The Biggest Lie When It Comes To Growing Your Blog

in #blockchain-blogger7 years ago (edited)


When I talk to some people about growing their Steemit blog there is a popular excuse that they give that keep them from growing their blog

" I don't have Time" is the popular reply, and I believe that the way Steemit was marketed to them also have a role to play in this. If someone came with the preception of posting to get rewards then it is usually hard convincing them to go through the process of post engagement and other activities that will help grow awareness for their brand

Getting them to see the need of posting quality content might be a task of its own.

However if you feel that your number one hindrance is time, then you need to really consider and think out what that really means, because on average most people don't manage their time daily effectively

You may have a perception of scarcity when it comes to Time, but the truth is that we all never really apportion our time daily, we find ourselves conceeding big chunks of our time to various distractions like Social media with the number one culprit being Whatsapp

I have seen individuals who are in up to 15 groups on Whatsapp and they spend most of their time on the application moving form group to group to discuss mostly irrelevant things

If you spend a huge chunk of your time on social media or any other activity that is not work related, I have found out that " I don't have time" Is often a Cloak for some things else that has a huge presence in our minds



The truth is that most of the time you failed to make a post was not because you did not know what to write, but the idea of spending time to write a post that will earn just cents weakens your resolve to create something

The truth is that if you were assured upvotes from a certain Whale or you have a group of Steemians with a sizeable SP supporting you, then writing a post will not be a problem, you nay even find yourself writing more than one post a day

Writing a Steemit post will ultimately become a daily top pirority for you, and the assurance of certain upvotes will eliminante those questions that run throught your mind as you sit down to write a post

Questions like : Will anybody want to read this? Or Is most of my followers online to see this post and upvote it ?


Change Your Focus

While the major focus on this platform is getting rewards for our work, You need to develop a change of focus, you should direct more focus on providing value for your readers if that is achieved then you will earn more over time

We all want to know the outcome of a decision in life but that is not possible, and there are few things in life that comes with a 100% guarantee.

And also putting all your focus on earnings will make sad on a daily basis and even if every of your post makes $100, overtime you will no longer be satisfied with It and you will want to earn much higher

When your focus is on bringing people value it will help you build strong and valuable realtionships. The ultimate resource has always been people not money. One relationship can open doors for you and get your what your money can never get for you

So instead of asking the questions of doubt and uncertainity I listed above, what you need to ask is questions like : Who Is my target Audience and how can i bring them Value?

Blogging with the right motives will bring you the Monetary rewards you so desire if your execute your strategy well and throwing a random post on your blog daily will not help you reach any closer to your goal

The bottom line is that the fastest way to achieve your Steemit dreams is by bringing Value, nothing more, nothing less

Thanks For Reading

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Follow @ogochukwu


Value is what everyone seeks in life, steemit is not exempted, someone must need to work on his/herself knowledge wise, especially in his or her area of interest; that I noticed that people who post about games are making lots of rewards is not enough good reason for me who doesn’t know anything about gaming to now start writing about games, that’s a wrong motive, but if it’s compulsory or rather necessary that I must post about games, then it means that I must try and gather momentum and enough information about gaming, in order to build a good traffic to my blog which will eventually turn to good rewards coming my way!

Good post @ogochukwu.

I agree with you. Passion is everything, like me I have little passion for gaming, I do have game which I play once in a while. The car racing game on my phone had not been played since August. Lol. I blog mainly on things I have a passion for. Even if it doesn't get paid, I'd still be on it. Passion over everything.
But there's always an exception, where people may get new passion through developing strong interest in something. But at the moment, I do not see myself developing one in that direction. Though as a fairly open minded person, I never say never!

Well said brother

No be you again

@ogochukwu, that is just how I see it 😎

Thanks for the added Wisdom @maxdevalue. The niche I have noticed this is in Cryptocurrency, most people blog about Crypto because they feel it is the most rewarding niche, they end up posting watered down Content.

@ogochukwu, your post really hit the right nerves. There are really many factors which prevents people from expressing themselves on the platform, But like you rightly pointed out - adding value and targeting an audience is the way to go.
Also, persistence and consistency would help anyone succeed on the platform. Without persistence, then there's no point blogging on steemit anyways.
Lack of persistence is the reason why so many people open accounts - make failed attempts and quit.

Thats true, but it also depends on how Steemit was marketed to them, that is why I try to make the importance of Hardwork and persistence clear when I am marketing Steemit.

Very well said!

I like this one...

We all want to know the outcome of a decision in life but that is not possible, and there are few things in life that comes with a 100% guarantee.

Although I wouldn't agree with it 100% as I don't think there are few things in life that come with a 100% guarantee or certainty. I think there is only one, in fact - death! 😜

hahahaha - Yeah, you are right! I completely forgot about taxes. So, there are few of them after all. 😁

Yeah, the government ain't gonna let you off that easy. Gotta pay "em 😎

You probably should add "corruption" to the list too. Is there anything humans can actually do to eradicate "corruption"?
From generation to generation....the damn scourge seems to follow us at 100% too.
I stand to be corrected though.

Depends on the location. Some countries have zero or less of it 😎

Wow! Such a country would pro'ly be some form of paradise.

hahahaha - Regarding that one (which in my opinion may go hand in hand with the government(s) in general) I think our only hope might be the Science (uncorrupted individuals in it) if they manage to isolate that "corruption gene" and delete it from future generations.
Although, I'm not the fan of that kind DNA/gene mumbo-jumbo science.

Lmao .... @ana-maria
Isolation of "corruption" gene, eh? 😁😁😁
Wouldn't that be heavenly
Science would probably go ballistics on that one!
I am liking your imagination and thoughts already @ana-maria. Lolz

You see... - how crazy my mind can go, to the wildest idea/association space, just need (sometimes) the right push! 😜 😁😁😁

Lolz..... Yes @ana-maria. I most definitely see it .
All thanks to @ogochukwu for the push, with this interesting post.

You forgot "corruption" too in your list @greenrun. Lolz

@rickie No. I didn't. Not 100% gonna happen everywhere

Lolz @ana-maria, when I was writing this line, I had things like Sunrise and Sunset In mind but I see you have a broad Imaginations. Thanks for reading and sharing your thoughts.

Yeah, LOL - wild ideas jumping through my head as it seems. 😁

@ana-maria. @greenrun, @rickie You guys tore this post to shreds while I was away. 🙈

@ogochukwu, it is interesting... we tried to stay away but... 😎

hahahahaha - I think I can sign what @greenrun just said. Also with... 😎

Straight to the point articles. Time, reward and value. I love the value point more. Your fans are like your clients in business. Give them something that will help their lives and they'll reward you with loyalty and cheap advertisement as they resteem and share your posts.

Thanks for reading and the added wisdom @wameyo

Time = Priority. People create time for things they like. Someone giving the excuse either does not like to do a particular thing or the thing is like number 1007 on their priority list of things that matter.

or the thing is like number 1007 on their priority list of things that matter

Lolz......Classic line @greenrun.

Oh yeah, I hope you agree with that :)

Lolz....Without a doubt.

I don't have time to write! TV all night.

Lolz @themadgoat Then maybe you can blog about your TV experiences

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