How To Teach And Grow Rich On Steemit

in #blockchain-blogger7 years ago (edited)


Imagine you were given a Science test on the first day of Colledge without prior knowledge of the Course

How Well do you think you will perform in the test

So why do you approach people on the First day and expect to be instant friends

Building a personal brand on Steemit is a marathon not a Sprint and you have to prove your worth

So What Does Teach and Grow Rich Mean

Let me clear this up right now from the beginning, "Rich" here does not only mean SBD/STEEM, it also means people

My people have a saying

He who has People Has Everything

There are a lot of things that relationships with the right people can bring you that Money can never get, I have experienced this countless times with the climax of this experience coming today, I got an appointment through my relationship with someone here on Steemit and not by my wallet balance ( I will make a post on that Later)

Teach and Grow Rich simply means that you need to educate people before expecting to get any form of reward for your effort

And when I say Educate, I am not talking only about Minnows or newbies, Whales are Human beings too with, they don't know everything, you can teach them what you know instead of begging for votes in their comment sections

When it comes to building relationship with post engagement, many of us feel that the person we are trying to build the relationship with will instantly understand the value of our Input and gel with us immediately, this only happens on rare occasions


Teach Don't Market

Saying how awesome you are or how hard you have worked will not help you. You need to "Show" People how awesome you are in other to attract attention

Steemit is a learning platform and we are all teachers in our niches and students in other niches, thousands of classes are currently ongoing and it is left to you to enchant different students here with your wisdom

I find it strange that people use a Whales Post as just a place to seek upvotes, but it is a perfect place to show your expertise. I know how many people I have connected with because I answered an unanswered question they made on a Trending post

When you get to a Whales post or a Trending post, you should look for other people right there in the comment section that you can provide with value, thats how to grow your profile fast

Few Ways Steemians Are Like Students


They are seeking Knowledge

It is not every Steemit post you see that you open

Opening a post is simply saying " I will like to know more about that". And when you finish taking the class and you are sure that you gained something from it, you show appreciation to the teacher

But just like you don't graduate after the first day in school, you don't create a relationship with the teacher on the first day

If you review the persons blog and find out that he or she is someone who posts valuable content, then you can give he/she a follow and take more classes, you also have to know that the classes goes both ways you will also have to teach the person the little you know with comments

You also have to make sure that you are creating Valuable courses in you blog, creating a relationship with a person of value will be fruitless if the person comes to your blog and find out that you post rubbish

The person won't follow you and even if he/she followed you without checking out your blog you will be unfollowed down the line or the person may just choose to ignore your content

There is also an important need for you to create a Niche for yourself or you will just be creating posts that will seem random to your audience


They Need Education

Both your audience and the person you are trying to build a relationship with need education. Education is nonstop

There is always that notion that there is a current information overload online and that people have access to different sources on every topic Imaginable

But the real question is how many of those numerous sources provide quality Information.

The truth is that Cream always rises to the Top, if you provide valuable information people will be drawn to your content over time

Pushing out low quality content just for posting sake won't help you. People recognize and appreciate high quality Content

Though I believe that the lack of proper earnings on posts play a role on this to some extent, but you still need to put in you best at all times, One View can change everything

You must show people why you need higher earnings. You must show them why they need to follow you and engage with your content.You need to show them what makes you unique


They Have Invested Time In Learning

Even though it is the payouts that makes Steemit Unique, everyone still know that you need to learn how the platform works before you start reaping the rewards

Most people say that the only Investment you can make on Steemit is purchasing Steem Power, but that is not true

I believe that Time spent on this Platform is Time Invested and it is left to you to make your investment count

We all need Upvotes to earn on Steemit. And the only way to get this upvotes is by taking and giving Classes. I have seen people earn up to $40 with just comments

Engagement is not just a one way communication where you try to earn upvotes by being smart , it is ongoing exchange where you keep on providing people with value

When next you go out there to engage with others, ask yourself: How can I educate People Today


A Quick Word On Minnow Booster

Minnow Booster is a visibility service and not an earning service in my opinion

I see a lot of people who use Minnow Booster but still write content thats adds no value. They complain that their post don't earn much, but when they try to boost their post, they still write posts that people will not read

The aim is for your blog to grow and you cannot achieve that by writing posts thats adds no Value to others, you will keep using Minnow Booster everyday if you fail to show people why they need to Value your content

Do you agree with me that Steemit is Like A School?,Or do you have anything to Teach us?, give us some lessons in the Comments below

Thanks for Reading

Image Source: Pexels and @minnowbooster's blog

Follow @ogochukwu


I agree but then again life is like a school. There are always people with more knowledge than you. If you want to do well in life you listen to those people and learn what they know. As you move further along the path you learn more valuable and useful items. Some people never listen and therefore do not reap as much from life or school as others might. It's a good analogy and one which I think holds true. Time is the most valuable resource that we possess as we all have the same amount of seconds in a day and it is up to each individual to determine how much value to attribute to it.

Thanks or reading and sharing your thoughts. @niallon11

The person won't follow you and even if he/she followed

I notice people make a huge fuss about followership. But most of the time, it goes beyond the number following you. I'd rather prefer I have 20 followers who read my post than 3000 who don't. I do not see the difference it makes.

I have to agree on steemit likened to school because we learn new things here daily, there are really good quality contents, fluffs also available, to learn from around here. So likening it to a school of sorts ain't too further from the truth.

The thing is, success in steemit, just like in life, requires work. Anyone asking for the secret who ain't ready to work is better off doing other things.

I notice the fastest way to know a subject very well in school is to teach it! By so doing even the teacher learns. Here the teacher gets rewarded with upvotes. It is a win-win venture if you ask me.

Hello @greenrun

Followers are not just numbers, they are people.

And it goes both ways, i you don't engage with people they will not engage with you.


They are people. Not disputing that. I'm just pointing out that bigger is not always better. I have seen many followers who follow you with absolutely no interest in your blog. How do you engage someone with no interest?

Not to talk of "dead" followers... Just found out I have 25% of them :)

Check yours here

I always follow your post and find out that every time you bring a lot of information for us so Nigeria in next some of days because of cryptocurrency they leave standard life I hope so I always see your post because of your good thinking an informative post love you my friend

Thanks for reading and your kind words @bhoot

Yes indeed, life is like a school.
Those who study hard and learn from teachers and other students grow and make good grades (upvotes)
While those that ignore the classes and just want to do crash-jacking won't gain much. Their information evaporates with time and they are forgotten.

I think it also boils down to bringing value. When a person picks a niche and brings so much value to people interested in that niche, it always works out fine for him.

One thing I know anout life is that the reasons to do good is always beyond just monetary gains. Sometimes you never know who's watching your actions. You never can tell when you will be called upn because of one good deed you have done in the past or one good relationship you have built in the past. Sometimes, it even pays out after you have totally forgotten about it.

On steemit, I have personally resolved to give it my best shot at all times. No matter the situation of my wallet. No matter the number of upvotes I get. No matter the number of comment I get. I shall give it all of me.

God bless us all as we keep pursuing our goals and objectives.

Cheers! #hug-challenge!

You wrapped this post up in this amazing comment. Thanks @nairadaddy

This is a great perspective! It's important to remember your blog "is a marathon and not a sprint", thank you for this post.

Thanks for reading @or1q1nal

I totally see your point in what you're saying. Being new to Steemit (2 days old!), but having traction elsewhere, I love how this platform seems to be (for the most part) filled with people who want to help one another. My question is: how do you sift between so much content? It is a long stream and weeding out what is valuable and what isn't seems to be the biggest challenge. I really like some of your posts as I have read a couple of them, I guess doing research (perhaps I answered my own question!). Thanks for your knowledge and posts. Cheers from LA.

@sammyb Follow the people who have the same interest as yourself. Look at the people that they resteem or who actively comments and adds value to a post. My main feed is the one that I browse through most of all. It has the people who I felt would create the most relevant and interesting content.

Sifting through the contents could be a backbreaking job, but every once in a while you may see an author who did an exceptional job. And if you go the blog and likes his or her previous works, you can then follow for more. There are a lot of great articles out there, just that sometimes you'd have to kiss that many frogs before finding your Prince :)

Welcome to STEEMIT ✌️

Thank you @greenrun. You're absolutely right. I guess I want to be efficient in finding the right type of content - I have found a few people that I really like and I will continue to research. In fact, I am going to take a look at some of your content now! :)

Oho. I saw you in my blog. Thanks for visiting.

Hello @sammyb

It depends on what you are looking for. You can always use tags to search for content you like.


Yes, I suppose that's true. But citing @greenrun 's echo chamber post, are people using similar tags to boost themselves up? For instance, and what I mean is that people are putting "life" - well that's really broad. I am also noticing that people don't put all 5 hashtags, just the ones that will get them the most noticed which seems to me a bit counterproductive in finding good content. At least I found you guys, but curious to get your take on that.

Yes i agree with you,steemit is a school. A person who fail to learn is a dead person while he is still on earth,"like a walking corps".

We can be good or the best in our niche but in other niche we are a learn. That is how life is,but what i believe is for you to be the best in what you do,create room for challenge and always come out as the best. Challenge helps us to know how good we are and create room for advancement.

That you fail those not make you a failure,at one point in time we have all failure but remaining in that spot where you fail is what make's you a failure. Every successful person have once fail in some area of their life. Remember "readers are leaders".

Keep on learning and creating room for advancement. Thanks

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