Ignoring The Rope: Why You Need To Starve Your Fears And Activate Courage


A Man who has commited a grevious offence was brought before the king for punishment. When he got to the court of the king he was asked to choose his punishment

The king told him that either he will be hanged or taken behind a huge, scary, Iron door that was at the west wing of the Kings court, after thinking for a while, the prisoner chose to be hung by the rope

As he was led to be hanged, he asked the king out of curiousity, what was beyond the door. The king looked at him, laughed and said: " this is very funny, i usually give everyone brought here for execution the same chance and most people picks the rope"

Can you then tell me whats behind the door, said the criminal. I am about to be killed so I will take the secret to the grave

Freedom, the king replied, but most people are afraid of the Unknown and usually take the rope

Now you may be thinking that the prisoner was very foolish to pick the rope, but you will never know for sure how you will react till you are put in the same position

You will never know how courageous you are until you have a tough decision to make, and believe me in Life there are times where you will have to make those choices and you the decisions you make at those moments are waht will define you

There are days when leaving the smooth path and venturing into the rocky path seems like foolishness, your courage will falter and you will ask yourself;

What the hell was I thinking?

There will be people who will be there to point out how foolish you were, egotistical people, trolls and the occasionally redfish who will make you look at that beautiful flag sitting at the top left of his/her comment

Being courageous is not easy, people will doubt and question your motives every step of the way, but you have to be more curious than afraid if you want to truly make an impact in this world

Don't be scared to fail big

Courage is a habit, that you need to develop and hold fast to your chest, habits are a very powerful thing. Habit shapes our lives and we also have the power to shape our habits

To learn more about habits buy Charles Duhigg's " Power Of Habit". It is a very amazing book


But how can I be more courageous in whatever I am doing you may ask, there is no manual on being courageous?. There are some things you need to keep in mind if you want to develop courage

Who do you serve

When you truly know who you are serving or going in to serve then you will not have problems developing the courage and the resilience you need, and it is not just about making a living

You have to find out who you have been sent to help and why it is important for you to answer that call, even if you want to build a business, it should be built on helping people

When you start getting those messages or comments from people of how you have changed their lives then you will truly experience joy and understand why you are doing your work


Who are your partners

There is no easy job on earth as far as people are concerned, you are going to have your days of wilderness and on those days you will be tempted to quit or wonder what pushed you into it in the first place

Even the people who you feel are gurus in their fields have days of doubt and fear. They occasionally feel small and unsure of themselves.

People who never experience fear lack emphaty and trying to help people without having a feeling of what they are passing through is always counter-productive

It is in moments like this that you need to be with your partners, they are the ones you will lean on when time gets tough, and help you reduce and manage stress


What Meaning do You make

Don't Only Aspire to make a Living, Aspire to make a Difference

Over the past few months, Steemit has taught me a lot of valuable lesson , you can be rich, but if you have nothing to live for then you are hopeless, because whether we live for 20 years or 120 years, it is important we spend our time on worthwhile things

You need to spend every single day of life creating meaning, you need to have a reason to wake up everyday

Have faith in your struggle and never back down fro the sharks, help people whenever you can. And when you get all stressed up, recognise that it is a sign that you are truly doing what you love and there is no greater fulfillment than that

Never let your fear outweight your courage

Thanks for Reading

Read my Last Post: I Am Yeast

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Follow @ogochukwu



The story is touching. Sometimes life gives you options and only you knows the option but people behind you judge, criticise and condemn you without knowing the option you have. But same, dont leave life to please anyone

“What the hell was I thinking” tends to be my normal thinking. I admit that it causes me to not post many things to the block chain—as they were. Usually for a good reason though.

I choose to spend way too much time rewriting and shorting things down. Latest is my “who am I” that I am thinking how to rewrite when I can over this weekend. It was nearing 5k words and paints a rather hopeless picture. Not one I wish to share so I will take an axe to it a fair amount. Change tones and words to brining a different viewpoints.

Do I often rewrite out of fear? Yep, including my most recent. I try and use fear as a guided path though. More times than not I will post something similar to the original. It will just be omitting certain things and changed the point of view a lot.

Some of them centrally do go the route of the rope however. It’s a daily struggle.

Hello @enjar

When it comes to post there is always that fear that you are sounding like a clanging cymbal.

But you just have to be you and pour out your mind.


Hello @tfame3865

That is a very true comment, Life is too short to live in fear.


Hi @ogochukwu, hope you're doing good. This is my 1st ever comment on your posts, as I just followed you.
Reason of Following & commenting: I randomly picked your topic and found very interesting. You wrote a great stuff indeed. It is really very inspirational lines for me. I have no upvote power so can't upvote to give you some bucks for writing a wonderful blog. For me it should be blog of the day.
Keep posting great stuff and Stay blessed!

Hello @jawad09

Thanks for stopping and your kind words I appreciate it a lot. Comments are my fuel and they let me know that I am striking a chord with my audience.


Keep rocking man. My comments will give you fuel on continuous basis.

That's the thing abt life, it's never as easy as it seems! One has to be prepared to take risks, face critisms and many other experiences along the way. That's the reason it's called LIFE

Very true @hamzeto

We have to have a reason why we should exist, giving in to fear will not help us.


I'll choose the door, I always love adventures :)

"Don't only aspire to make a living, aspire to make a difference"

My favorite part of this intellectually inspiring piece!

Thanks for sharing.

This is a wonderful write-up, your inspirational content always serve as a life water to me. The fact is that often time, the devil normally uses our weakness to discourages us from taken a bold step. At times you found yourself ready and willing to summon courage to embark on a certain task, inside you, you have already mapped out all the plans, well sketched inside but immediately you want to bring it to reality, you found yourself again doing things that are contrary to the ones you have planned inside and that's the life many are living today before you knw it, you gaveup your dreams.

For some time now, I have been bickering with a lot of discouragement and along the line I decide to manufacture this Quote for myself
The harder the fight, the sweeter the victory and that has kept me going.

Hello @frank4jesus

The harder the fight, the sweeter the victory

I totally love this quote, it shows the level of perception you have.

And always listen to your inner voice and also have faith in God, he will never disappoint.


Sometimes our fears are our greatest set backs, tho as human beings its normal to have fear,, but we shouldnt let it overwhelm us

Thats very true @tony-duke

Thanks for reading

Hi @ogochukwu,
Thank you for sharing these information.
You are quite right, your points give me lots of perspective.
Many thanks again :)

I love this because I learnt being courageous will really help on this platform...thank you

Wonderful write up man!
We all need a reason to wake up everyday, always support and help anyone whenever you can and do things that you really love!
Wish you a lovely day ahead my friend!

Hello @progressivechef

Thanks for reading and for sharing your insights.


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