Sovereign Sky - Excerpt 6 - Jailbait Jeopardy

in #bitshares6 years ago (edited)

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor’s wrong, the proud man’s contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law’s delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a flux capacitor?
-- with apologies to William Shakespeare

Sovereign Sky Excerpt 6 - Jailbait Jeopardy

Doc: Marty, I've been thinking...

Marty: So, what else is new, Doc?

Doc: We're stimulating all kinds of great questions and comments out there in the multiverse, Marty. The probes are reporting it and I'm boiling it all down here. I just don't know how to get the answers to them safely.

Marty: How hard can it be, Doc? Just answer them one by one and put it out on our multiverse mailing list.

Doc: Yeah, but what if there's an accidental typo in there somewhere, Marty. I'll be a wanted man in a million parallel universes. The three-letter agencies out there are getting really good at turning a difference of interpretation of a single sentence into lifetime prison sentences. What if a lightning bolt hits us and we wind up stranded in a universe where the authorities have a copy of my answers. Who know what they might make up out of all that?

Marty: I think you're being a bit paranoid, Doc.

Doc: No! Marty! Look at this! I've analyzed the patterns of the Dystopian Forces in over 100,000 universes so far. It's like they've all settled on a strategy of taking down inconvenient entrepreneurs by claiming they made a false statement about something. Doesn't even matter if its true, its enough to shut down their companies, smear their reputations, and seize all their assets! No, Marty, we've got to add another layer of protection before I dare answer any questions...

Marty: What did you have in mind, Doc?

Doc: Well, if we gave out all the answers in the middle of a Jeopardy game, that could work...

Marty: Doc, nobody plays Jeopardy anymore. We'll look like idiots doing that!

Doc: Maybe so Marty, but sometimes you have to illustrate absurdity by being absurd! I think we'll be a lot safer as fictional characters in a fictional miniseries asking questions that match pre-determined fictional answers! Hard to make a False Statement when you are just asking questions! Anyhow, I've mocked up a version of the game called "Jailbait Jeopardy". Sorry I didn't have time to make an electronic scoreboard, we'll have to use flash cards.

Marty: Sigh. You're the Doc, Doc. Give me Wimpy Worries for $200...

Doc: Now you're talking, Marty. Here you go: "Until BitShares selects and implements a cross chain communication system we have to use a multi-sig escrow. This works the same way and has the same amount of risk as depositing your BitShares on an exchange and having them issue you credits to trade on their order matching engine. This will be supervised by the team which has a great reputation and plenty of experience at keeping funds safe."

Marty: Um, "Will my BitShares be at risk if I move them over to the BEOS chain to collect rainfall?"

Jeopardy Scorekeeping Robot DING! CORRECT!

Marty: Cool. Gimme Dystopian Treachery for $200!

Doc: "Just collect a bunch of disinformation off the internet put there by enemies like FUDslingers, competitors, and ex-wives and put it into a complaint and get some overworked judge who blindly trusts them because they "work for the government" to issue a preemptive order to seize all their target's assets without just cause and due process."

Marty: Um, "What's the fastest, cheapest way for a 3-Letter Agency to destroy a company they don't like?"

Jeopardy Scorekeeping Robot: DING! CORRECT!

Marty: Hey, this is kinda fun. Gimme Friendly FUD for $200!

Doc: "You will be receiving permanent voting power on the BEOS chain in exchange for temporarily letting us use your voting power on the BitShares side as your proxy during the rainfall period. It will be used to vote for worker proposals that benefit the project such as funding ongoing work and maintenance. Naturally, the worker proposal must be announced in advance and you can always reclaim your BTS instantly if you don’t like what you see."

Marty: Ah! "What unnatural acts will you be performing with the voting power of my tokens while they are proxied onto the BEOS chain?"

Jeopardy Scorekeeping Robot: DING! CORRECT!

Marty: Ok, Let's do Doc's Picks for $200...

Doc: It’s nice to have choices. You can either continue to benefit by borrowing against your BTS and selling the resulting bitAssets into circulation, or you can temporarily put the BTS to good use in another way, collecting rainfall. However, the impact on liquidity of bitAssets in the marketplace should be mitigated by improving price of BTS during the raindrop period as more and more are taken out of circulation. As the BTS price rises, you need less collateral to back the same number of bitAssets, letting people have their cake and eat it too.

Marty: Won’t I have to take BTS away from the collateral supporting bitAssets in order to collect rainfall?

Jeopardy Scorekeeping Robot: DING! CORRECT!

Marty: Gimme Profound Insights for $200.

Doc: There is absolutely no reason in the world.

Marty: Um, “Why would we make it easy to get free BEOS voting power in our new system for people who don’t like us, don’t trust us and don’t want us to vote to develop and integrate it with BitShares?”

Jeopardy Scorekeeping Robot: DING! CORRECT!

Marty: Might as well try Technical Tidbits for 200!

Doc: 88 miles per hour.

Marty: Heh, “What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen African swallow in the trans-temporal region as it is breaking the time barrier?”

Nice job Marty. Perfect score so far. We’re OUTATIME for this episode folks but we’ll continue this game in a future episode!

Posts in the Sovereign Sky Series

All My Free Speech is Fiction
Sovereign Sky Excerpt 1 - A Proliferation of Parallels
Sovereign Sky Excerpt 2 - Specialization is for Insects
Sovereign Sky Excerpt 3 - The Fall of Empire
Sovereign Sky Excerpt 4 - Doc's Darwin Awards
Sovereign Sky Excerpt 5 - Dystopian Universes
Sovereign Sky Excerpt 6 - Jailbait Jeopardy
Sovereign Sky Excerpt 7 - A New Hope

Doc's Fictional Guide to the Brown EOS - BEOS

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Woah a great combination of poetry and drama with exclusive contents.

Doc Brown may not be the typical charismatic game show host but, he did such a good job that I can't remember the name of the original host.

Very good job of keeping the 3-name agency busy playing a game !

Even Bernie Sanders has lost interest! Much less HRC!

I'm not a prophet, nor do I play many T.V. games...

However, I stand back in wonder and appreciation as I observe what folk like you, and Jared, and all the members of your teams are doing.

In my humble opinion, it falls into this category.

Thank you for your efforts to increase our liberty.



I wonder if Doc would ever consider looking into a way for BitUSD to be accepted as a way receiving BEOS... albeit a 1:1 would be less favorable than swapping for bts (perhaps BitCNY could be considered). Bitshares is awesome (in part) because of the banking on the blockchain aspect. Just don't want to convert all my bitusd into bts. But i'm definitely willing to hold all my BTS on the side chain thingy.... in some parallel universe. Exciting times ahead.

Two years ago, I saw no hope (although I have never lost FAITH). Faith>Hope
One year ago, I had never heard of Blockchain.
Two weeks ago, I knew little of EOS (although I had a few).
One week ago, I watched your video with Connie (crickets) 2 times and heard the call.
Watched it again last night, and read all of your "fiction" today.
Appreciate this great work.
BEOS, Nov 5th. See you there!

Hypothetically and Fictionally speaking, in a parallel universe...Wouldn't Blocktrades NOT want this to be a successful. Cross chain atomic swap would basically remove the need for blocktrades. This makes holding BTS with them seem riskier to me. I am excited about BEOS and want to hold all my bts over there, but what thoughts do you have about this?

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