Effect.AI: A One-Stop Decentralized Marketplace for Artificial Intelligence

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)


It all started when philosophers attempt to define living things as a sort of symbolic system, and the term 'artificial intelligence' never existed until 1956. It was coined at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire. Artificial intelligence (AI) has improved lives onward, it has helped individuals and big corporations in data gathering, analysis, and protection.

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The fourth industrial revolution will be made possible by artificial intelligence, the most obvious deployment of AI is in automobile industry and robotics. In 2009, Google built first self-driving car 1. Fast forward to nine years (2018), one of the largest Chinese business empires (Alibaba) built AI with high reading and comprehension capability, it outscored top humans at Stanford University, According to Wikipedia, this AI had 82.40 versus 82.304 on a set of 100,000 questions 2. This is incredible.

How Effect Force Will Help Employment in Developing Countries

Source: Adapted from light paper

Effect.AI creates a pot of gold for skilled, semiskilled and unskilled individuals by eliminating 'black box' in the artificial intelligence industry.

During Effect mechanical turk MVP demo with Charlie and Effect.AI team, quite a lot of things were explained by the team- jobs would be made available on the website and workers with access to computer and internet can execute HITs (Human Intelligence Tasks). The requester who is the provider of HIT will give a certain amount of reward to workers in form of EFX token. These jobs are by no means difficult, it only requires few clicks with the mouse or the touchpad.

Source: Adapted from light paper

More than 70 percent of countries around the globe have less than $500 average monthly income, as a result, their hourly rate is better left to be imagined, maybe unimagined. Citizens of these developing countries, especially in Africa and Southeast Asia are poorly compensated. Information provided by Effect.AI telegram bot shows that current market price of EFX token is $0.058. In the Effect.AI light paper, estimated fees of $9.40 will be paid to workers per hour, this is about thrice amount of hourly rates that are obtainable in developing countries. By implication, workers who are diligent can earn about $100 per day through Effect M-Turk. This is unbeatable in both centralized and decentralized sphere. To a large extent, migration from developing to the developed nation will reduce. Effect.AI will distribute wealth more equitably among on-demand, scalable and distributed workforces.

Fair and Instant Payment Will Impact Adaptability

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In other AI markets, payment of workers could take one to three weeks. To many users, this is a discouraging factor. For God's sake, freelancers are not salaried! They want the flexibility of the highest order.

Pay them their wages each day before sunset, because they are poor and are counting on it. Otherwise, they may cry to the LORD against you, and you will be guilty of sin. Deuteronomy 24:15

Many centralized marketplaces demand that workers must have a minimum amount of money in their wallets before any withdrawal can be initiated. Can you imagine this? Wire transfer is slow and recipients bear transaction cost, too many middle entities makes working a little bit unattractive. PayPal does not serve all countries and Payoneer who does, often charge a premium as a transaction fee. Instant payment and low transaction fee will motivate workers to fall in love with Effect.AI, they will become versatile with time.

Wherever there is fairness, it opens happiness, hence productivity skyrockets.

Micro-tasking Will Solve Many Problems

Source: Adapted from light paper

Micro-tasking is the focal point of Effect M-Turk (phase one), it will allow requesters to bring tasks that cannot be performed by algorithms and machines to the platform. Tasks such as obscure text, image or voice recognition are given to humans to perform. Tasks are broken down by professionals as it involves deep thinking and strategic planning. Micro-tasking can solve the following problems;

  • it will improve the economic condition of individuals who execute the broken tasks. Any human with access to the internet, computer, spare time and stable electric power supply can benefit from micro-tasking.
  • it will help organizations to distribute workload, and give them the flexibility to choose the location, age, and gender of prospective participants that would execute the tasks.
  • difficult or time-consuming data can be processed because typical micro-tasking mechanisms are identification of points, data comparison, and drawing shapes. This information is important in building AI for cars, satellites, and robots.

More Use Case

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Effect.AI creates artificial intelligence marketplace, no doubt, building AI involves a certain level of skills and education. It involves a kind of uncommon ingenuity. Many youths don't want to miss out on what will define next phase of the industrial revolution, and the best way to predict the future is to prepare for it. It is needless to say people want to acquire knowledge on how AI is built. Effect.AI could create a marketplace where tutors meet the tutored, and transactions between these parties will be fueled by EFX. There would be a one-stop platform for AI education, development, leasing, buying and selling.

Effect.AI will soon get listed on Hitbtc, one of the top 10 cryptocurrency exchanges in the world. There is wisdom in buying the EFX token in anticipation of the future.

Here is what @autofreak have to say about Effect.AI.


This post has been submitted for the OriginalWorks Sponsored contest!
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I just had a chance to read your post fully. little bit to late to be able to upvote. sorry

Really good piece of work. Im following all @originalworks contenst and I know that this is second time they want people to write about effect.ai.
competition seem to be fierce and I must admit that your post is one of my fav so far.

You mind if i would ask you few questions?

  1. it's not easy to purchase effect.ai. which exchange would you recommend as reliable and safe?
  2. do you think that effect.ai will be more successful as a marketplace comparing to dbc? any thoughts?



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