Making A Great First Impression and Taming Waves Of Uncertainty


It is the end of another wildly productive week and I am excited with what is coming next week.

I am going to be exhibiting one of the principles I ahve been hammering away for weeks now on my blog, so I will advice my readers to not only listen to what I write, they should also watch my actions

I have found out that there are a lot of bloggers that are out telling people all year of what they should do, I belive that apart from telling people the way, It is also Important to show them the way, that is when education is Complete

IN last week's Blockchain Blogger series I touched on Two Important aspects when It comes to Content Creation, how to sell your content( Headlines) and getting the right perception when it comes to growing your blog (Uncertainty)

The first post of the week was titled : You Just Wrote A Killer Post, And You Need A Killer Headline. Hers's Help

One of the hitches to content creation is finding the right headline, a headline can make or mar your post. And it can be the difference between making $10 and $100 on a post

The post talked about ways to go about crafting the perfect headline for your post and examples of Place to get Inspiration

The Following are Comments from Readers

@theheralds said

Headlines promotes and also kill a post, most headline are captivating but do not have the readers mind. For our post to be appealing to our followers the headline should not only be captivating but should depict the body of the post. Still @theheralds

@ironshield said

Dear @ogochukwu,

I don't know that works very well, but I know a few that don't work for me anyway.

Please don't (I know you won't) use the "Here's why you should do this" or "Here's why we should not do that" line. I'm shocked how many titles are pretty much saying "Let us do the thinking for you."

Don't (I know you won't) use the "15 reasons that..." or "Top 10 bla bla bla" click-bait titles. I do not like them, I fall for them every time. Yes, they get my click, but I do not walk away thinking well of the article or author (who are usually anonymous.) It's even worse when the title says something sensational like "#4 will change your life forever." Common. Really?

Don't (I know you won't) use Buzzfeed for inpiration.


The Second Post Of The Week is : The Biggest Lie When It Comes To Growing Your Steemit Blog

Everyday a lot of Steemians set out to write a post, but eventually give up mostly due to lack of ideas of what to post but another reasons is uncertaintly that comes with posting

There is no assurance that the post would mkae anything due to the perception of scarity of upvotes, the post shows the right approach and the actual way to get the upvotes you so desire

The following are Comments from readers

@maxdevalue said

Value is what everyone seeks in life, steemit is not exempted, someone must need to work on his/herself knowledge wise, especially in his or her area of interest; that I noticed that people who post about games are making lots of rewards is not enough good reason for me who doesn’t know anything about gaming to now start writing about games.

That’s a wrong motive, but if it’s compulsory or rather necessary that I must post about games, then it means that I must try and gather momentum and enough information about gaming, in order to build a good traffic to my blog which will eventually turn to good rewards coming my way!

@rickie said

@ogochukwu, your post really hit the right nerves. There are really many factors which prevents people from expressing themselves on the platform, But like you rightly pointed out - adding value and targeting an audience is the way to go.

Also, persistence and consistency would help anyone succeed on the platform. Without persistence, then there's no point blogging on steemit anyways.
Lack of persistence is the reason why so many people open accounts - make failed attempts and quit.

That's the end of last weeks review and I would like to thank my avid supporters, @greenrun, @nairadaddy, @rok-sivante, @modernpastor, @seyiodus, and a whole lot of others

Thanks for Reading

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Thanks For Reading


As an avid blogger who hopes to become better in my posts, I must say these posts are very helpful. Can't wait to see what's for next week. Keep them coming @ogochukwu

Thanks for reading and your engagement @wayemo

@ogochukwu, thanks for showing us the ways to go about steemit. We should develop a kind of love for what we are doing.
You really love to teach others to benefit from steemit and it is actually helping out.
Also thanks for mentioning me as on of the avid supporters. I am here to continue to support.
I will be looking forward to next week topic on #blockchain-blogger.



Thanks for reading and keep striving for excellence and you will achieve more on this platform. @seyiodus

Nice recap of an awesome week. I just notice the more I steem the more I earn learn. That is a simple truth. I have wasted a lot of years on other social media websites that give you no new knowledge which when I compare all the years to my 3 months plus on here pales in comparison.

I completely agree with you @greenrun. The more i blog on the platform, the more i learn. Steemit is a whole new world of information and possibilities. I'm glad i joined.

@rickie I like that you agree. Let's learn more.

Just like I said in a recent post Steemit is a school and with the introduction of Utopian it is bound to get better @greenrun

We can only go up from here. It is a moon ride and the rocket is about to take off.

YES BOSS! @ogochukwu. I'll be looking out for how you demonstrate all your teachings. They are too many. BTW: you should consider lecturing job post-school. Go and deal with all those uni students that don't listen. Move them all to steemit as a class assignment. Lolx.

Cheers man! Happy Sunday!


Lolz @nairadaddy I will surely delve into education but not with the current educational system.

Thanks for the vote of confidence

Blockchain blogger. Nice one, been seeing this series for a long time. It is amzing how different individuals utilize the platform for different benefits.

Thanks for reading @destinysaid. I have been running the series for more than four months now.

Roger that!

Great run-down of opinions @ogochukwu. I'm really glad to be associated with a great mind like yours. Thanks for being awesome.

Thanks for your kind words @rickie

Good morning @ogochukwu,

Although headline's are one of my weaker points, they are absolutely necessary for a blog to do well. It doesn't matter how good the content is, if the article is never opened to start. This is something I am coming to terms with recently myself. As some of the previous comments have stated, top lists for anything don't work, unless your audience is interested in the category. I read blogs of these types occasionally, but the topic has to be compelling and specific. It is way easier to miss the mark with it.

What I've gathered from both articles, is that the title should make the reader's mind wonder and become intrigued, but exceed expectations when opened, otherwise it's written off as click-bait and frowned upon. You've given me some brain food tonight, and it's good- My mind was hungry.

All the best,
<3 @shello

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