in #blockchain6 years ago

Hello steemians
Am writing this post as my entry into @crypto.piotr cotton coin writing contest which is sponsored by cotton coin technology and organised by @crypto.piotr


Its been quite a while since I have written a post,I just decided to make a change for a good purpose today as this post surely goes above a mere contest post to a bold step which might revolutionize the cotton industry and make a change in the life of the participants in the industry especially farmers in 3rd world countries.

cotton coin logo.jpg

The requirements of this contest are quite much so i will list them accordingly and leave answers to the requirements along the way

Question 1
how Cotton Coin is able to disrupt and improve the cotton industry around the world. Helping both farmers and their customers.

Cotton coin is a blockchain based solution to the cotton industry which will surely change the way the whole game plays out as blockchain technology is the most effective technology so far which has succesfully eradicated the use of middlemen and corruption and promote transparency,get rewarded for performing certain actions using cotton coin technology as well as support the network through hosting of nodes.

These values mentioned above are exactly what cotton coin is focused on achieving through some intresting incentives put in place for long term growth of the project and cotton industry as a whole.

Question 2
What is the aim of this project,what their goals are and how do they want to achieve them

According to what I can deduct after doing some research and reading the cotton coin whitepaper...I can say cotton coin is a company which intends to use blockchain technology to change the cotton industry especially in 3rd world countries

-> to eradicate corruption in the cotton industry.
-> to revolutionize the cotton industry into a more profitable and realistic model especially in 3rd world countries.
-> eradicate delay in payments related to cotton sale.
-> ease in the purchase of cotton all over the world.
-> create a global transparent cotton market which is fair for both farmers and consumers.

how do they plan to achieve them
Basically through blockchain technology with the use of dapps(decentralized applications) which will facilitate ease and interaction with the cotton industry.

Question 3
Why does the cotton industry need blockchain and how can this industry benefit.

The cotton industry needs the blockchain for transparency to avoid/eradicate corruption which promotes fairness and enable almost instant sale and purchase of cotton worldwide.

Question 4
What are some of the problems that cotton coin are trying to solve and how do they want to achieve that.

●Corruption <<>> solved through transparency on public distributed ledgers and traceability of cotton

●delay in payments <> instant payments enabled through the blockchain technology.

Question 5
How does it improve trust with consumers,retailers and authorities

Definitely through transparency and instant payments but even much more as stated on page 11 of the whitepaper that makes mention of a reputation system which will promote reputable business behavior among participants as well as give cotton farmers hints on the best cotton buyers through their reputation.

Question 6
Intresting examples of cotton coin in action

Not directly related but closely related to some extent


Question 7
What benefit can cotton coin bring to the world cotton industry especially the third world countries?


advancement in the global cotton market

elimination of corrup middlemen

motivation for farmers which leads to increase in production of cotton.

development of third world countries and its farmers

Question 8
How can the cotton coin introduce transparency and improve the supply chain in the cotton industry?

Sales and transactions records in the supply chain are immutable and unalterable through cotton coin and all information are been shared in a public and distributed ledger which enables transparency and avoids all form of distrust and fraud.

Question 9
How can cotton coin be used to ensure that the cotton farmers and producers are paid the correct buy price and get paid in a timely manner?

Pretty will list their cotton for sale on cotton coin platform and it will be purchased by the highest buyers which entails that the price the highest buyer purchases at during a particular sale is the highest amount attainable for the cotton,besides the farmer is at liberty not to sell his cotton if he feels the price is not fair or profitable.

Question 10
In what ways can integrating the cotton supply line with blockchain technology impact the overall industry.

Cotton coin if integrated with blockchain technology will create an avenue for a live fair price of cotton on a global market which will enable farmers to know the right and wrong times to sell their cotton

Also transparency will exist and participants in the cotton industry do not have to worry about being victims of fraud,corruption or manipulation

And lastly,impact positively the lives of farmers worldwide.


I hope you learnt one or 2 things from this article,comments,contributions and criticism are highly welcomed as usual..I remain my humbleself @amec

cotton 1.jpg

For more information on cotton coin,refer to these links below:


You really did a nice job
Kudos to you
You deserve some accolades
On behalf of @crypto.piotr

Awwnn.... Tnx man

Man you nailed it, though you could stylish your post better, it's still very OK. On behalf of @crypto.piotr, i say thank you for participating and good luck.

Thanks for the nice not really a fan of fancy writing....i focus more on the core basics and stuff....if u noticed,i talked more on cotton coin itself than other variables like hype,marketing,promotion,team etc

I noticed and it's great. I was able to learn a lot from your questions and answers and I hope many do too.

Styling here I mean use markdown styling to do heading, bold, numbering etc to make post more attractive. But this is not part of the contest so there's no problem.
I understand...tnx man

This is great, expounding the good news about cotton coin. Well done guy.

Tnx sweetie😍😍😍😘😘😘

hahaha naughty @amec ! :)

Greetings @amec


We would like to confirm that your entry has been submited. Thank you for your time and effort.

Results of this contest will be announced on saturday 14/07/2018. You can find more details visiting @crypto.piotr profile and checking out his latest post:

Best regards, Cotton Coin Team
Cotton Coin

Dear @amec

That was a long week and I definitely did not expect this contest to become so popular. I expected 15-20 reviews about Cotton Coin but ended up with almost 60 entries. Crazy but positive :)

Let me already express how personally grateful I am for your support. This has been my first sponsored contest and I can safely say that I have already gained and learned so much of valuable knowledge from it.

Regardless if you will be one of the awarded winners or not - I want you to know that I will do my best to check your profile every few days and support all quality content related to blockchain, AI, human psychology or crypto (as those are my main topic of passion).

I have almost 60 reviews to go through and I want to personally read each one. It might take me some time but I will definitely reply to any of your comments.

Also: Im looking for few judges who would help me select some of the best reviews submitted. Please visit my latest post (contest update) for more details.

Obviously upvoted :)

All the best, Piotr

This is a good review about cotton coin, this incentives is highly necessary both in developed and developing countries. So as to maximize both quality and yields. And also ensure efficiency and transparency that are not available in current production conditions.

Thanks a lot for stopping by man😍

I totally agree with you @donaldpete. Cotton Coin will surely face many challanges ahead and as part of their team I can only hope that we will overcome most of those challenges. It's surely not going to be easy.

Organising an airdrop can go an extra mile in building a strong community and creation of positive hype

Please accept my appplogy for such a late reply @amec

Past several days has been very hectic and busy and I didn't have enough time to reply all received comments. Usually I have time to do that on weekends.

Thank you for your never ending support. I appreciate it a lot

Unfortunatelly I dont have any experience with airdrops. I never took part or organized any. What about you @amec? Did you take part of any airdrop in the past?


Yes I did in quite a lot of airdrops and each one of them turned out in different ways depending on the type of airdrop strategy that was adopted as well as the team hardwork and tokemetrics.........airdrops need strategic planning to be successful

I would absolutely love to keep in touch with you @amec and learn more about airdrops. Perhaps we could even work closer together in the future.

The only problem is that you seem not to be receiving any of my emails lately. You didnt reply to my last few.

Can you check if you can even find them?


I will check them out now

As cryptocurrencies gain more attention from the media, some developers are losing sight of the early visions. Your post touches upon some of the original developers’ beliefs: uplifting smaller enterprises, combating corruption, and building up the remote economies like those in the third world.

Thanks a lot for outlining and recognizing the core aspects of my post ☺

Hi @amec from what I can make out,
Cotton coin has a Pee2peer system and mobile dApps that work out the traceabilty

How do all parties in the process verify the process of the transaction
....................and transfer process esalong the supply chain

Thanks for stopping by @maxiemoses-eu
I think there is a little bit of misunderstanding in your comment and I will try to clarify it to the best of my ability.

Please understand that the mobile dapps are not directly related to cotton coin itself but are inter-related and inter connected in its ecosystem for it's functionality.

The dapps are just basically tools built to enhance the performance of cotton coin part of which traceability and QR code scanning among others are included

As for verification of transaction....the QR code scanning Dapp is very useful in determining cotton quality(weight,size)etc then the escrow and instant payment system of cotton coin makes guaranteed payments available for the farmers.

Additionally,cotton buyers can also track their purchased cotton through the traceability dapp in real time......

In short.....every action in the supply chain process is fully covered by incentives mainly through the aforementioned Dapps

So what you are willing to make me understand is that this tools are not birthed by Cotton coin but Cotton coin provides room for this tool to be sandwiched into the system.

Am I right with my new understanding ?

Yeah yeah....exactly😊

Maybe you might come up to emerge a winner in the qiuz

Haha...tnx a lot... I would really love that ☺

lol.who wouldnt love to win.......... everyone will.......... best of luck in your participation

Did u also participate

Sure I did
...........sliding around with an entry to the quest
was also cute for me but for me........ it more than a quest
but a means to get to read great content like yours and many more

Haha.... Cool
I just went through your blog
You are really good too...thumbs up man

hmmmmmm............. you actually had the time to check on my blog. I had to apply me hands to it in support of my friend @crypto.piotr

I like to ask you
......which country are you from
and is the state of agriculture and cotton cultivation in your Nation?

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