Bitshares - State of the Network - 24th January 2017

in #bitshares8 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the 19th Bitshares State of the Network (BSotN) report. I will be releasing this report weekly to look at the changes in the ecosystem and track longer term changes in a effort to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares platform.

Bitshares - State of the Network - 24th January 2017

The Bitshares State of the Network Reports seeks to combine raw data from a wide range of metrics and combine them into meaningful information to identify emerging trends and changes in the Bitshares network.

Observation from this week

This section will highlight any observations made while analysing the data.

  • Alfredo's Core Developer worker proposal has been approved by the Bitshares Stakeholders and Alfredo has commenced work as of the 23rd of Jan, He will be working full time on the development efforts for Bitshares core, progress will be monitored and reported by @kencode who will include updates in his weekly report to the Bitshares Network.

  • @svk has released a new Bitshares Light wallet (v. 2.0.170123) as part of his active worker proposal, the new wallet and change log can be found HERE.

  • @bitspace has announced their ongoing Bitgate ICO has been a huge success and as such have changed the stakes to provide higher benefits to their PreICO investors. They have made this statement: "we want to protect our early investors by increasing the amount of stake given away by 1% for every 10 BTC extra we get after 50 BTC, until a cap of 100 BTC where a total of 10% stake would be given away. This will ensure a valuation capped at a maximum of $1 million until the crowdfund February 9th.". Find more details in their most recent update on bitsharestalk or on Steemit

  • @apptrade and Ronny Boesing (@bloggerclub) have done an interview on Blocktalk with Alex Sterk relating to the current Apptrade ICO. you can see Alex's Steemit post with the video recording HERE

  • Christoph Hering ( @chris4210 ) Co-Founder & CEO of Bitshares Munich has funded a contest for the best .gif relating to the Bitshares network, a prize pool of 33,333BTS is up for grabs and a list of features to be depicted in gifs are detailed on a recently post which can be found HERE

  • We are still gathering testnet witnesses for the Transaction Throughput Testing / TPS Stress test. If you would like to run a testnet witness and be part of Bitshares history, please register your interest HERE. We still have 13 spots available and this represent a great opportunity to really get hands on with the tech and build you knowledge on what is required to run a witness.

  • @kencode has released his weekly update relating to C-IPFS, Blockpay, Smartcoins wallet, Stealth and Alfredo's Progress; in this update Ken announces that Blockpay and the Smartcoins wallets will be back in the appstore in coming weeks, He has also called for suggestions for naming of the upcoming smartcoins 2.0 wallet which will support 7 cryptocurrencies. See the update and vote for your favorite name HERE

  • Christoph Hering ( @chris4210 ) Co-Founder & CEO of Bitshares Munich will be attending 'Blockchain Week 2017' in London; running from January 20th - 26th. Chris will be speaking on a panel on the topic 'What is an ICO (Initial Coin Offering)' you can find more details HERE or see Chris's first update from the event HERE

  • @estefantt has published the most recent figures on the new Bit20 composition, On the 21st day of every month, Bit20 runs an algorithm that creates its new composition for the index fund. Check the most recent data HERE or browse the main Bit20 website HERE

  • @cm-steem and the Gridcoin community have been working on a customised version of the Bitshares web wallet putting Open.GRC front and center for featured markets and pairing for the DEX, Checkout more details on Steem or on the BitsharesTalk Forum

  • @heiditravels has released her latest edition of the 'Crypto Tips' video series featuring Bitshares as a a small town on global scale; please find the latest edition HERE

  • @mrwang has created a new Bitshares asset called 'WANGCHANGE' "This UIA (User Issued Asset) was created to raise the funds needed to continue developing and producing high quality content for the steemit platform and help promote other projects and communities in the near future". See more details HERE

  • @taskmanager has set a floor on the price of his TASKMANAGER asset by setting buy orders on all active pairs for amounts matching the current issuance of the token. This is a minimum price and he looks to increase the base price over time. Find out more HERE

  • @centz has extended their pre ICO offers, the Pre ICO now runs until the 13th of Feb before the start of the official ICO on the 14th Feb; check out the details on If you are investing in the PreICO/ICO you can use the promocode "getcentz" for a bonus 2% on your investment

  • The last asset registered this week is asset 1259 and it is a smartcoin named 'GOLOS' registered by '@altfund' with the description '1 GOLOS'.

  • Current registered wallets/accounts within the Bitshares network is 153711; an increase of 538 wallets/accounts since last week

Bitshares Distribution

This sections seeks to analyse the current distribution of the network. We look at the current supply, top 100 hodlers, Orders on the Bitshares Decentralized Exchange (DEX), Reserve pool balance and Income growth.

DistributionBalanceChange W/WChange W/W %
BTS Supply2,580,209,493 678,166.000.0263%
BTS Stealth265,479-0.00%
BTS in Open Orders (DEX)45235142.14 -437,494.04-0.96%
Reserve Pool1,020,365,682 -677,794.00-0.0664%
RP Accumulated fees27,297 2,202.008.77%
Collateral (top 250) backing Smartcoins285276499 7,197,502.002.59%
Top 100 Total1,382,461,878 1,713,069.010.12%
Top 100 - minus Exchanges530,100,949 -7,119,761.37-1.33%
Exchanges852,360,929 8,832,830.381.05%
Non Exchanges1,727,848,564 -8,154,664.38-0.47%

Profit/Expenses from the Bitshares Reserve Pool

The chart below show historic profit/expense from the Bitshares Reserve Pool where a positive number represents a W/W profit and a negative number means a W/W expense; Bitshares expenses include witness and worker pay and income includes network fees.

BTS Trading

Looking at the most active trading pairs for Bitshares (BTS). Data displayed is a 24 hour snapshot as taken on the date of this report and not a reflection on the week as a whole.

MarketLast PricePrice USD24hr Vol BTS24hr Vol USDVol %Vol % Change W/W

Worker Proposals

This section will identify the current approved and pending worker proposals

Active Worker:

Proposed Worker

DEX: Most Active Markets

This section will show the BTS markets within the DEX and seek to highlight the most active markets.

The most active base pair is BTS and the top 3 pairs are CNY, Compuceeds and Open.BTC


This sections seeks to analyse the current supply and market capitalisation of the Bitshares Smartcoins.

AssetSupplyPriceMarket Cap BTSMarket Cap USDSupply Change W/W
BTS2,580,209,4930.003723202,580,209,493$9,606,635.98 0.0263%
BTS Stealth265,4790.00372320265,479$988.430.00%
Reserve Pool1,020,365,6820.003723201,020,365,682$3,799,025.51 -0.0663%
Accumulated fees27,2970.0037232027,297$101.63 8.18%
BitUSD98,14726826,303,396$97,932.80 0.89%
BitCNY964,21938.937,508,119$139,650.23 4.39%
BitEUR5,9132881,702,944$6,340.40 -0.14%
BitBTC44.80246,30511,034,464$41,083.52 -0.24%
BitSilver1,105.004,6235,108,415$19,019.65 -4.08%

Referral Stats

This section will track user referrals, to gauge active refers overtime. The chart below shows in blue the total number of referred users and in orange the new referrals for this week.

AccountReferralsChange W/W
bitshares-munich1933 23
jianjolly-0947 123
btsabc402 7
fav321 1
cryptofresh315 6
ccm2015225 2
gn1223 1
cryptocurrency3180 3
by24seven158 5
ebit97 3

Vote Proxies

This section will track the change in proxy voting

AccountOpinionsFollowersWeight (M)Weight Change (M)
xeroc36147188.1 1.1
baozi206495.9 2.9
bitcrab532291.9 4.3
laomao39342.2 -3.7
bitshares-munich-wallet8623.2 0.1
bytemaster384113.9 -0.3
jonnybitcoin271212.8 0.1
yao263411.6 -2.1

Committee Members

This section will track shareholder approval of committee members

AccountVotes (M)Votes Change (M)
bitcrab620.7 0.2
chris4210541.1 185.1
bhuz522 0.1
abit482.4 -8.1
xeroc467.6 0.9
clayop459.8 -1.3
bunkerchainlabs-com418.2 90.4
dele-puppy386.3 -20.9
ebit350.1 2.5
bitcube297.3 -98.7
harvey-xts191.3 -3.3

Top 100 Distribution including Exchanges

This section looks at the top 100 rich list and compares account balances, this section will seek to identify changes in ownership which may lead to interesting investigations and early warning signs of upcoming projects

RankAccountBalance(include orders)OrdersChange W/WChange W/W %
3poloniexwallet86790840.1103,775,743.63 4.55%
6bittrex-deposit20538694.150198,790.87 0.98%
7btsx-bitshare1986340201.00 0.00%
12stan15834780.690-7.64 0.00%
14funnycat-air11489195.0110787140396,802.78 3.58%
23jonnybitcoin8903143.9471000000500,239.13 5.95%
29yun-bts7237706.8560144,519.40 2.04%
50bterdeposit4713775.469039,862.57 0.85%
53bitcc-bts4636061.0440301,010.31 6.94%
56teiva4524369.1990822,776.43 22.23%
60onceuponatime4131459.38231001,125,686.90 37.45%
62kimziv04101739.259038,900.00 0.96%
65bitgate-ico14018984.9540222,119.60 5.85%
69trans.bot3722006.154510986.2101635,112.85 20.57%
71jaehyuk3627054.38500.00 0.00%
82bunkerchainlabs-com3076671.2750-500,002.64 -13.98%
86bts-morning2987464.00900.00 0.00%
89graphene20152900141.295317162.9585-337.07 -0.01%
90satoshi-pie2807841.1910-2.64 0.00%
94bang-king2570420.1850-200,002.64 -7.22%

CENTZ and APPTRADE ICO Promo codes - Bonus 2% on investment

If you are looking to buy into these ICO please find the codes below that will get you a bonus 2% on check out

Centz - Promocode: getcentz
Apptrade - Promocode: getapptrade

Thanks for viewing :)

I value your feedback.
Is there something more you would like me to track in these reports? or do you have some information for the next BSoTN report? please let me know in the comments, on, in the 'BitsharesDEX' Telegram group or every Friday in the the BeyondBitcoin Hangouts.

I hope you enjoyed this report! :)

Image Credit: @cass


Thanks again for sharing a huge amount of information and great inspiring action! I just uploaded Bitshares Light wallet and can't wait to see what Ken is up to... I'm going to share the BitShares GIF contest as well. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

Thankyoy for the kind comments Eric, great to see you have the wallet and getting in on the gif festival :) looking forward to see them all, great participation thus far. Namaste

I would love to know how to make GIFs to be able to participate as well, but I really don't know how. Luckily, there are some great GIF artists out there that I have seen so far on this platform. All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

I have used screen2gif before; it is pretty simple. Chris links the following for good windows based gif apps:

Wow, thanks a bunch for sharing of such info. I am not running on Windows as I am o a MacBook Pro, would it work the same anyhow? Namaste :)

I'm still learning... so much to take in.

I did scan this whole report, there is a LOT of work in this report on your end!!

U told Heidi this week one of my next posts I will do in my #Crypto101 will be on BTS. I've been thinking about it for weeks trying to figure out more about it.

1 day I will get my research done and post it.

If you would like to send the links or accounts or people to tag or send it to, I will make my notes tomorrow if you respond here.

When you are not from this Crypto world there is just so much to learn.

I would love to get my hands on more crypto, this much I know!!

Have a good rest of the week.

Hi Barry,

I am very sorry i missed your comment last week; i normally track my reply via a telegram bot so not sure how that happened.

I think a Crypto101 series is a great idea and an awesome way to learn; i think your best audience would be Steem users and people who have created Bitshares UIA's for the Steem projects could help your penetration. These guys are creating the need/demand and you are creating the how :)

There is definitely a lot to learn coming into the space for the first time; just be careful once your hooked; you can't go back :)

I had shared this info on another BTS type person's account last nite......

Actually last nite I was trying to sign into my BTS wallet to poke around for the first time in weeks and tried all 4 browsers on my laptop and it just refused to let me in.

I will not be happy if my regular cache clearing deleted my wallet with the pile of coins in there.... that kind of stuff is not made very clear and strong to crypto noobs not understanding all this stuff.

I had holdings in there of about 15 kinds of coins from donations and winning contest etc and was pretty excited to start building things.

Hi Barry,

You are correct that clearing the cache will remove your keys from the browser, but they can easily be restored using your wallet backup (either .bin file or the brain seed (12 words)) created during the initial setup wizard.

Once your back online might be an idea to consider the light client; it is my personal favorite as i also clear my cache regularly; the light client does not store keys in your browser cache but always good to keep you backup somewhere (best method is to keep it off line) just in case your HDD crashes or something happens to your machine.

Let me know how you go or if you need any help

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62948.49
ETH 2583.15
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74