Why EasyDex > OpenLedger? Portofolio Builder, Whaleshares Integration and Password Recovery

in #bitshares6 years ago (edited)

The Bitshares platform is very familiar to the users of Steemit. Many think of Open Ledger as the top "skin" of the platform, but that may be changing.

With Open Ledger choosing to to try and vet User Issued Assets on the Bitshares blockchain and determine which pass muster, their claim of decentralization should really be put to rest. Luckily, there is an heir apparent for those wanting something more than the vanilla Bitshares Wallet.

Enter @easydex.

Here are the three reasons that I choose to use EasyDex.

Whaleshares Integration

Very soon, you will be able to send Whaleshares/Beyondbits/Hairshares without going to Whaleshares.net website. Instead, just tell EasyDex the right URL and the right token and it will take care of the rest for you.

Taking out a step in the equation should lead to better adoption.

Portfolio Builder

I picked up a few EASYDEX.PB tokens during the pre-sale, which will entitle me to a portion of the fees generated by the crypto-bridges that EasyDex operates. My OBITS investment - a similar entity run by OpenLedger - hasn't fared as well as I would have hoped.

Password Recovery

It seems like each day brings another horror story of someone losing access to their Bitshares account due to poor password management. If one signs up with EasyDex, however, there is a password recovery option - very rare in the world of crypto.

More On The Way

The EasyDex team seems committed to listening to what users want and making our crypto-lives easier. I can't wait to see what they have in store next!

Have questions? Join the EasyDex discord and ask away!


Thank you for your wonderful review! We have many other great things coming very soon too.

Will there ever be a point in which your UI may exclude/discourage the tidal wave of shit-tokens that we both must admit plaque the BTS paltform?

Just asking since your compliment came with an insult to someone else. :)

I definitely know about the shit-coin flood that's been plaguing BTS. We are planning on implementing a way to hide tokens you don't want to see on your wallet page so users don't have to have them clogging everything up.

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This is sounds pretty cool, I think I heard something about this on one of the hangouts too.

but yeah I like openledger overall, but I'm with you on the OBITS thing. I've been lost on whats actually supposed to be going on with that.

I just started using easydex last week but already I really like the UI compared to openledger. It is all just a bit friendlier

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