wanted to shared with you this part of the video.

The above should take you straight to this part.

It is the part where I talk about the last +35 Years of Mainstream Manipulation that is about to be unwound, that appears to have made people sit up and listen to the message that I am trying to get across.

If you believe that what I am saying is right, I would really appreciate it if you could share the video with your friends on Social Media, either from the earlier Blog...

...or direct from youtube.

Either way, at the end of the video I talk about Steemit and it would be great to really get this message out.

Thanks for reading and thanks again for all your support.



I agree it will change the world. I also believe the big group of 49 financial holding companies will try to control it by saying in the name of money laundering you must use an approved blockchain or screening service that all retail have to use. To protect yourself diversify into a few different kinds of crypto like the ones big corporations are liking right now Etherium.

Upvoted your comment..
nice words man!!

I agree ,with , very helpful post , thank you for this great comment

I agree 100% in your words

Yes Bro


its a very helpful post, thank you :)

Thanks ,............

It looks like many companies are looking for ETH blockchain developers from organisations from the likes of Microsoft and Visa and the future may mostly be based on the ETH blockchain. It is probably a good idea to have a slice of each of the top altcoins as I agree that most companies will turn to using 1 blockchain than multiple (at first)

Brilliant comment

Great comment @greenman ,Blockchain it will a way of life :) we missed your post in your blog , i hope you wil post very soon:)

agree with you but i want more info like this post .

thanks @greenman61
and welcome

I haven't watched the whole thing yet (currently watching) But I wanted to comment anyway & say I love that it's not just young & silly people saying things like this. It's hard to get people that are older than me to listen when I start talking about it, I must sound like a nut job. But when more and more people start saying it, and all different kinds of people, hopefully the message will be able to get across better. Okay going to watch the rest now! Awesome stuff

Keep plugging away. It's the younger generation that needs to break away from the manipulation, controlled mind games and garbage that is being fed to them. Once this is cracked, and it will, then this is when the real truth will come out. People are not daft, they always work it out in the end. It's simply a matter of time. Stephen

Thanks for your valuable comment

Don't forget that the blockchain is also a massive social experiment.

Can you please explain your thoughts on this I'd like to know more

Going to be an amazing decade for crypto lovers

i totally agree that more information we get from the numerous sources the harder it will be to confuse people and control them... but we need to keep analyzing all info we get, you can't trust this work to anyone

Muy buen post. De verdad creo que el impacto del blockchain en la sociedad global es de gran magnitud Y el control y poder del sistema se ve amenazado. Y el precio por no perder el control y el poder nunca ra poco. Gracias por la info.

Yes, the World will change at an exponential rate. Few understood how the Internet itself would revolutionise human existence. So too now, will the blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and fintech will blast a major hole into a new world of transparency. Will it be messy at first? Yes. Were already seeing the beginning. As a surfer, the best analogy i can give is that this whole movement is a wave. That wave is now cresting. You can ride it, or be caught on the inside when it hits you in the head. Where will you be?

Excellent content, I will follow closely. I wish you much success and blessings.

You are right...Blockchain technology will be a very big thing in Fin-tech sector.

I'm not talking just Fin-tech that is a a tiny, tiny, tiny part, I am talking the Complete Global System, including MAINSTREAM MEDIA..!! Stephen

Awesome post :)
thank you so much

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