Staking Coins (4 Diferent Ways)

in #bitshares7 years ago (edited)

Recently i started to stake more and more coins every day,
so im gonna show you a couple of options and try to keep it short and simple.
I also wont be talking too much about actual profit numbers until i get more data myself.

First ofcourse is the "normal" way to stake,
and that is by keeping your coins on a desktop wallet.

Im currently doing this with Nav Coin,
but there are many others that you can do this with in a similar way.

The downside is that it requires you to sync (download transaction history),
and that your PC needs to be on most of the time.
It also takes about 15 days depending on the amount of coins before it will start to stake.

So lets take a look at some other options.

Buildteam can be purchased on the Bitshares DEX,
and needs to be sent to buildteamvest with your steem name in the memo.

Keep in mind that you need to power down in the same way you do with steem power,
but you will be paid bi-weekly payments in steem on your steem account while you stake.

When Smart Media Tokens launch on steem, they will move there operations here.
Than we can finally stake on steem :)

For more info check out there post here explaining how to stake.

This option is probably the easiest and the fastest as far as seeing results.
With that i mean you will see it stake coins the fastest,
that does not mean its going to make the most profit.

Currently i purchased XP (Bridge.XP) on Cryptobridge.
This is a exchange that is part of the bitshares DEX and it gives me (another) option to stake,
without having to use a central exchange.

You can than send these to Simple Pos Pool and they will start to stake straight away,
you will get payments a couple times per day as you stake together with the rest of the pool.

They have a few other coins listed and more will be added in the future.

If you want to use my referral you can click the link bellow, else click on Simple Pos Pool above.

CryptoBridge is a (mostly) BTC Market that uses the Bitshares Dex,
you can buy and stake Bridge.BCO for a minimum of a month.

In return you get a bi-weekly sharedrop of the fee's paid on the exchange.
(50% of all fee's paid go towards the sharedrop)
You will also get a bonus if you stake / "lock" away your coins for longer.
(Up to 100% for 12 Months)

Maybe ill write more about dividends and staking in the future after i have collected more payouts in the next couple of weeks.


just an unsolicited advice
try make it more personal

peeps tend to look at our wallet here
would you up a crypto advice when their wallet's saying something else?
btw, try making an intro yourself post
it doesnt have to show your face
in fact if you go to @sirwinchester's page he shared something that's very creatively made
just that paper is damn important
it would help you build your credibility but of course its always your prerogative to do it or not

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.13
JST 0.028
BTC 66338.04
ETH 3306.77
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.69