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RE: BitShares Hit by Cat 5 Miracle of HEROic Proportions

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

The object of the contest is to generate a 1000x increase in the size of the jackpot. This is accomplished by causing the whole world to compete to own BitShares and issue HEROs doing a thousand gameified tasks. Because everyone is playing and competing for BitShares, it is not hard to imaging the market cap doing what bitcoin and Ethereum have already done "naturally"... only much faster.

If the value of the jackpot increases 1000x, then all BTS increase by 1000x. This give confidence for companies of all sizes to participate with their own revenue streams.

Once it reaches full scale, network effect kicks in and people are spending HEROs and paying transaction fees that cause the network to continue to appreciate until it grows the very economy of the whole world. (since transaction fees take even more bts out of circulation.)

People have three motivations:

  1. to grow their own BTS nest egg.
  2. to heroically contribute to the world's supply of HEROs.
  3. To help their tribe's Good Cause win the first place prize.

In the process, a global economy backed stably appreciating reserve currency is born.

All wrapped in reality TV and global promotion to mainstream people... leading to acceptance because everyone participated in creating it.

We are donating the $1,000,000 seed money.

In the process of playing the game we'll teach everyone about digital currencies and make them comfortable with it.

Teams are scored by how many HEROs they are collectively backing.

You can change teams any time by changing your proxy link.


Got me some more bts because of the vid! As for the contest, still lost in all that info - are there any limitations to participation?

We want all the world to participate. Join one of the 12 leading teams. Anyone can lead a team.

It seems you have a history of aiming high and sometimes trusting the wrong people. I think you should make some kind of statement (in a post at least) about the latest incident, because it's very likely to hurt you and your project if you don't.

maybe so, but he clearly still trusts him, so it's irrelevant we missed the VR reality AR game show and a couple of million billions

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