Introducing Chimaera... A Layman's Guide to Understanding the new Play-to-Earn Gaming Platform

in #blockchain6 years ago

Bruno moves swiftly from left to right, swathing the air with the joystick in his hands. He has a virtual reality (VR) headset on, and is totally immersed in his current activity. Suddenly he jumps with ecstasy, and after two strong shouts of "yeah", he pulls off the VR from his head and turns to find his younger brother Josh, who had been watching with keen interest.
"I found the dungeon, we made level 17!", he exclaims.
He and Josh share a high five, and he resumes the game...


Mary isn't the type you'd call a gadget freak, but lately she has been spending a lot of time on her tablet. The reason for this been that she had recently downloaded the much talked about game - Q-Factor. As much as she tried not to admit it, She knew this game had her hooked already, and she seemed to be loving every minute of it, until an hour ago.
Mary had just got beyond level 27, and her game account crashed. To play the game again, she now has to begin again from level 1. Alas, the game server had run out of space, and it could no longer hold Mary's account alongside the thousands of other new account holders who play the game. Mary was sad, she made up her mind to never play any other game again...

The scenarios above describe two contrasting emotions that playing a game can bring. While Bruno was ecstatic after overcoming a hurdle in his preferred game of choice, Mary ended up sad after finding out the hard way that game servers could be fallible.
But what would you say if you found out that there is a technology that would not only make the Brunos of this world happier, but would also make it near impossible for any more Marys to experience the pain of losing all your hard built game data? Awesome right? Right!
Now allow me to explain...


Introducing Chimaera...

If you're reading this, then you're probably familiar with blockchain technology, or perhaps you're not, and Steemit is to you no different from any other social network site (except that money is involved). Not to worry though, I don't intend to get technical at any point of this article.

Now Steemit runs on blockchain technology, and this has enabled it in maintaining it's millions of accounts (blogs), alongside combining social networking with safe and secure financial mining and trading.

So think about Steemit, but this time think about it as a game instead; a game where you play and earn coins, which you can use for various transactions ranging from buying in game products, to building a house for your mum (in the real world of course). It's just like Steemit, but this time its a game, your favorite game.

That's exactly what Chimaera intends to create for you and me. Did I hear you say awesome again? That's the idea!


"Decentralized Autonomous Universes

DAUs represent the maximum potential of the Chimaera framework. A Decentralized Autonomous Universe represents some virtual environment, a city, a planet, or a universe. The DAU, via a Human Mining approach, provides its playerbase with all the raw tools..."

Scratch that, I did say no technicalities remember?"

Your Very Own City...

This is the height of what Chimaera hopes to achieve. A virtual world where you can build your own city, with the landscapes and highlights you want. A world where you and you alone determines what exists and what doesnt. Your very own Utopia!
For this, you'll be provided with all the raw materials needed.

While Chimaera notes that the possible creations would be at first limited to the necessities of the platform, the possibilities thereafter are endless. Plus, don't forget we all would be making money while at it. So what do you say?


I love games, do you?

I bet you do! Nevertheless, Chimaera keeps in mind the fact that not only game players are out there, of course there are the game developers too. So with this in mind, phases have been put in place for both the gamer and the game developer to be able to enjoy this awesome platform.

So, as a game developer, all you have to do is develop your game idea with the Chimaera platform, and in turn you'll not only get access to the Chimaera hub, but you'll also get funding for your work. This would take away the burden of sourcing for funds, and of course, the need for hardware maintenance. How awesome!

But then again, I have to return to the gamers. How wonderful would it be to make money from doing that which you really love, that which is fun to you. That is exactly what the Chimaera initiative has promised.


I can't wait, can you?

Think about the possibilities of what this platform can do for the real world. Apart from creating a fun way of earning, it would also change the way virtual reality is viewed. The gamers would hnow have the power placed directly in their own hands through the decentralization of the virtual reality world.

Plus imagine how the creativity involved in building virtual worlds would influence our thoughts on the growth of the real world. Overall, the Chimaera project is one to look forward to with much anticipation.


Written for @originalworks' sponsored writing contest


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