
Yeah I'm sort of back and forth on it. When I filmed the video last night of the "shows over" video I really started thinking it probably did happen but then the more I started thinking about it and looking at the Instagram live video I recorded then I started thinking that they were playing games and putting all the Bitcoin in one wallet to show 397 Bitcoin in one wallet and get everyone talking which it has done that for sure.

Plus the way these guys are acting doesn't make sense. They are acting like they have moved on mentally....etc. A person could potentially live off of 111 Bitcoin for the rest of their life if they play it right and they are just brushing it off....etc.

So I'm still leaning toward that it is a hoax. It certainly gets a lot of attention.

Hahaha, I actually just watched his video and that was a lot more plausible explanation. Here was my response to the video. Also I have seen in a couple different places people have said that in Shitconnect it shows everyone's phone numbers in the downline. So if the person knew the phone number they could figure out what phone carrier they were on and if they knew the person's e-mail address they could start figuring out more information. Searching public records for birthdays, mothers maiden names....etc. And to be honest with that much money at stake they might have even paid a person that looked kind of like Trevon or Craig, made a fake ID that looked real. And sent them into the Verizon store saying they water damaged their phone or something. Since the Verizon store agent wouldn't be able to authenticate into the account by sending the current device a text with a temporary pin and then the person posing as Trevon or Craig could then say they don't remember there pin which is believable because most people don't remember there pin. Then it would come down to ID verification and as long as they had some ID that had their name on it they would be into the account. They could then have a Verizon phone they wanted to activate on the network and either use the existing SIM card or the in store agent would just give them a new SIM card which are free. At that point they would just activate the phone on the network and Trevon or Craig's phone would be kicked off the network like DJ described and they could take down accounts one by one like he said. The only question mark would be how they got into the Exodus wallets. The only explanation I can come up with is that they saved a backup and stored it on their Google drives thinking that if they lost their laptop they would still have access to the wallet backup.

Then once the hackers had the backup they could restore an Exodus wallet from the backup and make that video taunting Trevon and Craig. So it is possible for sure. Here is what I said in the comments on the YouTube video.

"It's a little bit of a stretch but possible for sure. A lot of times at the cell phone carrier call centers the turnover rate is extremely bad so they are always in constant training mode. If a person gives a good enough story about a phone being water damaged or something else and not remembering the pin some carrier reps are able to go around it without authenticating. With Verizon you can actually authenticate in with the account number. So someone could dumpster dive or dig around in a mail box and get a bill potentially as well so then they would have the account number. Then like you say if the person is using the same phones and same e-mail to get into everything the person is able to take over accounts one by one. They can fall like dominoes. I'm still not totally convinced the Trevon and Craig Grants hacks weren't staged / a hoax to get attention or evade taxes. I don't know but I have the "Shows Over video" and the "Instagram Live" video on my channel. "

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