【自稱為比特幣發明者的 Jörg Molt 因涉嫌加密養老金欺詐被捕】

in #bixin3 years ago


2019 年,一個有著 Fabio 般頭髮的男人在告訴許多人他幫助共同創立了比特幣時,他以可疑的說法進入了加密貨幣領域。 自稱為比特幣發明家 Jörg Molt 的人不僅提供了一個“中本聰學校”,而且據稱還進行了一些騙局。 《圖片報》報導稱,這名 48 歲的男子因涉嫌欺詐而在法蘭克福機場被巴伐利亞警方逮捕。

自稱為比特幣發明者的 Jörg Molt 在法蘭克福被捕
Jörg Molt 曾聲稱他幫助發明了比特幣,並表示在 2019 年 WCC 拉斯維加斯區塊鏈週會議上瘋狂露面後,他與 Andreas Antonopoulos 是好朋友。 據稱,莫爾特在拉斯維加斯的會議上四處走動,聲稱自己是比特幣的共同發明者。 這個故事在網上瘋傳後,安東諾普洛斯否認了他的說法,並強調他根本不認識莫爾特。

“顯然,一個叫'JörgMolt'的德國人一直在向我展示自拍照,並告訴人們我們是朋友-這是一個謊言,” Antonopoulos 啾啾 當時。 “我根本不認識他——我從其他人那裡聽說他聲稱自己是比特幣的創始人並擁有數千個比特幣——一個謊言。”

地區出版物《圖片報》報導稱,莫爾特最近在法蘭克福機場登機時被捕。 執法人員認為,莫爾特是一些騙局的幕後黑手,其中還涉及一名據稱是他的同伴的 54 歲婦女。 巴伐利亞警方還搜查了莫爾特的家,發現了與調查有關的證據。

德國“DJ Sun Love”啟動比特幣養老基金,該基金於 2020 年關閉
Molt 被控以 50 萬美元欺詐 2.14 人,該計劃被稱為“比特幣養老金”項目。 據報導,同時也是德國知名 DJ 的 Molt 告訴投資者,他獲得的資金將流向瑞典的 BTC 礦工。 據稱,40% 的資金保存在安全賬戶中,但在 2020 年,比特幣養老金停止運營,投資者稱其為騙局。

調查人員聲稱,這位自稱為中本聰的人並未將資金投入到採礦業中,而且他因承諾獲得巨額回報而受到指控。 早在 2019 年,在 WCC Vegas Blockchain Week 活動期間,Molt 告訴人們他持有超過 250,000 個比特幣。 然而,儘管 Molt 聲稱,他的前妻還是在 Youtube 上拍攝了一段視頻,聲稱 Molt 在 2008 年比特幣網絡推出時甚至沒有電腦。

【Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Inventor Jörg Molt Arrested for Alleged Crypto Pension Fraud】

In 2019, a man with Fabio-like hair entered the cryptocurrency scene with questionable claims when he told a slew of people he helped co-found the creation of Bitcoin. The self-proclaimed Bitcoin inventor named Jörg Molt not only offered a “Satoshi School” but allegedly ran a number of scams on the side. The publication Bild reports the 48-year-old man was arrested by Bavarian police at Frankfurt Airport over accusations of fraud.

Self-Proclaimed Bitcoin Inventor Jörg Molt Arrested in Frankfurt
Jörg Molt once claimed he helped invent Bitcoin and also said he was good pals with ​​Andreas Antonopoulos after a wild appearance at the 2019 WCC Vegas Blockchain Week conference. Molt allegedly went around the conference in Las Vegas claiming to be the co-inventor of Bitcoin. After the story went viral, Antonopoulos discredited his claims and stressed that he didn’t know Molt at all.

“Apparently, a German person called ‘Jörg Molt’ has been showing a selfie taken with me and telling people that we are friends — This is a LIE,” Antonopoulos tweeted at the time. “I don’t know him at all — I have heard from others that he claims to be the founder of Bitcoin and has thousands of BTC — A LIE.”

The regional publication the Bild reports that Molt was recently arrested just as he was about to board a plane at Frankfurt Airport. Law enforcement officials believe Molt has been behind some scams also involving a 54-year-old woman who was allegedly his companion. The Bavarian police also searched Molt’s home and found evidence tied to the investigation.

German ‘DJ Sun Love’ Started a Bitcoin Pension Fund That Closed Shop in 2020
Molt is being charged with defrauding 50 people for $2.14 million with a scheme dubbed the “Bitcoin Pension” project. Molt, who is also a well-known DJ in Germany, reportedly told investors that the funds he obtained would go to BTC miners in Sweden. 40% of the funds were allegedly kept in a safe account but in 2020, Bitcoin Pension stopped operations and investors called it a scam.

Investigators claim the self-proclaimed Satoshi did not invest the funds into mining and he’s being charged for his promises of big returns. Back in 2019, during the WCC Vegas Blockchain Week event, Molt told people he held more than 250,000 bitcoin. However, despite Molt’s claims, his ex-wife filmed a Youtube video claiming Molt didn’t even own a computer in 2008 when the Bitcoin network launched.

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