BLOCKCHAIN Democracy is closer than you think..!!

in #blockchain8 years ago


BLOCKCHAIN has limitless usages.

In essence BLOCKCHAIN is a Consensus Digital System.

Earlier on I posted what BLOCKCHAIN actually was.

One of the characterists of the Technology is a perfect match for Democracy and I believe will be used in Central Government sooner than people actually realise.

The timing of the recent EU Referendum was perfect for the UK.

Detaching themselves from the un-elected EU Officials will give the UK the edge in the development of their Centrally Governed BLOCKCHAIN.

In the future MP numbers will drop considerably as they are effectively replaced by Computer Servers processing the Democratic BLOCKCHAIN.

The cull of MPs in the UK has started and I expect to see a >50% drop in their numbers by 2021.

The future is not coming, the future is already here.


Thanks for reading and feel free to share.



I keep hearing random stuff in the news about governments toying with the notion of using blockchain technology, but haven't seen anything really concrete yet. Would be great if you could post some sources with more information. Blockchain tech has the potential to increase efficiencies and reduce the possibility of corruption, especially in areas such as voting, but I don't expect it to actually replace elected officials anytime soon. Ultimately, there will always have to be humans to oversee things and make the actual decisions, but this could be a wonderful underlying technology to facilitate those decisions.

If you havn't already seen this interview at time 2:55min I talk about the Lords Select Committee I attended. Stephen

Thanks, that was a very interesting video. Isn't it amazing how oddly difficult it is to explain the concept of blockchain to people? It seems to be a slippery concept for most folk to nail down (I thought your explanation in the video was very good by the way). Happily I think Steemit is already proving to be a good tool for introducing blockchain tech to the masses in a way that helps ease them into it.

Totally agree. It won't take long for people to understand BLOCKCHAIN when they see others being paid to post, vote and share. Thanks for the kind comments. Have a great day. Stephen

Thanks for the reply. I attended the Lords Select Committee Meeting for Financial Affairs in the Houses of Parliament in July as a result of the Bank of England proposing that Parliament debate with a view to adopt BLOCKCHAIN. If you havn't seen it let me know and I will dig out a link. I will be speaking to them soon to see whether the Lords have agreed to push this through to the House. Stephen

That sounds quite interesting. I would love to know more details about what exactly that proposal entails, if you could post a link or maybe write a summary of it.

I hope your right since this is what we have invested our time, energy, and money into.

Without sounding to arrogant I know I am right. UK Politics have been stuck in the '70's for over 40 years. Happy to upvote. Now following and looking forward to reading more of your posts. Catch us also on Twitter Twitter✔. Cheers. Stephen

Thanks ! I think with added pressure from the new internet media anything is now possible. I'm sharing this on our twitter , and others.

That's great thanks. Share as much as you like. When I first mentioned BLOCKCHAIN DEMOCRACY last year people thought I was loosing the plot..!! I was called all sorts of names and had a lot of abuse thrown at me. Mainly because people thought that BLOCKCHAIN was Bitcoin. When I tried to explain that Bitcoin was a brand of BLOCKCHAIN they took offence. They thought Bitcoin owned the exclusive rights to BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY. Not anymore do they. Now I am looked at in a different light. Amazing what 12 months can do. Cheers. Stephen

Sometimes i really wonder why your post doesn't take off. Most of them are informative, and really good contents.

It is hard to imagine that blockchain can take over everything, but like future, you cannot imagine many things from it. The Future is Now.

Thanks I appreciate it. Happy to upvote. I must admit some of the stuff I share is very valuable and I might get the odd upvote. Then I see a picture of a burger someone posts and they get $20..!! The mind boggles. Good job I have a great sense of humour. Now following and looking forward to reading more of your posts. Catch us also on Twitter Twitter✔. Cheers. Stephen

Well, sometimes life isn't fair at all. I hope you don't give up, one day you'll get your big break i believe. I'm more of a curator over here, don't think I'll have the determination and passion to post that frequently.

Good luck

Thanks I appreciate it. Have a great day. Stephen

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