Black Panther (Non-Spoiler Review)

in #blackpanther6 years ago (edited)


You saw hints about him from “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” you first saw him in “Captain America: Civil War,” and now you finally get to see his own movie on the big screen!!!

The movie, “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” first introduced vibranium. Vibranium played an important part to the story and every Marvel fans know that vibranium is from Wakanda where the Black Panther lives. Also from “Age of Ultron” Klaue got his arm cut off to REALLY indicate that the movie Black Panther was going to happen.

The movie, “Captain America: Civil War,” introduced his character and showed a bit of his character development.


The story did an excellent job of balancing out his character of him being king, him being a hero, the supporting characters, the setting, and the villain. This is one of the few movies where the setting plays a big part into the story instead of the cliche setting (Earth) where the heroes save it from extinction because the villains want to blow it up. Story is original because it brings a new type of conflict instead of the typical bad ass looking antagonist causing havoc and it shares that strong similarity to “Captain America: Civil War.”


While I was watching the film I felt as if I was living in Wakanda. Just like watching the movie Avatar directed by James Cameron you feel that you were traveling to the planet Pandora. If I had to compare the setting of all the MCU movies, Wakanda is one of the best fictional places that gives the movie life. Wakanda has more vivid colors than Sakaar from Thor: Ragnorak and the place feels alive, feels so vibrant, helps set the story with the politics, culture and its internal conflicts.


Black Panther, T’Challa definitely shows character development. He really did “...get to decide what king he will be…” People think that they see plenty of character development from the movie “Civil War” where he thought the Winter Soldier was the one who killed his father but it was actually Helmut Zemo. We all saw how revenge driven he was. When he realized it was Zemo he later becomes fed up with how vengeance is consuming other characters like Captain America, Zemo, Iron Man, and most importantly himself when he “...almost killed the wrong man...” AGAIN “Civil War” did build anticipation and excitement for “Black Panther.” The way how T’Challa (Black Panther) deals with conflict shows more of his individuality and who he is. From “Civil War” he quoted that he “ not his father...” and that is 100% true. In conclusion to this paragraph this film shows EVEN MORE character growth than “Civil War.” You get to see him not only kick-ass but also get to see the man underneath the suit.

The supporting characters have their own roles and played them well. They also helped shape the story. I could go into greater detail but I do not want to give any spoilers. All I can say is that aside from just kicking ass in the fight scenes they also help T’Challa when he struggles being a king since he feels lost without his father’s guidance.

The main antagonist is more memorable than many villains from previous MCU films. The main antagonist is not just a one dimensional villain like Ultron but more like Vulture from “Homecoming” except the antagonist from this film is more darker more serious and with a completely different objective. When you watch the film you see a good parallelism between him and T’Challa. The main antagonist definitely gives challenge to the Black Panther not just in saving the world/Wakanda/people but clash against the Black Panther’s beliefs while ALSO contributing to his growth as a hero.


I don’t have to say much all I wish is the climax to be longer.

Weakness of the Film

The only complaint I have towards this movie is that I wish it was longer. 2 hours and 10 minutes is not enough to contain all the epicness. So much goes on in this film that I don’t mind if they extended it just to pace it better.

2 hours and 10 minutes is not enough to over a few other supporting characters. The supporting characters really do support the plot and I wish they added some flashbacks and/or more backstory to them.

Last 20 minutes of the film is the climatic part of the film that I wish they extended it longer. I wanted more fight choreography in the climax to make to put more attention to the main character, T’Challa.

Even though 2 hours is long for a movie I still feel that “Black Panther” is a little rushed.
After watching the movie it just left me the feeling of wanting to watch more.


This is definitely one of the best MCU movies out there and it stands out being its own film.
The movie definitely feels like a culture shock as if you discovered a whole new experience with the place/music/clothes/tradition/art of Wakanda. You get a mix of Avatar because you explore a new place and you get a little bit of the James Bond because of the gadgets/suit. The movie is not just about T’Challa the main character but also about Wakanda since after all he is the King of Wakanda. This film feels fresh because it deals with politics just like “Civil War” but it deals with a different issue. The ending of the films opens more ideas for its sequels. I will cover more and go further in depth for “My Spoiler Review.”

My Grading Rubric:

This picture grade means that it is simply AMAZING. It shows that the replay is high and makes you want to watch it again and again. It also means that the show has good drama, good story, good plot progression, good plot build up while leaving you excited for the next episode. The two-thumbs-up proves that it is highly memorable one.
This picture grade means that its GREAT if not amazing. It means that it while it is not perfect it still has more strengths than weaknesses meaning that some parts are slow/boring while the rest is exciting or it gives plenty of thrills but overall generic. Even though it is not a two-thumbs-up the show can still be very memorable after watching the whole entire season.
This picture grade shows that it is just MEDIOCRE. There is plenty of good parts that make this show still enjoyable to watch. Replay is low and after watching it once you don't feel like watching it all over again unless you a HARDCORE fan and/or if you just skim through it to watch a few scenes.
This simply means that it is CRAP. It also means that for an amount of time you spend watching a movie/episode is also the amount of time you are never going to get back. I can simply have another picture that is two-thumbs-down to prove that it is dog shit but this picture grade shows that it is horrible and you want to avoid it at all costs.

My Grade For This Episode:


Stay Tuned for My Spoiler Reviews


Great review! Definitely one of favorite movies of all time. Literally cannot wait for May :D

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