Qiibee: enhancing the loyalty market to crypto era.

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


Years ago, when the crypto revolution was born in 2009, with Bitcoin proclaiming to be creating a new type of currency, the majority didn’t believe in it. That was something almost out of this world, a currency without bank intervention? That couldn’t exist.

Today there’re around 2.000 types of cryptocurrencies and millions and millions of people believe in them. But, money in all its representation has value because people believe in it, people has the conviction it worth it. So, create a new kind of currency implies create the conviction in people, and the faith, it will work. This scenario was lived at the time of the birth of Euro, and all the implications that involve creating a single currency for the entire European territory. And with cryptocurrencies we’re living it again, cryptos has to create not only conviction and faith it worth it, but also loyalty to increase use and exchange.

Loyalty implies commitment, community, trust, respect and moral principles, all of it will reflect into your words and actions. Loyalty synonymous could be: honesty, honor and righteousness, all of them help in building strong relationship between persons, companies and countries. It also exist between companies and consumers. A loyal consumer could be the best weapon to survive a crisis, it’s your secret weapon, your confident and luck. Keep them satisfied is the biggest recommendation any marketing advisor will make.

In our days, are very common loyalties and rewards programs, we have it in air companies, we have them in shops, restaurants, almost everything has a loyalty program. For example, the frequent – flyer program offered by any airline will reward you from premiums drinks to free flights according to your miles status. A store, could reward a purchase with a discount on your next visit, is also very common to see the opportunity to pay for one and take two, among other strategies. But, all of them has an unique goal, keep you as a happy and loyal customer.

Besides, any of us have also lived the situation where you buy something in a shop and win some “loyalty points” for your purchase but you don’t have the opportunity to use them, maybe because the store is too far from home or you aren’t a fan product and prefer another brand, there are many reasons, the sad thing is that your loyalty points gets lost, so monetize the customer’s loyalty has been an issue for long time. That’s why an excellent and innovative team has develop Qiibee, a multi activity loyalty program based in blockchain technology.


Qiibee offers a solutions not only to the customers but also to many companies, all in one idea. The proposition is to get as many brands as possible, all of them has to have a loyalty program, and united them in one wallet, the Qiibee Wallet, where people would store any loyalty token earned from any of this companies loyalty programs, people would exchange them between each other, would transfer them to family or friends, even they would monetize them.


Moving to a blockchain based system enables reward points to be calculated and issued at the point they are earned. This not only speeds things up, it potentially lets customers use the value in their purchases to receive immediate discounts.Source


For companies, Qiibee gives the developers to help them make marvelous applications almost with no effort, companies don’t have to worry about blockchain, smart contract, they only have to concentrate in their application, the Qiibee team has already made the rest. Including the security audit by ChainSecurity has been approved, so all customer has the peace of mind that all the data will be safe.

These are some benefits for brands that join Qiibee platform:


With this proposal Qiibee is enhancing the loyal market to crypto era, with more than 900 brands joined in their Qiibee Wallet, customers will have the opportunity to maximize their loyalty rewards, so they won’t live what I did. In my case many years ago I traveled to Margarita, Venezuela’s happy Island, and made there some purchases, in that mall many stores had any kind of loyalty rewards and I joined them all, but they weren’t exchangeable between them, I couldn’t use them in a different store (same brand but another store), I had to use it only and just only the same store I made my purchase the first time, so taking into account that I didn’t live there, I lost almost all of them. If Qiibee had existed then I could have done more, maybe even exchange them in my city, making me a happy and loyalty customer.


Qiibee is here and now with an excellent solution to many issues, is the glue that unify a fragmented and inefficient system, the loyalty market. Using QBX as the unifier tool. QBX is the Qiibee token, and it allows to make exchanges between all the tokens of all the brands in the Qiibee Wallett. Because, even when there are many brands involved, each and every one has a unique token and total control in how and when they’re going to exchange their tokens. This process is based in three steps, as the following image shows:


First step is Reward, in this step brands has to buy QBX on public market in order to Qiibee create the brand tokens, this image explain better this point:


Second step is Redemption, in this point is where customer can redeem their tokens for the preferred gift offered by the brand, so the customer gets the price and the brand gets its tokens back to keep the wheel moving. This image easily shows what my words are trying to say:


Third step, using the Qiibee app to promote their tokens and brand to all the rest of customers that use the app, is here where customers can send tokens to family and friends and cash out the tokens they already have in their wallet.


As I mentioned before, the Qiibee team offered an open - source developer kit to guide, they show all the rules and recommendation to guaranteed the integration between app, blockchain and tokens. Because, if you think about it, it’s illogical that each and every one of the brand suffer for the same reason, so they gives their help in this path.



But, how will having a free exchange between various loyalty programs improve the customer experience?

Customers love to be rewarded by brands, this make us feel recognize and a part of it. Usually we consume the same brand for a long time, we’re loyal without nothing to win, if any brand will reinforced that behavior with rewards, gifts and even money, people will remain there for the rest of their lives. And people with similar experience like mine won’t exist anymore, they will change their tokens without problem, also generating a feel of happiness and relief.

Customers will enjoy:


Besides, all of it will create a “circle of preferred brands”, as I see every customer will choose to consume anything that exist in this circle, in order to maximize their tokens, after all, they’re 900 brands, there’s a high probability that anything you need exist in one of 900 brands registered in Qiibee. It will make easier your life. Good for customers, good for brand, good for Qiibee.


What are the downsides of the current fragmented system?

If you don’t use it you lose it

The downsides are experiences like mine, you have your loyalty points but no ways to convert them, many restrictions. If you have loyalty points in a brand you have to trade them there, sometimes that loyalty points have a due date that also generate a stress feeling. Some brands offers the opportunity to gift them but it’s not usual, so the loyalty points are personal, without the chance to give them away to your best friend or family.There’s no way to monetize it, and if it exist it won’t be easy.

All this downsides exist thanks to old patterns of thinking, no communication and an inexistent place to join and make good deals with other brands.


How will qiibee change the way you interact with loyalty programs?

Loyalty programs are a very good idea, the concept is great but without interaction between brands they all become a real big mess, instead grow a better and loyal customer, sometimes they get bored, angry or disappointed. Before Qiibee there was zero opportunity to trade your loyalty points in other brands, that was impossible. Now you can trade your loyalty tokens earned in Lattessocoin in a purchase in Domino’s pizza or in a Lattesso store in other country.

I think Qiibee will enhanced the way I interact with loyalty programs. As any person I love some brands, but if they reward me not only with their quality but also with tokens I can redeem in different ways there’s a high probability that I join the “circle of preferred brands” I mentioned before, it will make me look out for another brand in the Qiibee ecosystem to buy another product that I would need. It would make an excellent opportunity to send some tokens to friends and family, as a gift to let them try not only Qiibee but also my favorites brands in the market.

Qiibee will create like a loyalty community all around the world and I’ve the opportunity to be part of it.


Last but not least, I would like to mention the excellent team that make every single part of this ecosystem possible:




Loyalty is one of the biggest assets in commerce, to have a loyalty customer is the better secret to any brand, so loyalties program should be the best tool to make them happy… but it wasn’t, for many reasons.

Qiibee was born to create the perfect place where blockchain get married to brand’s loyalty customers, offering not only a better way to keep customers happy but also creating in this place the solution to trade different loyalty tokens between different brands, making possible the fact of redeem them easily, even giving them to others if we want, all of this thanks to their token and a unique Qiibee Wallet.

Qiibee is here to make us realize the benefits of data, loyalty and technology while minimizing risks, security and costs.


If you need to know more about this project please see the link above:

To general information you can check their Website

To know the project specifications, you can go to their Whitepaper

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And review others link like Google Plus and Linkedin

This is my entry for @originalworks contest, you can join it here



Wow, this is another great example of blockchain technology creating a new form of rewarding people for their behaviour. We will see stuff like that in all areas of our lives in the comming years.

Great styling of your post, by the way. Well done!

Im failing to understand where value of Qiibee will be coming from? in steemit value = content and human traffic. what about Qiibee?

maybe you could help me out to find the answer to this question? :)

The value comes 100% from the companies who want to reward their users. That is like money even though they don't pay that because they usually use their already existing ressources and infrastructures. Putting that into crypto makes it easy to trade. I am not sure how it works in-between different companies but stuff like that will happen to every aspect of our live. Even our toilet and our refridgerator will create cryptos for us because there is value in everything.

thank you for your kind reply

I appreciate it a lot.

Loyalty programs SADLY remind me of latest movie "Ready Player One". have you seen it? if you're into Virtual Reality then i would totally recommend.

good luck with contest. well written piece of work :)


it's me again

Just checked your profile just to realize that we seem to share a number of interests :)

In particular that we both share a similar passion towards cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology :)

Obviously followed! :)

Thanks, although I think that the majority here on Steemit is into crypto. That is clearly reflected in the amount of upvotes going into that field as well as the masses of articles. So the beautiful crypto world is uniting pretty much all on Steemit as the entire system is based on crypto itself.

I checked your porfile and I see you resteemed that article about May 16th and I was also very curious what might happen then as I am very interested in Astrology. So the Uranus moves into Taurus thing was really adding another element to that. What is your thought on that?

Yeah, I liked that movie a lot.

Thank you! your words have a great value to me!

Yes, blockchain technology is in its "first step" I have faith in all new developments it would have.This is one more example of how imagination will adapt it to our lives.

Thank you so much for comment.

Im failing to understand where value of Qiibee will be coming from? in steemit value = content and human traffic. what about Qiibee?


Hi!, how are you. Well the Qibee token QBX is where companies will invest , like I said in the post. Then, customers will have QBX and will use it in anything they want, and the best is that you don't have to do this purchase in the same place, you can redeem it in another store, another brand, wherever you want.

Mmmm,and thinking about it, if steemit is content and human traffic in Qiibee is reward the loyalty's customer. More you buy from any brand in Qiibee platform , more tokens you will receive.

I don't know if this explain it better to you???

thank you for your kind reply

I appreciate it a lot.

Loyalty programs SADLY remind me of latest movie "Ready Player One". have you seen it? if you're into Virtual Reality then i would totally recommend.

good luck with contest. well written piece of work :)

This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
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