We need a decentralized social network without elites or corporations. No censorship

in #blockchain6 years ago (edited)

#Anonymous All power of community No censorship

Do you have an idea of your value on social networks? What is your Facebook account value ? This is the question that can be asked after the dizzying sums committed by the giants of the Web. You're going to be surprised.. 💰 💰

Check this facebook is a total scam ....

The "Like" button allows brands to retrieve, in turn, information about you. According to an Eventbrite study published in 2011, a "like" would give $ 1.34. The study, which used internal social analysis tools to track ticket sales on the site, was the result of a similar analysis released by the company in October after analyzing the data for 12 weeks. Without knowing it, you are bringing money back to your favorite networks. Facebook using powerful algorithms, they exploit the least private data on the Internet. Once organized, the set can be used to create a user profile, which can be updated based on your updates left on the Internet.

This quest for private data is the new business battle. Brands are ready for anything so that your characteristics, your moods, your motivations allow you to offer you the best product. And these mountains of information are worth gold, because once deposited on the Internet, they can be sold. We need a decentralized social network where all power belongs to the community

What is the true value of my facebook page? "If it really is the value they say, between giving that money to facebook or to the community and knowing that facebook makes an income about 30 trillion per year and that Steemit is a decentralized social media ...1.34 $ the "like" increases rapidly..

The first blockchain was then conceptualized by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 and was implemented the following year as an essential component of the digital currency bitcoin, where it serves as a public accountant for all transactions. Through the use of a peer-to-peer network and a distributed timestamping server, a blockchain database is managed autonomously. The invention of block chain for bitcoine is the first digital currency to solve the problem of duplicate spending without requiring a trusted administrator.

The concept of decentralization has gained popularity and is a movement in its own right. Block chain technology consists in distributing power to all people and not to a centralized group using cryptocurrence. With a decentralized social network all the power belongs to the community without elites or companies. The government has no control over cryptocurrencies because they are completely decentralized. Most public platforms use a centralized network. The concept of decentralization blocks technology to distribute power to people and a centralized group.

The transactions represent the exchanges between the users, which are stored in the blocks of the blockchain. The different transactions recorded are grouped into blocks. After saving recent transactions, a new block is generated, it is time stamped and added to the block chain. Transactions are visible throughout the network. Once added to the channel, a block can no longer be modified or deleted, which guarantees the authenticity and security of the network.

Blockchain technologies go beyond transactions and "exchange of value without powerful intermediaries acting as arbiters of money and information". Is allowing the protection of privacy and people to "monetize their own information", and provide the capability to ensure creators are compensated for their intellectual property. Second-generation blockchain technology makes it possible to store an individual's "persistent digital ID and persona" and are providing an avenue to help solve the problem of social inequality by " the way wealth is distributed."

What is Cryptocurrency ?

In the simplest of forms, cryptocurrency is digital currency. The flagship application of this technology is crypto-currencies as is the case for example, the bitcoin, which is still far from being the only virtual currency. A cryptocurrence is a medium of exchange as normal currencies as it is USD, more designed to exchange digital information through a process made possible by certain principles of cryptography. Cryptography is used to secure transactions and create new coins. The first cryptocurrence to create was Bitcoin in 2009. Today, there are hundreds of other cryptocurrents. Unlike the centralized bank, such as the Federal Reserve system, where governments control the value of a currency as USD through the printing of fiduciary money, the government has no control over cryptocurrences, Because they are completely decentralized.

All cryptocurrencies are maintained by a community of cryptocurrency who are members of the general public that have set up their computers or ASIC machines to participate in the validation and processing of transactions. All cryptocurrences are pseudo-anonymous, and some parts have added features to create true anonymity.


Edward Snowden's messages posted on the Internet by AdBlock on the occasion of the World Day Against Cyber ​​Censorship, March 12, 2016.

"Even if you do not do anything wrong, you are monitored and recorded"

Without freedom of expression, there is no modern world, just a barbaric world. Authorities not only use handcuffs and arrests, but also media attacks. Governments are eagerly seeking the power to control increasingly important aspects of online communication. While some governments are seeking laws that allow authorities to perform intrusive mass surveillance and censor what people see online, others are trying to acquire technologies that allow them to spy on people, hack their devices, or to censor freedom of expression online.

Assange calling on internet companies to resist government pressure to weaken privacy and free speech online, and instead develop and adopt technologies, such as encryption, that empower rights in the digital world.

It’s no secret that fake news online is a big issue. Fake news is big business, and it has unfortunately become a common way to make money with a blog. With a wider reach today than ever before, many people are making claims that fake news even affected the outcome of the election for our next President. On the surface, that makes sense. Many people only consume news from social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, so it doesn’t take much for misinformation to spread. While Facebook and Google have announced plans to crack down on fake news, including the outright exclusion of certain domains from their services, one of the biggest names in the news today says a different approach is needed.

Edward Snowden said that the solution to the problem of false information lies not in censorship, but simply in the truth.

"The answer to a bad speech is not censorship. The answer to a bad speech is more speech. We must exercise and spread the idea that critical thinking is more important than ever, since lies seem to become very popular. "

He didn’t offer his opinion on whether fake news did indeed impact the election, but Snowden expressed worry that companies will use a blanket excuse of “fake news” to censor breaking, urgent, or controversial content from users. In other words, the fight against fake news could lead to a situation where Google and Facebook are using their power simply to silence any content they don’t like.

Instead of asking Google or Facebook to “referee” content, Snowden said, people should talk about and point out the truth, and the real content would eventually outweigh the lies. It’s about creating an open marketplace of ideas. Snowden himself has taken this strategy when it comes to news, appearing in the press to fight back against allegations against him that he feels are untrue.

Snowden focused on a number of other surveillance and security topics, including metadata monitoring issues (Snowden says it's "more intrusive" than dummy content) and a privacy imbalance. (normal citizens with almost no privacy and high officials have total privacy). A growing number of supporters have called on President Trump to pardon the whistleblower, who is currently being prosecuted in the United States, the President has not demonstrated his intention to pardon Snowden even calling for the execution of Snowden in the US. past.

Snowden also suggested that too many people rely on one

Data integrity is the main benefit conferred by blockchain technology. A digital currency - the first use case of the blockchain. No one will adopt a digital currency unless they are sure that their data will not be corrupted or distorted. In other words, there is at least one plausible reason for wanting to use blockchain technology to handle currency transactions.

That's why the recent use of China's blockchain technology in response to the #MeToo move is so interesting.

By the end of 2017, more and more stories were being shared on Chinese social media about sexual harassment and abuse of position in Chinese universities. At first, the movement was called woyeshi, the Chinese spelling of "Me Too". The Chinese government and technology platforms have repeatedly tried to filter such stories by censoring a variety of hashtags and keywords that activists have used.

Once on blockchain the information you want expose is embedded in the blockchain. So he can not censored. As a result, activists turned to blockchain technology to record their stories. This website simply uses a chain book process to block stories of sexual harassment.

This is a use case that meets the three criteria described above. The victims desperately do not want to be censored; the other parties have a deep interest in censoring them; and people can find value in stories of discrimination only if they have not been censored. "MeToo" is a compelling case in which blockchain has helped people overcome a real data integrity problem.

Read :

I suggest you https://www.minds.com who looks more like facebook or and for written article/video more convenient on Steemit https://steemit.com


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Stop the censorship at its source. Google Earth Masonic Lodges/Temples/Offices for every US state and city. Meeting times are listed for this corrupt secret satanic society.

All elections are rigged by them. They have judges, police forces and high ranking military people in their order. Playing fair won't stop the New World Order.

blockchain can ;)

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