Effect.AI: A sea of opportunities.

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


The first industrial revolution was the process of an economic, social and technological transformation, which began during the second half of the 8th century and culminated between 1820 and 1840. During this period, a great number of economic, social and technological evolutions took place in the history of humanity that saw the fall of an economy based on agriculture and rural trade and the birth of a mechanized and industrialized economy. This change changed everything from the way things were done, the number of men to do a job, the time to complete tasks, etc.

We are currently experiencing an even more important change due to two great giants with great potential: Artificial Intelligence and Blockchain Technology, these two technologies are strong enough to disrupt and evolve the way we do things.


The importance of artificial intelligence is now clearly marked as its use can be observed in all fields of research, be it medicine, engineering, economics, etc. In recent years artificial intelligence has advanced considerably, practically all of us use smart phones that among their functions is the recognition of human speech, smart search engines, have already come to market autonomous cars, we have seen how programs like Watson have defeated the best competitors in different competitions such as chess, poker and quizzes.

The difference of the conventional hardware and software, the artificial intelligence allows to perceive the machine and to respond to its spontaneous environment, they learn automatically with the assimilation of information, among other things. Even the CEO of Google during a statement said that artificial intelligence is one of the most important discoveries of mankind, even compared to the discovery of fire.


But as impressive as the IA may be, it has a problem which is that it is centralized by large companies such as Google, Amazon or even governments due to the large amount of money involved in its development.

When we think of these two great technologies we observe that both have a great difference, while artificial intelligence is a technology mainly financed by large corporations (centralized) which only show the final product to the consumer, blockchain technology is totally transparent from the beginning until it reaches the end user from all points, but if we take the best parts of both powers and unite them would be something that would break barriers and change everything both economic and social as we know it.

Would it be possible to create something like this?

Well Meet Effect.AI

Effect.AI is a decentralized network of AI that seeks to break the foundations of what we know by linking artificial intelligence with blockchain bringing out the best of both, is something completely new and promises to be the future of decentralized artificial intelligence, this network runs on NEO blockchain, Effect.AI has an evolution plan that consists of three phases for its development which are as follows:


  • First Phase: Effect Force

During this phase companies and developers will be able to create tasks for people to complete, these tasks will benefit both parties as it will make users win and developers and companies better their applications and achieve their goals.

  • Second Phase: Intelligent Market Effect

During this phase a market will be built where AI services can be bought and sold, a new form of AI marketing will be born.

  • Third Phase: Power of Effect

During the last phase he intends to bring Effect.AI to the forefront of this new technology, as we all know AI requires a good amount of resources and this phase will ensure that this is not a problem.

Now we are going to focus on the first phase which is just one step away from its launch to fully understand what this revolutionary new network is all about and be prepared for it.

During the first phase called Mechanical Turk, the creators of the AIs will be brought together with the users to perform different tasks, these tasks will allow the users to win and the developers to improve their applications, this will have a gigantic effect as it opens the opportunity for many users to receive a fair remuneration for the performance of micro-tasks.

Opportunity for extra income for those who need it most

Currently there are many micro-task pages but none of these pay you enough for your effort and sometimes take a long time to do so, Effect.AI will improve all this with its EFX Token as it will have instant payments to its users, not require a minimum withdrawal amount as many platforms.

In developing countries this will be a sea of opportunities that will greatly improve their economic status, this will create a great effect of human intelligence to the network which will allow you to see results in a record period, this is part of the essentials of the first phase, a poorly paid teacher in Venezuela can during his free time earn an extra income very easily, also a nurse in Colombia, even a university student can pay school fees with just a little time dedicated to these tasks and thus achieve the goal of finishing his career.

Here is a video where the Effect.AI team explains what this new network is all about:

More information about the first phase:

This is the team that is making this incredible revolution possible:

equipo 1.png
equipo 2.png

Effect.AI will become an unprecedented AI ecosystem, promoting the development and economics of many companies and users worldwide, we are in an era where the new generation seeks to keep pace with technology, so every day is nourished by everything about blockchain and the opportunities they provide, Effect.AI will give these young women the opportunity to get on the right track in this world and be an important link in it, improve the economics of many people and take artificial intelligence to a new level in a short time.

More Information:



This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
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I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry

Really good piece of work. Im following all originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about effect.ai.
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.

You mind if i would ask you few questions?

  1. it's not easy to purchase effect.ai. which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
  2. do you think that effect.ai will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?


obviously followed :)

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