Effect.AI: A decentralized platform built on neo blockchain

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Satoshi Nakamoto has done a remarkable job in introducing decentralized blockchain. Since nine years ago, there was no element of failure.From blockchain, we come across decentralization, smart contract, financial contract, and Artificial intelligent.

Artificial intelligence came into existence in 1956, and have since then experienced several phases of optimism.Artificial Intelligent (AI) has attained ubiquitous status and it means an intelligent displayed by machine unlike natural intelligent which is derived from human brain capacity.
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Artificial intelligent which has been able to undergo growth since the last five years in its smart service. The smart services to mention but a few include the voice and face detection on phone, image translation and the self-driving car.They are gaining reputation. Hence, Artificial intelligent(AI) is transforming the technically the logical world.The advance in Artificial intelligent is based on the varying application and it can be explained in Machine learning, Computer vision, natural language processing and availability of cloud computing.

Artificial intelligent is facing some problems despite having many advantages. The problems are categorized into the problems include areas.
They are:
Data processing: This normally takes a lot of time in getting feedback,
Diverging task: this is like multitasking. That is, trying to learn from other things outside their field that is relevant to the field operation, there is an encountered problem in that.
Computational cost: This is usually an expensive task which required technical infrastructure capable of processing a large amount of data, doing batch processing on graphics processing unit and coordinating the result.

This is where Effect. AI comes in.Effect. AI is a decentralized network that is providing services in the Artificial Intelligent (AI) market to provide solutions the problem facing Artificial Intellignt. It is otherwise known has Effect network. Since it is built on blockchain and is having the required standard to perform the operation. I work can never be doubted.

Effect. AIindirectly connect demand and supply without the inference of intermediary party. Effect. AIis looking forward to establishing acute and efficient data processing, performing micro-tasking and ensuring no or reduced computational cost. It will define the future relationship Between Artificial intelligent and humanity.

Effect. AI has gone a long way in replacing several other existing services. It is very unique in that, it has a low barrier to entry, ensures the fast growth of the industry and required no or reduced cost. This is what decentralized network entails.


Effect network has three phases.
Phase 1:
Effect. AIMechanical Turk. It is also known as Effect force.

Phase 2:
Effect. AIsmart market and

Phase 3:
Effect. AImarket.


The Effect. AIforce is decentralized, peer to peer platform that required human intelligence to execute task just like the centralized platform like Amazon Mechanical Turk and the rest. It is built on being blockchain.

Effect force allows anyone to request or perform the task that teachers and develop an artificial algorithm. It allows anyone in the world to perform wide range tasks and receive fair and reasonable payment. It features consist of the requesters, workers, task. Data set and privacy. The requester decides task that will be executed by the workers. The workers put in their best to bring out good result in an exchange of EFX token from the requesters. The token submitted to the workers must be an acceptable one that matches the requirement.
Since Effect force is a decentralized platform and opened by nature, it means the privacy is not very tight. Therefore proper measure is putting into consideration so as to allow Effect force to store sensitive information. When the workers complete the task, they either get paid with a network NEP-5 token or EFX token.


Recently, the computer has been designed to perform many tasks leaving human space empty. Although, this is making our work to be efficient. Most people suffer the cause because the computer has taken their position leaving them jobless. This might be one of the reasons why there are a lot of unemployment in the developing country. Effect force has done justice to that in their own way. Effect force requires human intelligence, this open way to employment opportunity especially in the developing country.The workers will be paid with EFX token for every task they executed. This token will depend on the agreement between the workers and the requester.

The workers have high tendencies to be promoted to perform a greater task when they work with humility and trust. Everyone wants to earn cool money at their own convenience time. This can beat the token gotten from regular monthly salary.The Effect network is fueled by EFX tokens which open way to fair, decentralized, and peer-to-peer for anything and everything related to Artificial Intelligent.


Effect. AI is very good in micro-tasking. This is the activities that can be done outside the platform which is, of course, relevant to the field. Any task that can not be performed by the machine will be forwarded to the workers to execute it. Micro-tasking can solve many problems such as economy building, build the workers intelligence and provide employment opportunities.

How fair and instant pay impact adaptability.

Most people have found their way into an online business. It pays the majority of them because it is accompanied by instant payment.Many cases have been recorded where some salary earner will not get paid until after 25 days. The wise one might have earned x4 the token at their own convenience. The Effect. AI can generate a smart token for every work done. Everything only depends on your reliability and trust.Those workers that are earning huge token at a sitting will not want to quit doing the job but rather improve their skills. This is what is called adptation


Effect. AI Website
Effect. AI whitepaper
Effect. AI facebook

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I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry

Really good piece of work. Im following all originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about effect.ai.
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.

You mind if i would ask you few questions?

  1. it's not easy to purchase effect.ai. which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
  2. do you think that effect.ai will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?


obviously followed :)

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