Building An Audience In The Face Of Adversity: All You Need Is Love

in #blockchain-blogger7 years ago (edited)


Do you know that without love, you won’t be able to grow an Audience?

Having 1000 followers does not really mean you have an Audience. There are tons of reasons why people may follow you.

Maybe it is because you do Free SBD Give aways every week, or your post are very funny.

The time you will know whether you have an Audience is when an Issue arises that needs urgent attention and you call out for help or collaboration.

That is when you will know whether you have an Audience.

So how do you build an Audience?

Love Your People

Think of your blog as a newly opened store.

You the store owner, should be in the front shaking hands with everybody. Striking up conversations with them.

Then inviting them In so that they can see what you have to offer.

Once they come Into your store, make sure they find everything they need and offer them assistance and guidance if necessary.

It is this kind of Interaction that brings you Loyal followers and breeds a captive Audience.

Shaking hands with everyone that comes to your store entails replying to every comment that was made on your posts.

Interact with your readers even if it is not In your blog, answer questions on other people’s post that people asked if the Author of the post is not around to do so.

Do favours for people whenever possible, and if someone asks you to resteem a post that is worth resteeming. Resteem It.

The more you do for people, the more you will receive in return, not only will you build a devoted audience, it will increase your Influence and strengthen your relationships with other Steemians.

Dealing With Toxins

Loving people is easy and only half the battle, the trick is getting people to love you back.

You may write a very thoughtful and engaging post only to come back later to find out that someone have left a scathing comment for no apparent reason.

But first you have to know when someone is giving a constructive criticism and when the person is trolling.

Quote from @kyriacos


But apart from that

Most negative comments here on Steemit comes from people who barely comment.

They are the disgruntled ones who think the system is not fair because they are not making 50 SBD on their posts.

When you meet people like this ignore their comments. You don't need their strife.

What you must not do is feed the trolls, when someone comes by your blog and tells you your blog posts suck or that you lack proper use of Grammar, don't take the bait, most of the time these are bitter people who are just looking for a fight.

They are just like those bullies in school, all they are looking for is a reaction.

Ignoring them pierces a hole through their heart, there is nothing more infuriating than trying to annoy someone and the person totally ignores you.

So don't give them the satisfaction of an answer or a rant.

The problem is that most times people let their ego's get in the way, they feel that they have to defend themselves and make the troll look dumb, they would always want to have the last word.

But mostly this is a waste of time and energy and distracts you from what you are trying to achieve on your blog which is reader engagement.

And remember that your Steemit blog is your little piece of real estate on the Steemit blockchain and just like @surpassinggoogle said,

If you are on Steemit then you are a CEO

SO it would be very unprofessional of you to trade abuses with someone on your blog.

What Most People Don't Know?

Negative comments are never about what you written or created, they are always about the person who wrote them.

It is not only trolls that leave Negative comments.

There will times when a long standing follower whose was previously friendly and supportive would suddenly change and start leaving more and more Negative comments and may even pick a fight with one of your readers.

When this happens it may be tempting to be intolerant or scold the person, but it is not always the right thing to do

The best thing to do is to have a chat with them to find out what’s wrong.

It may be that one of your readers made an offending comment to them and they expected you to come to their defence but you didn't or that they are passing through some Major issues in their Life and they are just transferring the aggression.

There have been times when I reached out to people in this kinds of situation and discussed with them and found out what was the cause of the Matter, Settled It and everyone was happy.

So next time you see a negative comment in your blog, don't fret or stoop so low to trade words with the person.

There is Power in Silence

Final Words

There are ways through which you can make people love you

My best and most important way is to create unique content. This along with post engagement adds significant weight to your online presence.

And in the battle with other thousands of writers out there, the more weight the better.

For you to stand out in a Place like Steemit you have to create unique content that people have not seen a million times before.

So How Do You Create Unique Content?

You can conduct case Studies

You can Interview People

In addition to creating other content, I run Three Interviews On Steemit

You can cover a topic from a new Angle

You can write based on your experiences (@sweetsssj blogs about travel)

You can talk about things that other people are not talking about

Setting out to build an engaged community can be a daunting prospect, sure It takes hardwork, but it is not really that complicated.

This is the part of the principles that got me 100 followers in five days, and I am close to getting a 100 more in just three days.

Remember, all you need is Love.

What frustrates you about post engagement?

Or what is your greatest challenge when it comes to post engagement, bare your thoughts in the comments below.

Thanks for reading.



The Block Chain Blogger is a Weekly Blog Growth Series With Steemit Dolphins and Whales.

To get this week's first post , Click Here


My badge made for me by the loving @elyaque.

Have a Splendid Day



Thanks for reading @crypto-p

I loved this post!!helped me a lot, Keep up the good work!!

Hello @eduardo88

I am happy you found the post resourceful


WHOAH! You are touching on some STUFF here man. I agree with you 100% on the audience isn't an audience if they aren't there for you when you need them. I have yet to see any trolling here on steemit just yet as I would imagine Trolls would not get the type of engagement necessary here to reward their efforts, but we shall see. I am new.

Welcome to Steemit @vmsolutionsltd

Hope to see more Impact from You.


Your writing is awesome! I'm glad that one of your posts is now on welcomebot! I am really looking forward to reading more of you. Writing things and building an audience is still new to me and your angle at it is in my eyes the way to go. Be friendly, open and treat others with respect, that is the way to go.

Hello @reggaemuffin

I am glad that you found this post resourceful. Community building would be easier if people really know the right way to do It.

And thanks for the Welcome bot initiative it will provide much Help to New Steemians.


Great post..Upvoted


There is much wisdom in what you have posted here today @ogochukwu, this specifically "strikes a chord";

or that they are passing through some Major issues in their Life and they are just transferring the aggression.

I learned this lesson early on in my career as a small town pharmacy owner.

I had a lady, new customer that was just plain rude, telling me to hurry up and I was thinking, "Man, if I can get her out of here, I will be happy if she never comes back. It turned out that her husband had a Major heart attack and had almost died. She was passing that aggression on to me.
She later came back and became a regular customer of mine and she was the sweetest lady you could imagine. I cried when she passed away.

Thanks for the post.


Hello @sighmanjestah

Thank you for sharing this Story here with us. I deeply appreciate, It shed more light and explanation to the post.

Followed You.


Until I get better at writing, I am finding curation/commenting to be a better avenue for me. When I work on a post (long process for me) I get impatient and want to just finish and hit the post button. Which I know is not always the best thing to do.


agree, we need

Question is there a blog that shows all the simple terminology like resteem and other items that is comprehensive. Just asking for a friend also great blog helps thinking of great content.

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