in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change"Charles Darwin

Wars, difficulties, danger, crises, promote the search for accelerated changes in any living being. Adapts to change or dies. There are several ways to adapt to change, whether the species adapt to the system or (as our specie has done) the system is adapted to the species.

Ten years ago, in 2008 there was a global financial crisis, which began in 2007 with the subprime mortgage market in the United State and finally was developed in an international banking crisis. In the same year, a character named Satoshi Nakamoto appeared with a paper titled Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System. Where he proposed the first decentralized peer to peer monetary system, which leaves aside the monetary system dependent on the government and on banking intermediation.

Bitcoin was the first, then platforms like Ethereum emerged and improved this new system. The years have passed and there are now more than 1500 cryptocurrencies in the world. This shows the confidence that this new emerging financial system has produced and tha confidence is the main reason of the rapid development of this new system on present days.

The financial system where we live have been continuously changing to a system where semi-technical users have power over their money. The blockchain technology aims for a development where non-technical communities will be able to generate and manage their own currencies.

We went from the centralized system that produced the global financial crisis of 2008, to a new decentralized system. However who will be the one able to finish the creation of this new system where Prosperous Communities Economies can be built? Empowering the community-focused decisiond and community-controled economic dynamics.

Native does not pretend to be a company. The innovative aspect of Native is that it is a network of Communities where the voice of all counts. A Newtwork where each community have the power to decide how its niche should be managed. Native poses a new way of interacting between users and community economics. Native brings people together with common perspectives all around the world, unites collective commitment to taking joint action to achieve common goals.

Native is a new platform Built on the Ethereum Blockchain that provides the structure and necessary tools for the communities (with limited economic knowledge or basic technical knowledge) that want to give value, operate their local currencies, and share a common interest or mission. The power of Native is in the Communities that comprises.

The primary benefits of starting a Community with Native are: raising capital (through the issuance of tokens), deciding in a decentralized (collective) way and the ability to mint tokens that have real-world value.

In the Native community there are two types of users:

Knowledge of the initial vision of the community.Ability to join single or multiple Communities that shares the same interests.
Trusted administrators of Communities.Have the final say on capital deployment and governance decision.
They filter the most beneficial contents for members and the Community.Have the capability of replacing the Curator if necessary.

Token Design

Original Design

Native has a very diverse ecosystem, it will contain the Native Token (NTV) and the Community Currencies (local currency created for each Community). Native Token is the base currency for all other currencies in Native.

Native will issue its tokens following Bancor's Smart Tokens model on which Smart Tokens have a Reserve in a base currency. Bancor use a protocol to convert between any two tokens on the platform without counterparty, at an automatically calculated price. In addition of this, Native uses a model of the continuous token model (tokens are created whenever it is needed) for the Smart Tokens. This model allows "Instant liquidity for Tokens at the calculated price thaks to accurate indicators of market size and activity. Currency value will be based on tangible results, rather than speculation".

The price of the token is calculated as follows:

PPrice of Token
CConnector/Reserve Balance (Total value of a Currency’s Reserve)
OOutstanding Supply (Number of tokens in circulation)
CWConnector Weight (Volatility level for a Currency ranging from 0-100%)


Funds sent into a Token Contract are split and can be sent down three paths: 1. Community Fund - Resource pool for community spending 2. Smart Token Converter - Traditional Bancor Converter which modifies price and supply based on connector weight. 3. Connector Balance - Direct addition of value to existing token supply. Source: Whitepaper Page 7


When Tokens are sent back into their Smart Token Contract, the tokens are exchanged for base currency held in reserve. No funds from the Community Fund are removed during a redemption. When tokens are redeemed the Connector Balance decreases, and liquidity for that token is lowered. Base Currency is sent to the Converter’s wallet.Source: Whitepaper Page 8

Native Token and Community Currencies

Initially split

Native TokenCommunity Currency
Community Fund - 50%Community Fund - 80%
Smart Token Converter - 10%Smart Token Converter - 10%
Connector Balance – 40%Conector Balance- 10%

To begin NTV will maintain a 10% Connector Weight, equal to Smart Token Converter. To guarantee a significant pool of liquidity the users should move back into Bancor Network Token (BNT) or ETH. Once the first round of Communities is functional, Native will evaluate the Community performance. Over time, this will allow for split recommendations based on size and type of community.

How does Native value the Communities to achieve a fair market value?

  • Reserve Balance/Connector Weight
  • Reliable and influential curators
  • How much the Members value the Community
  • Quantity of Members
  • Activity of Members within Native
  • Capital and administration of the Community Fund
  • Internal and external impact of the Community
  • Benefits of membership
  • Income and current and future rewards

In addition, the Native ecosystem is based on its community and currency (NTV). Its design allows communities to grow when Native grows, this is possible since the base currency of all communities is the same. An additional advantage of this model is that if there is a contraction of Native is not causative of Community contraction.

When the Native platform is 100% functional, Native will migrate communities to Aragon (a platform that believes decentralized organizations can solve the world's worst problems). Native has a simple and transparent interface for decision making. As long as 100% of operation is not reached, the features will be malleable, among them are:

The Dashboard allows each community to display information regarding active projects, available tasks, and membership history. To access each Community users use Web3 wallets that serve to identify themselves and as a transaction mechanism within Native.

Community Currency allows communities to be able to promote their own economy without having to interfere with the economy of the other communities in Native. Each Community can give the functionality that it wants to its currency.

The amount of Community Currency needed to become a Membership (own participation rights) of a community is determined by the Curator. Communities can allocate a portion of their Currency to other projects or Communities.

The Community Fund allows promoting growth and achieve goals (tasks, projects, and operations) within each Community. The Community Fund grows based on new members joining, Revenues recycling into the fund and the participation and impact of each member.

The Collective Decision Making Tools are necessary to achieve the consolidation of the projects. Initially, there must be capital in the Community Fund and add it to the Curator panel. Then there must be Members (in a stipulated time) interested in supporting the project. If there is budget available and the Members support the project, the funds are allocated to the designated wallet. Thus, both conditions must be met, if any fails escrowed funds move back into the Community Fund.


Sara and Angel are brothers and live in different countries. Both have passions in common, love animals and fight for the conservation of the environment. The both of them have grupos of friends that help to save dogs from the street, take care of them and look for a adoptive homes. They also promote sustainable development.

Sara and Angel have created the communities that grow every day. They want to have some way to unite their (informal) organizations so that people in other countries are encouraged to join and not only give support to dogs but to all living beings that need assistance. They have many ideas to develop, but they do not know how to move forward, they want to do something unique and completely new that generates a really positive impact on the entire society. Angel and Sara are a bit frustrated because they and their friends have the intention of improving their community but do not have the tools to generate the change that they dream.They feel alone trying to build a new world.

Joan one of Sara's friends reads on Steemit about a platform that promotes the construction of Communities, gives power to users within that community and allows engagement in joint action on a global scale. She met Native, an ecosystem based on blockchain technology where she and the people that share their same vision can interact in a new way. Finally Sara and Angel know Native. They are very happy because now they have the means to become a reality all the ideas they have.

With Native they can unite communities with their same purpose no matter where they are. They know that many people want to save the planet and distance will no longer be a difficulty. They know that their community within Native will grow and multiply very fast. They can create projects based on renewable energies or projects to save the life of animals that are about to disappear. Their communities can create their own token, reward and sponsor the effort of all those who are involved with this idea. The best thing for it is that now communities are capable of boosting the value they already hold and they will be able to carry out joint actions to build the community that its members have envisioned.

Native generates the tools for communities to take their decisions, guide and develop their projects how they want. Uniting through decentralized Blockchain technology all the people in the world with the same interests and passions. Taking joint action, designing their own economy, succeeding together in their common goals.

Don't expect to be told, if you want to do things that are more related to the things that you really want to be doing. Native is the perfect solution for you.

Do you want to create your own community? Start right now

Do you want to join an existing community?

              Join                                Participate                               Thrive        

Find communities that care Choose, fund and work on community projects. Help your community to realize its vision. about the things you do Donate your mad skills The community's value is derived from its growth and success.

Find Your Community, Make your dream a Reality

Here my video about Native

Value Flow Overview


Native App is live

A video about Native's Vision



You can download the Native's Whitepaper

Native was founded by Jake Vartanian, early cryptocurrency influencer & Cryptodex Founder. There are a collection of individuals and organizations with aligned values with Native. Some of them are shown below.

Advisors (guiding in the development of Native)

Do you want to join to their Team? Send a email Here


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Here is the link to my tweet about Native

This is the entry for the @originalworks contest



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