As a Kid I Was A Sci-Fi Fan, Techie, And Honor School Student Slated For A Physics Degree... But WHO Is Dan Larimer and WHAT Is EOS?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

EVERYTHING is Living Energy, and change is always occurring whether you are aware of it or not. @ronmamita

As a kid, I wasn't your typical bookworm, I was also an athlete, football player, wrestler, marathon runner, and I entertained my plans for dropping out of school...

So, as that assortment of interest and activities would suggest, I knew things were not as I was being taught and I was aware of many deceptions and incongruities with academia, government and society.
I imagine some would call me a rebel in disguise.

My favorite teacher taught the science class, and I was his pet because he could rely on me for the answers that stumped the class. He often would offer class passes for correct answers to his extra credit bonus question. I often left class with the teacher's pass - which was undoubtedly one of the reasons I did not drop out of high school - another reason with more weight was relatives from far-away pleading I endure the short period of high school, and besides I could and did graduate early - but that is another story.

I said farewell to my science professor by presenting him with a gift wrapped boxed bottle of cognac (while in class - I bet only a minority of the class had a clue what was in the package...) that brought moisture to his eyes as he struggled with NOT asking how a 16 year old kid illegally purchased liquor!

FOLLOW THE FORM. ~Frank Chester

Recently, I saw a image of Dan Larimer with a black & white stick-frame logo.
I instantly recognized the logo as FRANK CHESTER's "Chestahedron"!
These circles of artists, researchers, engineers, and academicians, are generally aware of the institutional faults and often delve into the esoteric and insightful solution orientation with problem solving skill-sets.

Chestahedron was adopted by EOS Dan Larimer.png

Okay I don't know who Dan Larimer is, but his ideas for blockchain tech (EOS) should be very interesting, so let's look into this!

EOS claims to be the FIRST Blockchain Operating Sysytem (OS)!

I design systems that make governments irrelevant. -Dan Larimer

Title: EOS Talk by Dan Larimer at Consensus 2017 in New York, NY
Video posted 22 May 2017 by Matt A

EOS is a consensus blockchain operating system that provides databases, account permissions, scheduling, authentication, and internet-application communication to massively improve the efficiency of smart business development that uses parallelization to make possible blockchain scalability to millions of users and millions of transactions per second.
In order to be successful, DAPPs need to be accessible from a web browser (downloadable apps are nice as well), need to scale to millions of users in order to monetize and earn a return on investment, they need to be free for users of the app (especially for social media), they need to be responsive with fast confirmation times, they need to be upgradable, be accessible with human friendly account names, have account recovery, and have a strategy for fixing bugs. EOS provides all of these to application developers.
EOS provides parallel processing of smart contracts through horizontal scalability, asynchronous communication, and interoperability. It will provide databases, account permissions, scheduling, authentication, and internet-application communication. For example, both Bitshares and Steem can be run on EOS in parallel, and because of the asynchronous communication, additional nodes and entire clusters can be thrown behind the processing of transactions to scale up to any transaction volume you want. Source: Introduction to EOS: the Epic (blockchain) Operating System



PS: I @ronmamita read, Quote:
If there’s a bug in your application — then community can freeze it and then deploy a fix. Very interesting!

"EOS is structured like a group of people and/or scripts (bots) that are exchanging messages between them. It could be thought of as an email system where every user or bot has an account"

The Account also known as the “Application” is a private JSON-formatted database easily accessible by any blockchain explorers.

All the communications between apps have self-describing interfaces, and declarative permission scheme. This means that you have to describe what messages your app wants to receive and what it will send (probably). It allows to firewall applications from each other but still allows them to communicate.

"Unlike e-mail, the recipient and any accounts copied on the message have the ability to reject the message in which case the message will not be delivered to them"

EOS is designed to support communication not just internally, but externally too. So it should be possible to connect other blockchains to communicate with them.

You can check what smart contracts look like in EOS here — This article was published by Dan 6 days ago (16th of May, 2017). From Is EOS the Ethereum killer? – Chain.Cloud company blog

End Quote.

Source: EOS Blog

Is Dan Larimer really a Anarchist?

If so, then Dan is aware of the globalists' plan for the digital economy and blockchain tech, right?

Dan and all freedom minded sovereigns programming blockchains should be discussing the coming policies and regulations from the statists (technocrats, oligarchs, officials and executives supporting institutional governance enslaving humanity).

Why discuss the banksters' plans and activities?
Because, for effective threat management and emergency preparedness you should know your enemy; implement security and self defence.
Do not ignore the globalists' threats.

Blockchain tech, virtual currencies, and the globalization of the emerging digital economy is becoming the latest battlefield for the ruling class.
In this light, freedom minded individuals can explore both physical and virtual wealth strategies.
For we should know the banksters will never stop voluntarily!

Allegory the scorpion and frog.png

Title: The New Ethereum Killer Cryptocurrency Called EOS with Dan Larimer
Video posted 20 Jul 2017 by TheAnarchast

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Discern the difference between reality and actuality.
That is, what is really going on versus what you think is going on. ~Sevan Bomar

The radiation from this etheric organ of the heart is actually developing into a spiritual sense organ.

In researching the geometry of the human heart, Frank Chester has discovered how a fifth chamber can evolve. The heart will have to rotate just five degrees and a new valve will form.
“Balancing” says Frank, “is the primary function of the heart. Our inner work improves balance. When we are able to see ‘periphery’ and ‘center’ simultaneously; when we see ‘self’ and ‘other’ with equal equanimity, then we give the heart a loosening quality of balance that allows it to evolve etheric forces.

If you find this information useful or of value then please share it with others.

Re-steemit forward. Re-steemit so others can see this too.

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Open Letter To Steem Programmers:

@dantheman Hi Dan and blockchain programmers!
I've only been with steem for a month and I like how your programming tackles the blockchain issues with social media and a blockchain operating system leading the way for mass acceptance and operability.

I recall my professional career where I sought strategies to keep high morale, quality assurance, and safety by incentivizing new and junior workers. They are generally the most likely to see problems or suffer low morale.
With that observation in mind I offer these requests to be discussed by blockchain programmers and applications developers:

  • Great potential for censorship abuses - the flag/mute feature
  • The popularity meme - whale surfing is the culture, rather than quality content
  • missing user-friendly features common to most social media platforms (and vital for blogs) - resteems clutter profile pages and lack of filter/search features makes it a massive chore to find my own posts!
  • I did not expect to run into bandwidth problems - I have started getting this error message too frequently: "bandwidth limit exeeded. Please wait to transact or power up STEEM." (Why the misspelling is still in the program, okay no biggie) but it stops me from posting original content and replying to a comment.

I know you have left steem but please share these concerns in discussions and with programmers so improvements and advancements can flow.

Thank you for all your wonderful efforts and wishing you joyful living!

Is Dan Larimer really a Anarchist?
If so, then Dan is aware of the globalists' plan for the digital economy and blockchain tech, right?

It sure seems like it ! :-)

@stadsmanneke yep, and Dan doesn't shy away from that individual sovereignty "conspiracy theorist" fringe talk - but unfortunately Jeff didn't explore the globalists' plans and he appaently believe that anarchists entrepreneurial activities will just destroy the institutions "without a shot being fired" - as he stated it.

Yes , it's obvious he view and knowledge of the monetary system is ultra left.
Imho the wright one. Elite's rule the world , not caring about borders.
A genial programmer and very good economist.
What about Jeff , I don't know.

@stadsmanneke This is an Age of Deception, thus with the financial industry poised to reset their monetary system with blockchain tech and hundreds of billions from development funds (NOTE: Dan admitted to this bubble where all blockchain startups instantly get millions...) who can you trust as authentic truth seeking, freedom proponent for humanity?

"Making Government Irrelevant"

requires weapons for self defence or extraordinary survival tools and skills!
Individually, it may be as simple as being a self-sufficient, entrepreneurial millionaire - but for humanity requires the removal of the military protected debt-based monetary system...

EOS Tokens are being distributed:

EOS Token available on Bitfinex
And "on the Ethereum smart contract." according to Dan Larimer.
Via the EOS offerings on the Ethereum platform, and EOS tokens can be purchased from the major cryptocurrency exchanges.

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