in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


There are many marketing and customer attraction alternatives that are currently available for companies of products and services or for any new entrepreneur. Loyalty programs are a powerful tool that helps to reaffirm customer loyalty but (despite being a smart option) generate great rejection in the clientele and become an expense often not rewarded for the company. The development and implementation of programs, in addition to being expensive to configure, end up being ineffective in attracting new clients. In general, customers are reluctant to subscribe to a new loyalty program, as the added value is not always evident and because of the large number of programs available.

Limitations of the Current Loyalty Market
Once customers collect the points they rarely exchange them, this represents an important limitation in the company's finances, since these would become part of the unsettled liabilities up to the moment in which the client decides to use them, being vulnerable to changes in market interest rates, all this causes a significant influence on annual Benefits and Losses.
Loyalty programs currently reflect many negative aspects:
  • They are not flexible: For a plan to work, you need to be flexible and clear about your policies from the beginning.
  • They are not easy to understand: Complex scoring or reward systems are often used that, far from making these initiatives attractive, end up turning them into a headache and a bad experience for clients.
  • People can not access new benefits: a loyalty plan must incorporate different levels that encourage people to take an active role with the brand in order to access new benefits.

Fragmented Market
Clients have the worst part since they must decide how and when to exchange the points collected from the different brands of their preference and since there is a great variety of programs with different clauses and conditions this causes a rejection effect due to the great dispersion in the Available options. The client must be familiar with the different loyalty programs that each brand offers. These programs are isolated and do not allow the convertibility or exchange of points collected.



Unify in a single platform loyalty programs so far dispersed and allow the commercial exchange of points collected by customers ...

Now this is a reality thanks to qiibee.

The actuality of the commercial exchanges is supported by Blockchain technology, for this reason qiibee adopted the Ethereum platform and developed its own ERC20 currency called QBX, which will support all the loyalty tokens offered by the companies allowing the exchange within the qiibee wallet . This means that all loyalty programs and applications in the qiibee ecosystem are 100% compatible, giving customers total freedom of choice.

"The applications developed in the qiibee infrastructure benefit from greater data security, lower administration costs, without liabilities compared to traditional models of loyalty, and without the necessary resources for the development of intelligent contracts or the integration of a chain of blocks. "

One of the advantages that the qiibee ecosystem offers to companies is the possibility of integrating using their current loyalty systems. Through the easy-to-use development kit, application owners will not need to invest the time, money and resources needed to develop their own chain of blocks, smart contracts or token technology, instead, they can focus on their application and work with the resources to which they are accustomed.


Increased Customer Recruitment
Making plans look like a game is key to their success and positive impact on customers. In this sense, the qiibee platform makes it much more entertaining to access these plans, making people more involved. Customers enjoy interacting with their favorite brands and are constantly comparing different loyalty programs.

More Benefits to Clients

With the use of the Qiibee App, consumers will have an experience never seen before regarding the use of their loyalty quotas collected. These slots now presented in tokens will be displayed and checked at any time by simply checking the phone. All loyalty tokens obtained from programs and applications in the qiibee ecosystem are stored in the qiibee wallet. By doing this, the wallet provides a complete overview and administration of all loyalty tokens earned. It also allows customers to transfer these tokens to friends and family. Since QBX supports all loyalty tokens, you can exchange them among each other within the qiibee wallet.

How can a company be integrated into the Qiibee Ecosystem?

Too easy!!! You just have to follow a few simple steps:

  1. The company decides the budget to invest.
  2. The qiibee platform creates the loyalty Tokens with the prices established by the Brand.
  3. The Brand continues to interact directly with its customers from their previously created app and determine the reward and redemption plans through intelligent contracts.

More Benefits for Brands

• In addition, a brand can access a large community of loyalty from existing customers in the qiibee ecosystem.
• Since the tokens to be distributed are negotiable and have a "real" value, they will not be counted as deferred revenue.
• The configuration costs for a new program are very low since the programs are based on the open source qiibee platform. In addition, the platform will offer guidance to customers to increase efficiency.
• Clients are also responsible for their own portfolios, so the risk of a massive data breach is mitigated.



There is always an underlying risk associated with the loss or manipulation of data within loyalty programs. Qiibee's concept of decentralizing reward programs could make it an excellent option to help cut most costs with security and data management. Although it presents a single point of failure since the only way to access the private blockchain is through our API endpoints and if the API is disconnected, there is no other way to access our private block chain, Qiibee can help eliminate the risk of attack or manipulation by malicious third parties. Qiibee can help your business grow in its customer retention capabilities by providing an active community, support service and an API to ensure you enjoy a more comfortable integration of your loyalty rewards programs.


Find out about Qiibee's Airdrop program.

We offer you two ways to acquire our launch tokens.

Check out our Roadmap with this video

If you want to know more about the "qiibee Family", you can see the following informative video

More Information & Resources:

qiibee Website
qiibee WhitePaper
qiibee Telegram
qiibee Medium
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qiibee Google Plus

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Sponsor: @OriginalWorks


muy buen post amigo.

Gracias mi amigo!

I congratulate you Juan, you loved the content. Also everything is very well explained, excellent work with the videos. Para mi It's perfect

Me gusta tu Spanglish!

Gracias Juan! todo machukeishon hahaha I use the translator, but it totally changes the context.


thank´s wendy...