Crowd Machine, the new thing.

in #blockchain7 years ago (edited)

What is cloud computing?

We all know of internet as a giant web of wires running in and out of a computer in the network. A compute in a network comes in all sizes as per the demand. Corporations with demand for very large amount of processing power, RAMs, Storage Space or inches and FPSes on their monitor to play Minecraft; build their own infrastructures which is costly to start with but, because of many moving parts requires regular maintenance. It can prove very expensive to even play solitaire is what I am saying. Solution to this problem is and has been: The cloud computing. Basically, in cloud computing the computer in a network is the service and corporation pay as they go for the service, saving bunch of money.

  • The infrastructure already exists and is provisioned as need arises.
  • The files can be accessed from anywhere, anytime with any computer that can connect to the computer.
  • infinite RAMs and GBs, your wallet is the limit.

Cloud computing can potentially not be the cool jazz I explained it to be because there are some serious disadvantages arising from the fact how it works.

  • Your data is the service provider's data.
  • Your data is also the Hackerman's data if he penetrates the security measures. He might not be there for you but, once he cloud rains, the sky will be blue and clear, just like your missing data.
  • Your data is also law enforcement's data. They can access it without warrants.
  • None of you might be able to access the data because data loss, leakage and hardware failure is ever present danger because of centralization.
  • Sometimes things don't work and you'll have to wait for manhole cover next to your cloud computing service provider's office to be fixed because of centralization.

Introducing Crowd Machine....

So what's the alternative?

Well, I have to state the obvious: decentralization. With decentralized cloud computing service most of the security issues fly out of the window and since, the data itself is fragmented redundant pieces, 1 offline computer or 1000 is not that dreary. Which brings me to the point: your data is only yours. How cool is that? Maybe you and your state assigned FBI and Facebook agents. But, that's it. You can go here and get a grasp on what Crowd Machine team is trying to do.

This all seems too futury. Is it like modular phones that never came out?

Some parts of it are modular but we will get to that later. It is modular in the sense that the infrastructures are dynamically added and removed as per the user's needs but, cloud computers already had that and because crowd machine is cloud computing service but decentralized, the infrastructure is your devices and your wife's devices all pooling together when not under heavy use. I like to think of it as partially hive mind kind of gig. Technically it is called network of peer-to-peer crowd virtual machines. Yes! it is hive mind. No! hey don't want us to evolve to higher tier of consciousness, only our devices to pool together. It isn't that futury because, the technology is near completion and the deadlines are realistic.


It's exciting tech but, what do I get for letting them have at it on my devices?

You get money. A kind of cryptocurrency for doing nothing. You'll be watching baseball or doing laundry and your devices will be making you money. To get a handful of this money head over here. There are more sides to it which can be prove to be attractive to you such as follow;
You don't just want to wait and watch and want to contribute to this idea you believe in because, I presented the idea so eloquently. First of all you can work with Crowd Machine because they are hiring. Secondly you can build your own decentralized blockchain apps without coding. This sounds like fake news but, it's true. Crowd App Studio lets you bring out your ideas into the blockchain world with drags and drops. And to the last exciting part: you get paid every time your codes get used. You don't need a college degree on semicolon placement to participate on this new paradigm of productivity. All you need is an idea and good internet. You must have so many questions and I think this section of Crowd Machine's website can answer all your queries. Did I tell you it make use of blockchain technology? Ooo yeah! All the benefits of stability, security and integrity of file offered by blockchain technology and all the good features of cloud computing making you money day and night. Could this get more exciting? Yes! the drag and drop approach of programming. Pay attention! man. Future is happening right now.

The decentralized service will prove to be a fatal blow to centralized services such as Azure because, it overcomes the disadvantages of data loss, modification or safety. General people will be developing decentralized blockchain apps, immediate consequence of which will be added value to the blockchain and it eventual consequence could be programming to be thought of as assembling IKEA furniture. People will be going on the internet to grab a couple of loops and curly brackets to put it all together. Building apps could be a father-son thing. The small companies can develop their services with their growth with linear addition of infrastructures with their demands. There could be a millionaire coder who doesn't code. Creative solutions could get you paid. You could be a rockstar getting admired for beauty in your pattern with groupies fainting and interviews on telly about how you came to that solution. How dare you deny yourself these possibilities? Their website..

I wrote this because of this. article.



Wow thanks for sharing! Didnt know all these before.

I've read few posts about Crowd Machine and yours surely is one of the better ones out there.

Im not sure if I understood it right. Correct me please if Im wrong.
Crowd Machine will provide developers with some sort of "templates" that can help create decentralized apps on blockchain?

Potential to use this tool in the future looks very promissing.

I know that you're taking part of @originalworks contest. Good luck to you :)

Obviously UPVOTED ! :)

Cheers, Piotr

I haven't looked into it in depth but I think the functions (which are blocks of code that complete a purpose) will be disguised as blocks and will be called with natural language. for example sum this with last value or add this with last value could call same function. I'm sorry for late reply. I think steemit needs notification feature.

Hi there. Good morning and thank you for your kind reply

I agree. Notification system is pretty much non existing here.

My excitement about Crowd Machine is growing steadily for past few days. More I learn more I like this project. This is one of very few ICO's that seem to really serve some purpose.

Would you perhaps know when another beta testing version will be available? And could you please see if you're capable of adding your email to Crowd Machine subscribtion list? I tried few times and I'm always receiving some errors.

Are you planning to write for @oryginalworks this weekend? If you do then I wish you good luck. You can always send me a link either to my email: [email protected] or write it in your comment/reply. I would love to read it and support you.

Have a great sunday :)

Cheers, Piotr

I just checked @originalworks contest results. Congratz! I know you're not even in top5 but still ....

I hope you dont mind my comment again, but I have some more questions related to Crowd Machine. I tried very hard to find answers and I read quite a number of posts related to this issue but I failed.

Most of all: what advantage Crowd Machine has over their direct competition ( DADI is already listed on for quite some time (and available on KuCoin).
I dont know much about DADI. I just found out about this project few hours ago and I would like to hear your view.

You mind telling me how in your opinion CM can affect current market and existing platform?

Will ETH, Cardano, Neo, EOS, Lisk, iota, waves or qtum benefit or is Crowd Machine a threat to them? Hope you can share your view on this issue. I would appreciate a lot.

ps. Im super passionate about crypto and blockchain technology and it seem that we're both sharing this passion. I will be following you closely.
Please continue with great content. Steemit need people like you more than anything else (I mean solid content creators).

Cheers, Piotr

I think DADI has potential to be an worthy competitor to CM as a decentralized cloud/fog service but, CM has added appeal of programming for non programmers.
CM will be competing so it can be seen as a threat but, it will also be bringing countless people's attention to cryptosphere adding potential of growth to overall blockchain.
These are just my opinions.

Thank you. I love your reply.

Hi again

I just wrote a post related to Crowd Machine and I would be absolutely happy if you could comment it and perhaps upvote it too.

I will not be self-upvoting plus Im planning to get several bots to upvote my post on sunday. This way all curators (including you) will be rewarded well.

This is post Im talking about:

Would you be so kind to spent few minutes and drop a comment? Perhaps you could even simply copy+paste your reply DADI. That would help me and my followers a lot.

Thank you

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