The best Crypto Community: Native

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

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The strength is in the joining.

The human being, from its very beginning, has been characterized by having a greater intelligence than many species with which they coexist on the planet, and always being that intelligence a skill that has taken it further and further, giving it from discoveries, to make even creations capable of changing the course of the world and everything that surrounds it.

There have been creators, and yes, unfortunately also destroyers, and yet, since prehistory it has been seen that there tends to be an association between many individuals, starting from associations for hunting purposes, to being able to build big structures and more, the human being has always been in a need to be grouped, to coexist with others, even for their reproduction they need a second person, so definitely one of the fundamental bases of the continuous evolution has been due to the association and formation of groups.

All this is related and maintained regardless of time or new technologies, and although there have been exceptions, the truth is that the key to survival is to be more, as I said at the beginning, in the union. And all this is related to each area that we touch since always the things done among several individuals, has more scope and potential (if done well and there are no problems among those involved) than the things that are done individually, imagining things done on a large scale, for example.

And it is taking this premise that today we bring the concept of Native, so let's talk a little about this great initiative and its great plan that uses the association as a key word.

Let's talk about Native's initiative, what's the point of this whole project?


Native is a blockchain project, which arose from an idea inspired by yoga that Jake Vartanian had, which, yes, seems a bit out of place at first, but if there is something that is true, it is that we should never underestimate the power that have the "little things" that surround us, because they can inspire us very much, and this was a clear example of that.

Jake, being one of the pillars of the digital currency community, then creates an initiative that is based on a very great idea: the idea of ​​uniting people in communities in order to create a type of "ecosystem" that is self-sustaining and works as a whole, benefiting equally all the members that form it, this is Native.

Native's main mission is to establish an internal currency production system, which can be managed with external currencies, such as the Ethereum, which serves as a source of investment to start up the project, and which, once established, can be use the platform to create currencies from the efficient use of collective decisions and produce different types of rewards depending on each group in which the user is a part.

Look at it as if you were entering a fraternity, in which you have to give a minimum contribution as an inscription, but once you integrate, it will give you multiple opportunities to come up with an idea or integrate it and carry it out, all this in set with your associates within the group, being able to create infinite projects within the platform, and also earning foreign currency and even being able to exchange those same currencies for accessories or objects that arise within the community!

The Metamask wallet and your small Ethereum fountain is the only thing you need to integrate, obviously after that what would remain would be to see which is your preferred group and based on it, integrate and start creating ideas while you get all the benefits that native has for you.

Native Communities.

Native currently has 6 support communities which support the project and each have their established function, inside and outside the Native platform. Let's talk a little about each of them, what they do and the plan in each case in relation to the platform.

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  • Earth Guardians: an initiative created in Colorado, whose mission is to guide environmental justice in conjunction with its participants, giving each of them the voice they need to express themselves and empower themselves within the environment, providing the means that this requires, a brave organization of this community and that is also non-profit.

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  • Imaginal Films: They bet more for the seventh art, the cinematography and its affinities, being this the perfect community for the visual artists with projects in construction, where they will be able to create and develop their cinema materials that, yes, is a conscious cinema, for what that is a key feature that must be taken into account when registering in it.

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  • SDG futures: The United Nations also has a representation within this ecosystem, and with this group, which has as a central point the distribution of different technologies applied to this environment, such as the United Nations and the Sustainable Development Goals (OSD), this group is part as a strong base to perform this task.

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  • Peace Accelerators: The technological vanguard has multiple objectives and targets, and this group presents us with the mixture that is perhaps the greatest and most noble of all: the use of technology to promote peace and that is in favor of humanity. Really a group that has a very strong base in terms of concept, and that comes from a place like New York, and being this a city with so much volume of people and a relative chaos, it gives even more merit to this group that said in passing, it is non-profit.

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  • DOLO: Because learning is a right, and yet it has a great value, and not everyone has neither the skills nor the motivation to share what they know, and although many others do, they do and do not have problems with this. better than having an incentive that motivates you to share more and better content? With this group the idea is to learn, from different topics and always with the help that the platform produces as such, creating an excellent combination of very useful resources.

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  • Rick & Morty Crew!: what we could say is the most "relaxed" group of all, the one that offers entertainment and information that perhaps is not as relevant as in other cases, but that represents a perfect balance for all the other groups since It shows that the alternatives are many and there are no limits or restrictions (up to certain points, of course) within everything that can be offered within the platform.

Characteristics of the Native platform

We have already explained basically what is the idea of ​​Native and everything it has to offer its users, and we have investigated a bit about the main groups that are available to date to integrate into the community and start producing foreign exchange, but How exactly does this work?

The idea is that each group manages a different token, and that token is the key that allows to make changes, acquire products or services within the community in which it is, giving this group a self-sustainability, which will make it manage by itself without depending on others and without depending on other sources, since the economy managed within that group will be solely and exclusively property of them and not of the rest.

As in any platform worth its salt, we have this steemit case as a basis, there must be a series of ranges among the users that are integrated, all this to organize the newest and delegate rewards, among multiple functions, and also the Users deserve to have a range of possibilities to interact with the platform and its functions, all seeking the highest possible efficiency. Let's see in each case what are the possibilities.

Now, what are the benefits for users who dare to start their journey within the Native platform? here are some of them:

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In the case of curators:

They are the arbiters, who will be able to guide new users within the platform and the group they are in, and also have the important function of selecting and approving the content that is created within the community among the users, and deciding which content is valid to submit to the vote, and which is not.

They are the moderators that intervene within the specific group and give guidelines in addition to sharing knowledge and the vision of the community and the platform itself, and this makes them the pillars of Native, although without the users there would be nothing, so they they are also essential and complete the Native ecosystem to its full potential.

In the case of users:

The user that is integrated into the Native network, automatically becomes a key piece in what is the growth of the platform and this is because they are the ones who have the power to make decisions that ultimately are crucial within each group that integrate, in addition to being able to choose the one that suits more to your needs and personal tastes.

They may also promote or dismiss curators depending on the functions exercised by the curator in question or the user with sufficient merits, giving them great power within the community, and apart if they obtain a membership, they may enjoy greater privileges, in addition to be able to integrate to all the communities that wish and have the capacity to integrate.

As you can see, it is an idea of ​​a governmental system, which places users with the greatest force, those who have control over the groups and the platform in their own way, since it is for and for them that this initiative by name Native, is focused. The strength is in the joining.

Use Cases

Vivian is a quiet girl, she is always at home and normally her social life is limited to her three friends, she has a part-time job that does not cover all her economic needs, but Vivian has a concern and she does not know to almost nobody who shares their love of the environment. One of her friends mentioned to her about a project that worked on the internet and that was focused precisely on that topic that she is so interested in, so she decides to investigate until she finds Native.

Since he had some cryptocurrencies, all of them unused because he had stopped doing cryptocurrencies, he decided that he could invest that amount of money that he had inside the platform, since the group he saw (earth guardians) called him both the attention that did not have to think much more and took the final step that integrated her into this great community.

So it was the impact that the platform had on Vivian, that now she is one of the moderators of the server, and helps many others with their projects and selecting initiatives that for her fulfill the basic functions required to be approved and voted by the community, All this giving him a great personal benefit, since now he has even made many new friends and have met several times even, Vivian made a decision that changed his daily routine a lot, and Native gave him that opportunity.


Society is important, and in every area in which we place it in context, it always makes a difference, either because thanks to a society of two or more individuals, things accelerate, projects are completed with new ideas or improved the existing ones, the times in general are often reduced and stronger and unexpected relationships are created for many, the truth of all this is that by nature we are destined to be a society that is related to each other, and although in many opportunities there are also differences, misunderstandings occur and ideas are corrupted by certain groups, the truth is that with the proper rules and order, everything is possible and to show a button; because the society that has created humanity to this day is one that has been structured through societies, large groups, and union and although nothing is perfect, things that are done with good intention have decisive results and able to change history as we know it.


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This was my entry to the weekly contest of the people of @originalworks

hoping it will be of their liking and seeing another time, i say good bye for now



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I upvoted your post.

Keep steeming for a better tomorrow.
@Acknowledgement - God Bless

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