Liquidity Network: it is the optimal fusion of the centralized world and the blockchain

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

Liquidity Network: it is the optimal fusion of the centralized world and the blockchain.



Introduction and problems

Trading with cryptocurrencies is increasingly common. It is normal to pay for products and services between people using cryptocurrencies. However, it is not enough. Despite its great growth and greater use, trade with cryptocurrencies is still done with a very low percentage, if we talk about trade in general.

There are times when we have money but not liquidity. Money is present in investments, in assets, but we can not make transactions quickly and easily.

Liquidity is the ability to have liquid money (easily exchanged).

To understand it better, imagine this. We are in a town where there is no availability of points of sale, or electronic means of payment. We can have a lot of money in our bank accounts, but nothing of liquidity if we do not have cash to make payments quickly.

In trading with cryptocurrencies, the lack of liquidity is also present, you can have saved some cryptocurrencies or token, but not having the capacity or liquidity to buy or trade with them quickly.

Added to this are other problems, such as novice users may believe that the means of exchanging cryptocurrencies are a bit complicated, and the most advantaged in this medium demand speed and less fees per transaction.

These scalability problems (more transactions per second) and high costs per transaction prevent the blockchain technology and commerce from being massive once and for all.


Liquidity is the Solution


What is Liquidity Network?

Liquidity Network is a simple, decentralized and very secure payment system, under the Ethereum network allowing the payment outside the chain to improve the speed and lower costs per transaction regardless of the amounts of the same.

Liquidity Network is presented as a solution, because it uses all the benefits of the blockchain as security and combines it with the benefits of centralized systems.

Blockchain projects that have arisen make the mistake of discarding the benefits of centralized systems, and with that attitude do not seek the solution to the well-known blockchain problems such as scalability and high costs.

Liquidity Network does not put users' cryptocurrencies at risk as it is a non-custodial payment system, that is, it does not require users to block funds while making transactions..

How does it work?

Liquidity Network has a structure where the best of the blockchain merges with the best of the centralized systems.

Nocust Hub


It is one of the two pillars of Liquidity Network, Noscust Hub is a payment system practically person to person, where the members are the custodians of the funds.

One of the main features of Noscust is that users at all times are the owners of their private keys. The Noscut Hub works as a payment hub where funds are always accessible and can be transferred between users who require it.

Noscust Hub works outside the blockchain in very secure and fast centralized servers, which brings as a benefit greater processing of transactions per second (scalability) and of course lower costs per transaction.



REVIVE is the perfect partner of Noscut Hub, as we already said Liquidity Network merges the best of centralized systems with the best of the blockchain.

After making transactions in a fast, secure way out of the chain, it is time to register them in the blockchain network. This process is usually very slow and expensive. But REVIVE does it in a compact way outside the chain, and then when doing what is known as rebalancing the chain, it is much faster and cheaper.

Liquidity Network is better than the competition, inside and outside the blockchain

It's better as Exchange of cryptocurrencies


It's better as a payment solution



Summing up the characteristics of Liquidity Network




The means of payment in blockchain have some difficulties and centralized even more. However Liquidity Network has been able to identify these problems to give you a solution.

Liquidity Network has merged the best of both systems and has developed a highly efficient functional structure, obtaining the best of centralized systems and developed NoscutHub, eliminating scalability problems and high transaction costs. Then join it to the blockchain in an efficient and economical way with the use of REVIVE.

For the end user it is very beneficial because it obtains speed, security, economy and fluidity in its payments and transactions.

Liquidity Network is the optimal fusion of the centralized world and the blockchain.


Some videos about Liquidity


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