A gorgeous, drizzly Sunday on the farm in Ringarooma, Tasmania

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

09 July 2017 - A gorgeous, drizzly Sunday in Ringarooma, Tasmania

So much has happened since we moved onto the farm in 2014, we sure have been busy; researching, analysing, discovering, testing, planting... Learning what there is to know about Natural Living on the Land was a priority for both of us, New Farmers. There were challenges at so many levels and important choices to be made, asap. Isn't it always the case when you come from the city ;) The valley taught us that Time has a different clock on the Land. Our good news- We are nearing our lifelong Primary Vision of Life on the Land for ourselves. The glossy country magazines collected over the years have gone to the tip and we are no longer in Farmer V:1.01 Beta test. Our self-sufficient retirement plan is in full swing, still, as envisioned, and True to Nature only.

Both of us had lived and worked the world over during our individual two first-thirds-of-Life. Both of us had a dream to escape the madness of Corporate Life and as soon as we would retire, finally put down our well-travelled suitcases. Go "home" to our dream, make it happen... We had travelled the whole of the Australian Eastern Coast to look for this valley. The numerous conditions we had compiled were categoric in our strategy. The key words were: Sustainable ~~ Natural ~~ Respectful ~~ Our Thank You to Mother Nature ~~ A New Start it was We had found what we had been looking for and our Big Last Plan had to materialize. During our researches on all matters of natural living, we collected a lot of information on the many facets of knowledge a city dweller should be aware of. - How to live in Harmony with Nature being a constant concern

  • How to Save the Environment from pollution and toxicity
  • How to escape Consumerism from the global propagandist mindset
  • How to Live Healthy Lives on small household budget
  • How to Look Forward to Change and adopt it without grief

The Land This rich burnt orange soil has been so very generous and forgiving to us. I was amazed that my heavy-handed Autumn cleaning in some overgrown patches still let the following Spring bring an assortment of plants back to life. Some of my beginners pruning has also produced nice healthy regrowth. But I have to admit that I had a lot of apologising to do at times. While passing furtively a plant in trouble, I'd say, in my hurry to reach another task: "hold on, be strong, I'll be back". By the time I did make it back, not the same day, nor the next, sometimes it would take a week (or two?) for me to find a chance to go back and honour my promise. Yet, I would find a magnificently self-recovered plant literally smiling at me through all its abundance. The Possums You really have got to be loving and respectful of all creatures; the possums are the biggest challenge yet to our fruit trees' health and garden production. We adapted to a good neighbourly relationship with them by building a Caged Greenhouse and letting them have free access to the old veggie patch out there, abandoned but still producing for the local fauna. The to-do list There are different projects that have yet to be even started in the to-do list. Some are still in the Boxes they were delivered in, so to speak. <The Boxes> like a constantly moving puzzle in our multi-tasking days, have been the reference we have used, prior even to moving to the farm, when "anything" is needed and not found. It has to be in "The Boxes". The Boxes The Boxes have all followed us successfully, from different ports and storage facilities, they are here, finally, in their last resting home... to be cont.d Publishing and Keeping Up to Date- On 21 May 2017: I joined steemit under the name @patriciakm * Hello Fellow Steemians :-) My aim has been to work my way out of the not-so-free social media as I go, one by one. I have been trying to bridge over to the new web 3.0 (on the blockchain) as easily as I could.

  • 9 July 2017: Our farm vision branding to my steemit identity - I have started transferring our TasArkFarms on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TasArkFarms/ is where I have been showing our vision and management of the Land from day one in 2014. - Today I have also "ordered" a complete download of my facebook tasarkfarms data. I am awaiting the link which will come to my facebook dedicated email address, I have been advised. To be con't - And finally, at almost midnight, I have installed a steem blockchain plugin in my Wordpress. WordPress Steem

    By ReCrypto Kuddos to @recrypto , what a wonderful tool. This is going to save me some much time :-) ~~ Joining in to the Future of the Free Egalitarian, Democratic Internet ~~ Good night to all from Tasmania @patriciakm


Thanks for sharing, interesting

Thank you for sharing this :) I want to help out on a farm one day because I think it would be very fulfilling and a great learning experience :) @patriciakm

I had a dream and yet I had no idea ;-)
Three years only of living the dream, dear @awarenessraiser. And I have made mistakes, I am sure, but Nature has been so forgiving to me and seems to have fully accepted us. The local Fauna and Flora has embraced our good intentions and learning of their care. I kind of connect with them, whisper to them, feel them, try to guess what they need, tell them of my concerns as well.

Reality has surpassed the Dream, we are all connected and flourishing together.

Mother Earth has many lessons to teach, the ones for me were:

  • Relearn the value of Time
  • Do what you do consciously
  • Live the moment fully, take the time

The above allowed me to open up and expand my understanding to so many other aspects of Life and Mother Earth is teaching me.

Not surprisingly, my best moments are spent when "in tune" with my consciousness (and free of the mundane chores, there are numerous when you have a big adopted family to feed) Best wishes to live your dream

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