I Am Yeast

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Who Am I ?

This question made me think for a while, so many times we pass through life without really asking ourselves the questions that matter, @surpassinggoogle really made me sit and examine my life and me rethink a lot of things

I am a bit of an Introvert and this was mainly based on the way I was brought up, I lost my parents early so I had to move from the home of one relation to another. I had limited interaction with the people in those homes and I always tried to be as invisible as possible

But one thing I was never shy about was reading, my love for reading started at an early age, and due to the fact that I had no one to buy the books I wanted, I read my Bible, newspapers and anything I could lay my hands on. And I was also kind of stubborn, so my aunt could not understand why the Bible could not change me

I was often called crazy due to my excessive reading habit, I can still remember the shock on a relative face when I went to her home on vacation, I had barely arrived at her home when I started scouting for books to read, I finally found a huge rat infested novel that was as big as a dictionary

I was twelve years old then and all what my age mates did then was to play a local game where you fought with rubber bands, but I was always reading something and my aunt could not understand what I was doing with a novel so big, she told me that no one have ever attempted to read that novel and that it belonged to the Family that moved out of the apartment before they came in

But even though i read that novel ten years ago, I still remember the story vividly, it was about a famous sculptor who was born without hands in France, his both arms ended at the elbows, but that did not deter him from chasing his dreams, he tied his tools to his arm stubs and worked everyday day, he was so popular that he traveled around France to work

Till this day, I am grateful that I came across that novel because it taught me at an early age that I could do anything I set my mind to do and that no one or any situation can hold me back. All I need to do is believe. I am a Christian and I believe that God gave us the power to create the kind of Life we want for ourselves



There are a lot of things that we pass through in life that affect us and they end up affecting the way we live. A lot of people are depressed and suicide rate worldwide is increasing, it is common for society to show pity when a person commits suicide but I believe that we can always prevent such occurances by truly caring for the people around us.

I am fine

These three words are like a deadly three pronged fork, there are a lot of people hiding lots of pain behind smiles, because they believe that no one truly cares. We have to know how to lead with love and truly speak up when we see any form of injustice anywhere

I have a lot of scars on my body and that was primarily because I played hard whenever I got the chance, I was not granted freedom growing up, my guardians monitored my move and did not give me the Liberty of visiting friends and I could only play football in the streets on Sunday evenings when they went for outings or whenever they were absent during the week

So I was always the last to come home from school because that was the only time I had to socialize, whenever I was sent on errands I went to the Local football field to play football or Table tennis even though I knew in the back of my mind that I will be punished for coming back late

I did not care and overtime I developed tough skin and the whippings no longer hurt and the most annoying thing was that my guardians never understood while I behaved like that, they never realised that if they let my socialize I would come back from school and errands earlier

I am also the only child of my parents, so there was no brother or sister to play with and it did not help that my guardians did not have a baby early, they had their first child in the eleventh year of their marriage

I bear a lot of physical and emotional scars from my childhood, but I believe that they also played a part in making me the Man I am today, I developed a sharp mind at a young age and I also learnt how to fend for my self early

Pressure Is Priviledge

It also helped me develop emphaty, and I learnt to put myself in the shoes of people. I never hate people based on their character, i believe that people are inherently good and that i just have to keep digging till I find what makes them tick, It has also helped me to endure somethings on Steemit as I am yet to flag anyone, even though I have been tempted to a lot of times

We all have our scars, we all have passed through dark times in our lives, the present world we live in require tough people who will be willing to stand up and speak when it matters with out fear or favour. The fastest way to grow tough skin in to get burned, but scars are what makes us human, scars is what made God Human Jesus, after all the pain and rejection the only thing that he could not commit to was A Grave.

Far too often we downplay the way God has made us, because he made us stand out, he made us look different, make us with uniqueness that make people stare at us when we walk into a room, but we have always limited ourselves with the bars people have set down for us, what the society calls normal

People will always want to look down on you, they will always want to tell you that you are not enough, your friends ,your family. They say those things because they don't see the real you which is inside. But Wear those scars, wear them like a new necklace on Easter, show them what real ressurrection looks like, no fear in Love, no Shame In Rejection.


My Manifesto

Every Statement of a Man stems from a dominant thought or feeling, so Man always becomes what he says and does and not who he wants to become. But I am not a Man, I am a god and my word is Law

I know who I am, and I will not allow anything or anybody stop me, even though i feel outnumbered or alone.

When making bread the flour, the egg and every other ingredient are always bigger than the yeast, but at the end of the day, it is what gives the bread shape and causes it to rise, without Yeast all you will have is a flat piece of baked flour

I am confident that I will achieve my vision, because Yeast is always outnumbered by dough and still it always achives what it was meant to achieve, a lot of people are afraid of going all in because they feel that the task is impossible or that they will lose them selves In the process, but

Yeast Never Becomes Dough

You have to stand up and live a life of meaning, No matter the level of riches or possesion you have in this world, if you have nothing meaningful to live for you will always be sad and depressed, a lot of rich people commit suicide so find out your purpose and everyday will bring you energy and Joy

So I can boldly stand and tell anyone who cares to know who I am


The next generation that is coming will hear my name and read of my expliots

Special thanks to @surpassinggoogle who brought this amazing initiative, I also want to thank people like @greenrun @stellabelle and @gunneresq who inspire me daily to put in my best, I am grateful to God that I met you all and God bless every single one of you

Image Source: Google Images

Follow @ogochukwu


This is a very creative post and I like it a lot, especially the concept abt the yeast!!

Thanks for reading @hamzeto

I am glad that you were able to grasp my concept about yeast.

I sent you a message on Steemit Chat


What made this more interesting is that I took time to picture every single detail... Letting the scenes play in my mind.

I am inspired.

Yea, a lot of people are sad ghosts walking through the face of earth, that's why it's essential to be careful with our actions and words, no one knows what is burning the other up.

! Permit me to use your words- I too, I am Yeast!

Hello @mimy

I am very glad that I was able to paint the picture very clear for you, there are a lot of things that we pass through but if we are able to take it in good faith we will get stronger.

It is not about what happens to you, it is how you react to it.

I am glad that you were able to get the message I was trying to pass across and I believe that you are yeast also because I have known you for a while now and you are an excellent person.


Thanks alot dear @ogochukwu

We keep steeming!

I dont think i have seen any person describe himself as a yeast. Indeed a strange and unique way to describe oneself.

Every Statement of a Man stems from a dominant thought or feeling, so Man always becomes what he says and does and not who he wants to become. But I am not a Man, I am a god and my word is Law

Even the holy writ says out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. For words are the state of the heart/art, that is why they are called statements.

I have come to know and appreciate you more @ogochukwu. I extol your values and passion for what you do. Trust me when i say you are an amazing personality.
I thank @surpassinggoggle for this contest, alot has been unearth through it.

Hello @gunneresq

I have come to know you as a great person, seriously you and @greenrun always put smiles on my face whenever I come online.

I have come to know that we should not always aspire to earn a living, we should aspire to make a difference.


Indeed, be the difference maker.

We often hide behind a mask. Most people seem to be afraid if they take off the mask the will reveal a horrid creature that no one could ever like let alone love.

I love yeast it helps create so many wonderful things in life!

Hello @enjar

Thanks for reading. I believe that we should all endeavour to be like Yeast anywhere we find ourselves.

Thanks for your constant engagement.


Its a team effort to make bread. Not every can or should be yeast like. Its a great role for some but not others.

That is very true @enjar

Everyone has a role to play

You are like wine, you get better with time. Keep steeming ✌️

Thank you sir @greenrun

You inspire me daily

You guys made it possible. I would've given up if there are no people like you here. It gives someone something to look up to. Hope you are having a fun Saturday. Well done

It also helped me develop emphaty, and I learnt to put myself in the shoes of people. I never hate people based on their character, i believe that people are inherently good and that i just have to keep digging till I find what makes them tick, It has also helped me to endure somethings on Steemit as I am yet to flag anyone, even though I have been tempted to a lot of times

This is one of the best way to have a good life. Knowing and empathizing with people of different situations. There is a saying that even someone that is bad is still good for something. They world needs us and it is good we are defining ourselves more each day.

Hello @turpsy

I believe that putting ourselves in people shoes will help you a lot.

It also works both ways, as a Leader you will be often laughed at or misunderstood when you want to do some thing different.

But I believe that our courage should always be greater than our fears , that is when we can truly make impact in our world.


great post...getting to know each other

Thanks a lot for this post full of emotions.

I am confident that I will achieve my vision.....

Please can you share this vision with me if you don't mind, thanks.

Hello @maxdevalue

Thanks for reading,I will gladly share the vision with you.

I sent you a message on Steemit Chat.


Participate in the #untalented contest as well

I'm honored, thank you.

Thanks for sharing.

Life is given so we'll add value to our society. If we bring value to our society, then we are really living

Thanks for reading and your kind words @kingsley-clement

Very touching story. Made me feel sorry for the child you were, but I must say you've done exceedengly well for someone so young! Be yeast and you'll accomplish so much more! (I'm also a book lover, so I could totally relate to your passion for reading. That's what I still do when I visit someone's home. I don't care about furniture or appliances, but I'm curious to see what books they have!)

Hello @ladyrebecca

I still do that, I go on a book tour whenever I visit anyone. I even buy books on impulse without knowing why, but even though I don't read it, i keep it around and in some weeks and months time i will finally find out why I was prompted to buy it.

It feels like magic everytime, there is a book I am reading now, I bought it three months ago and left it on my shelf, but I started reading it this week and it has brought me so much value.


Would love to see your entry to #untalented.

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