BIT COIN .. the 100 TRiLLiON doLLar .. UP-GRADE )))

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

HOW to get your SHARE ?? .. could NOT BE EASIER !! - ))

"CHAINS" .. in essence .. (( are forks )) .. L(in)Ked FORKS - ))
EACH L(in)K .. a left or right, UP or DOWN option
.. if YOU want to move ??? - )))

The "strength & flex-ability" of a CHAIN ...
"REQUIRES" connectedness .. of "EQUALS & OPPOSITES"

and, a CHAIN can "NOT" BE PUSHED !!!!!! - ))

ALL the "UTILITY" exists in the "PULL" !! - ))
.. holding the past and the FUTURE .. together - ))

= ALL-WAYS .. a " choice " NOW - ))

SO NOW we have .. BTC .. and .. BCH ?? ?? - ))

HOW many more 'F(ork)S' .. to come ??? - )))
HOW to position "YOURSELF" NOW .. for future SUCCESS !! - ))

((THIS is BIT COIN singing about it's relationship with HUMANITY- ))

.. " what doesn't kill you makes you "stronger"" - ))

= there is "only" .. ONE .. INFINITY !! !! !! - )))

and, .. if this "ONE" INFINITY .. is "truly" INFINITE ???
EVERY sin-gle Pi(e)cE .. MUST BE INFINITE ( . )

Imag-i-nation = endless and infinite - )
ALL ELECTRICITY = all comes out of .. AIR - )
FREE-que-N-SEE = HoW much "LIFE" is there in the "visible light" spectrum ?? - ))

INFINITY can NOT "BE" more INFINITE = "over-unity" = B.S. = B.elief S.ystem - )) = T-here is ONLY, "UNITY" .. and .. less than "UNITY" ( . )

(i.e.) .. CO-mm_"UNITY" .. is POWERFUL .. WHY !?!?! - ))
.. family never forgets, where it comes from - ))

WORLD WAR FREE ... is already ONE - ))

BIT COIN .. has already WON .. YOUR FREE-do-M !!! !!! - )))
(( DEBT SlaverY .. is .. dead in the water = FIN-ISHED ))

and, as far as INFINITY is (( CO_N_CERN_eD )) ...
YOUR freedom was NEVER (( in )) QUEST_i_ON !!! ( . )

THE UNIVERSE is "NOT" out to get US .. there is "NO" SOURCE of "DARKNESS" ((=unFINDable)) ... AND, WE can ALL-WAYS find the SOURCE of LIGHT ... but, MOST importantly ( !! ) .. IT IS .. the DARKNESS that "holds" the NIGHT SKY TOGETHER !!! !!! - ))

(( all the unkNOWn .. exists "in" the D'ARK - ))

E V I L = L I V E ... backwards ( . )
D E V I L = L I V E D ... bakwards ( . )

SO in this analogy .. we can "allow" ALL "nefarious" INTENTIONS "BE" .. simply because, INFINITY is "inclusive" = all-ways EXP(AND)ING .. and .. NEVER "exclusive" = separate & contracting. Meaning .. IN the FLOW .. or not = choice = the CHAIN - ))
(( right and wrong .. are subjective perspectives ))

HATE + ANGER + GREED ... tires US OUT - ((
LOVE + JOY + GIVING ... fills US IN - ))

IF we 'zoom-out' ... what is happening in the D.gital C.urrency REAL'm .. is obvious and simple to explain, with NO technical background. BIT COIN "miners" ... are creating, a LARGER "PROFIAT-ABLE & MINE-ABLE" PooL .. for something that is already working PERFECTLY = BIT COIN !! - )) MINERS can see the GLOBAL ADOPTION unfolding & RAPIDLY "gaining" MOMENTUM = the transfer of FIAT WEALTH "pooling" into D.igital C.urrency .. and .. are "POSITIONING" BIT COIN (( and, all future iterations of BIT COIN )) .. as the "NEW" Precious Metals Market & the NEW GLOBAL RESERVE CURRENCY !!!

... already achieved, by the way !! - ))

The "MINERS" don't WANT FASTER TRANSACTION TIMES .. BIGGER B(LOCK)S .. more BIT COIN UTILITY !!! THE MINERS want the same thing the BIT COIN "PUREST'S" want = a Higher and HIGHER BIT COIN "VALUATION" and, an ENDLESS "opportunity" to "m(in)e" the MOST VALUABLE COMMODITY .. to ever "exist" on "PLAN_eT E(ART)H !!! !!!
.. outside, of "HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS" !!! - )))
ha ha - ))


(( ... they will not STOP digging DEEPER ))

The simple 'math' (( E_mo(ti)on_LeSS "evaluation" of NOW )) .. is that the 'miners' have a "GAME PLAN" .. an execute-able strategy .. to "FORK" BITCOIN into INFINITY .. and KEEP BIT COIN as the COIN that "STORES VALUE" .. nothing more ... and, as the VALUATION increases = $1,000,000 BIT COIN will easily support a 100 "ALT" BIT COIN'S .. of "less" VALUE .. and, "if" each has a specific "value proposition", different properties like precious metals ((gold silver copper .. etc. etc.)) RESERVE CURRENCY BIT COIN .. with knock-off's "pegged" to BIT COIN .. $20,000,000 BIT COIN in 10 years = do-able.

The foreSEE-able future = transparent markets + FIXED SUPPLY - ))

BIT COIN @ $5,000 by the end SeptembeR 2017 !!!
BIT COIN @ $13,000 by MarcH 1 st, 2018 !!! !!!
2019 .. BIT COIN making $1,000 per day moves !!! !!!
2020 .. BIT COIN making $5,000 per day moves !!! !!!
2021 .. BIT COIN BREAKS $1,000,000 ... just watch - ))

Beginning in MarcH 2018 the NEW "ROYAL FAMILY" of BIT COIN "holders" will start making "ALT COINS" shine, and GOVERNMENTS WorlD W(iD)E .. will begin to throw in the towel, on MASS in 2019 !!! !!! - )))

Impossible .. right ?? - ))

WhaT about ALL the "NEW" technologies .. ALL the FASTER NET-WORKS & "UN(IQ)UE" value propositions ??? OF COURSE they ALL have .. an INCREDIBLY LUCRATIVE PLACE !!! The "MINERS" & "PUREST'S" battling over, the "REAL BIT COIN" is ((FrICTION)) in the D.gital C.urrency arena .. creating a WAR-M + ENDLESS + PROFIT-ABLE environment, filled with OPPORTUNITY, in a "NEW" paradigm of personal ABUNDANCE !! - ))

HOWEVER .. please note .. where WE are NOW !!!
YOU and i .. can see the light at the end of the TunneL .. ?? - ))

STEEM = early "social" adopters, to the "NEW" paradigm !!! - )))
.. and WE each, can ONLY "GIVE" what WE have GOT ! - )

THE VAST MAJORITY of HUMANITY, is "broke, cold & HUNGRY for CHANGE" .. desperately desiring a HigheR QUALITY of life .. left to wondering, why they have been forsaken !!! .. COMBINED WITH the "fact" that .. "ALL the D.igital C.urrency combined" .. are NOT EVEN 1/10, of 1% of the GlobaL ECONOMY +++ the GlobaL ECONOMY is "only" what is tracked in "TRACE-ABLE DOLLARS" .. (i.e.) .. B(ART)E'R & TRADE is far LARGER then anyone can measure !!! - ))) ... and, "adopt-able" through D.igital C.urrency !!! !!!

SO, if this analogy is even 1% correct ??? - )))
.. a "HUGE" opportunity EXISTS NOW .. for YOU !!! - )))

"MAKE" a lasting difference in YOUR LIFE - )))
.. "and" the live's of MANY ... when YOU are 'personally' ABUNDANT !! - ))

BIT COIN will DRIVE .. ALL "ALT" COINS UP .. and, ALL "credible" PROJECTS will have some measure of SUCCESS !! HOWEVER, "life" clearly sHOWs US .. "how" SUCCESS is achieved and determined, in OUR current paradigm = SPEED and "USER INTERFACE" are the KING and QUEEN of the sHOW. ANY value proposition in the current ICO arena, that wants to reach the masses .. MUST BE "FAST & DEPEND-ABLE + BEAUTIFUL & EASY to USE" !!! - )))

ICO's BETTER have a value proposition, that is "ALLOT" more than ...
" a fast, secure, store of value " ??? ??? = 75% of "ALT" COINS NOW ????? - ((

CONSIDER .. here WE are on STEEM with a population, that has doubled in the past 7 weeks ... NOW, consider how many people in the world .. know about STEEM & BIT COIN, and how BIT COIN has nearly doubled since it's last "profit taking" dip .. again, in the past 7 weeks ... NOW ask yourself, is this trend across the D.igital C.urrency going to slow down ??? ???

.. or .. is it "likely" to SPEED UP ??? - )))

THERE is 'currently' ONLY ONE "TECHNOLOGY" .. built for HIGH SPEED !!! !!! BUILT to "shift gears" to make "easy work" of vari-able TERRAIN .. and, already has a "promising" run of RELIABILITY .. !!! and !!! .. an EXP(AND)ABLE "SCALE-ABLE" FUTURE !!! - )))

BIT SHARES = the same block chain 'technology' .. that is allowing YOU to read this !! - ))
BIT SHARES = the block chain .. for MASS SCALE-ABILITY !!! !!!
and .. coming soon .. EOS .. = WAR-P SPEED - ))

(( note: Ethereum is a good 'business' solution, for businesses that do NOT 'need' to make 1000's of transactions per second .. and will slowly fade into the ETHER .. as EVERYTHING ((except BIT COIN)) SPEEDS UP !! - ))

IT could "NOT"be easier for YOU to take advantage from where YOU are, right NOW !! !!

!!!! (( - note: 1 SBD will get YOU 6 BIT SHARES ... NOW - )) !!!!

... how long until this is 1 to 1 ??? ???

SBD is easily converted to BIT SHARES (( or many other D.C.'s ))
.. with an OPEN LEDGER account !!-))
AN OPEN LEDGER account is FREE .. and the MASSES are coming !! - ))

ONCE you've signed UP ... (( nearly the same as a STEEM sign UP ))

IN the basic mode, in OPEN LEDGER, push the "open.SBD" (DEPOSIT) button .. This will give YOU the address and memo to "paste" in your STEEM WalleT .. for your SBD TRANSFER - ))

... once the SBD is transferred - )))

Simply .. hit the ((BUY)) button for BTS (( BIT SHARES ))
THE OPEN LEDGER decentralized exchange, will quickly convert your SBD to BTS - ))
.. done ! - ))

(( note: this same process can be used to convert SBD to STEEM !!! - )))
(( = why wait 3 days to convert SBD to STEEM .. to "power-UP" ??? - (((

The OPEN LEDGER WALLET "in essence" is EXACTLY the same, as a STEEM WALLET. The same "SAFETY" features .. and with, GREATER !! D.igital C.urrency UTILITY !!! - )))


The future is VERY B'RIGHT for this burgeoning ECONOMY !!! - )))
YOU and i .. NOW find ourself .. with MANY OPPORTUNITIES to participate !! - )) .. and, even a small amount of BIT SHARES + BIT COIN + OBITS NOW ?? - )) .. Will translate into "financial confidence" .. in the NEAR FUTURE !!! !!! - ))

Truly .. BIT SHARES .. are only "one" opportunity - )))
.. and, the future HOLDS an ENDLESS aMOUNT - )))

.. let's have FUN ALONG THE WAY !! !! !! - ))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

ps .. THE SKY is NO LIMIT .. with an OPEN LEDGER WALLET !! - ))

note: OBITS = open ledger's native coin .. is trading for about 1 to 1 .. SBD to OBITS - )) .. and, OBITS are "built" ON the BIT SHARE CHAIN ... nudge nudge - )))

Lastly, what happens when someone answers @stan 'S .. "B.H.A.G." #3 ... wink wink - )))

THE GUARDIANS of the GALAXY ... are who ?? - ))

... those that make the CHAINS - ))

Thank you for sharing!! I agree that we are currently at a key moment to embark in the boat of cryptos!!
I had a lot of difficulty in the last 1 year or 2 to fully understand everything that touches Bitcoins because the infos are in English and all the terms are new !!! In addition nobody in my entourage knows this and they just tell me that it is a scam ... Nothing helping on this side ...
Now it's better, I practiced my English a lot reading about cryptos :)
The dollar vigilante really help me in this quest too! I understand the subject now and there are more and more resources in French that help me to clarify things.
However, I have not yet buy ... I am still too afraid ... I mean I'm convinced that cryptos are a good investment !! But their purchase takes me out of my comfort zone and since I do not have a lot of money, I want to be sure that I am not mistaken about the technicalities (exchanges, wallets ...).
I told myself that sharing on steemit would be a good first step to get cryptos and that is the case, I now have a hundred SBD thanks to this beautiful community and the time I share having fun here!!!! I did not really know how to exchange them for steem power or bitcoins or other altcoins, but now, with your post, you are showing me a few simple steps to get there !!! Thank you very much, my trust in you make these little steps so less scary !!!! And I take good note of your suggestion about bitshares!!! :) You have been heard!!

GO YOU !!! - )))

FirsT .. i LOVE YOUr "replies" .. so hONEst and REAL !! - ))

SeconD .. i "TOTALLY GET" the .. small step process !!! - )))
i am a man with "little" monetary means (( currently - )))) .. and, have made very small steps due to the $$$ involved - )) BUT .. with each step, i have gained confidence and certainty .. i am moving in a 'positive' direction !!!

IF YOU have any questions .. ABSOLUTELY give me a shout on steemit chat or gmail .. ANY-TIME !!! ... your 137 SBD is quickly and easily translated into a bit of BTS "and" STEEM POWER .. with an "open ledger" wallet !! - ))

IF YOU were to put 37 SBD into BTS ... and 100 SBD into STEEM - ))
YOUR voting power would be HIGHER !!! - ))
.. and you'd have about 220 BTS !!! - )))

TO DAY .. BIT COIN is over $4,000 CDN .. and within 3 YEARS .. BIT SHARES will share a similar position .. if not higher !!! ... = $880,000 CDN .. in less than 1,000 days .. from NOW !!! - )))

GeT some .. and sit on them - )))
ha ha - )))

Ha ha .. i ALL WAYS "FEEL" heard when YOU come around - ))
THANKS ALLOT ... for that ! - )))))))))))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

You read in my mind!! :) This is exactly what i want to do!!!! What i try to do right now!...

YOU're aWEsoME !!!!!!!!!! - ))

Thank you @fun-along-theway for posting this!
It was long, with caps, but super fun! ...and interesting :) Upvoted!

ThankS GARY ! - ))
i caught ALL three S'how'S LasT night on YOU TUBE - )))

.. your "excitement" is GROWING !! - ))
VERY EN(JOY)ABLE !!!!!!!!!! - ))

.. as for .. CAP_it_ALL'S ... = FIRE .. with .. pHi-re - )))

.. make for "C-alm" ... "C"'s - )))
ha ha - )))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

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