BCH is a force war, only after the fork is counted

in #bitcoincash6 years ago (edited)

Hello all My Friends

At 0:40 am on November 16th, Beijing time, BCH will carry out a high-profile hard fork. When the contradictions are not reconcilable, the split becomes an inevitable trend.

Follow Me: @graphyhunt

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Previously, the Hashi faction released " Australia Nakamoto Satoshi VS Wu Jihan, BCH in the end will not fork? The article has explained in detail the origin of the BCH hard fork, and analyzed the strength of the forked sides and the motivation to split the BCH. Here, we need to review the main differences of this BCH hard fork. In short, the focus of this divergence is the contradiction between the two BCH versions of Bitcoin ABC 0.18.2 and Bitcoin SV.

The Bitcoin ABC 0.18.2 version of the protocol proposed by the Bitcoin ABC development team, supported by Bitcoin, requires the Canonical transaction ordering and the new OP code: OP_CHECKDATASIG; and nChain, supported by CB CW, Australia The Bitcoin SV version of the agreement against the ABC team's two changes, they plan to return the BCH agreement to the original vision of Nakamoto, re-enable Bitcoin's original OP code, including OP_MUL, OP_LSHIFT, OP_RSHIFT and OP_INVERT; remove each The script has 201 opcode restrictions; the block size is increased to 128MB.

Bitcoin SV is bent on developing BCH into a world currency solution. This is not difficult to understand, because CSW is the only person in the current currency circle who insists that he is Nakamoto Satoshi, so he spares no effort to push BCH to develop the direction of Bitcoin originally designed by Nakamoto to gain more recognition. However, he has always been unable to prove his identity. He relies solely on political means to promote the public and naturally cannot be recognized by the people of insight. Coupled with the arrogant and unobtrusive character, the people in the currency circle tend to think that he is a fake Nakamoto Satoshi, so many people have shown extreme disapproval of his behavior.

V God has made it clear that this BCH hard fork is a good opportunity to kick the CSW out of the community; bitcoin developer Jonathan Toomim said: "Bitcoin ABC allows the existence of Bitcoin SV, while nChain, Bitcoin SV and CoinGeek do not allow ABC The existence of the two, which sounds more like a comprehensive control plan; cryptocurrency analyst Joseph Young also bluntly said: "patents, litigation (seeking help from the government authorities), centralized system and brazen claims that they are Nakamoto The behavior of CSW represents everything that the crypto community opposes."

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Image source: Twitter

Split BCH, CSW is determined to win

However, even if the reputation is swept away, it is madly turned into a daily routine on Twitter, but this has not affected the gain of CSW in the calculation of the mining pool. As of November 12th, the computing power to support Bitcoin SV has exceeded 70% . The computing power in the hands of CSW is in addition to the BMG mines under the BCH's largest mining pool, CoinGeek and nChain. The SVPool, which supports Bitcoin SV at the end of the month, has also been officially opened to the public and currently holds more than 19% of its computing power.

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Image source: bitcoin cash Twitter

According to CSW himself, these calculations are all owned by them . "Bit mainland is only temporarily possessing computing power, and we have enough computing power to win this victory, and we do not need to buy from miners, we have our own mines."

In addition to the support of these computing powers, it can be seen from the interviews of the media on the 12th that CSW is ready to come up with real money to invest in this split. During the interview, CSW still does not change his unruly personality. The whole article only reveals three words: "I have money!"

He said: "I am a billionaire, I have a lot of money, I don't need to rely on mining to make money. Wu Jihan thinks he can control the power, and we - there is only money. We will also let the cryptocurrency trade It is impossible to trade Bitcoin cash until Wu Jihan is defeated."

It can be seen that CSW is sure to get a fork on this BCH. On the other hand, bitter mainland seems to have gained more people's support, but in fact, public opinion does not evaluate him much better than CSW. Especially in the previous burst of the mainland, intends to extract a certain percentage from the miners' income to the developers, isolated miners, to bind the relationship between miners and developers, strengthen the control of BCH, there are netizens in Reddit The forum said: "I support Bitcoin SV, because I hate Bit China more than CSW. We should liberate BCH from the hands of Bitland."

Bit mainland, unintentional concession

From the beginning of BCH, whether it is code development or route planning, Bitland has absolute dominance over it, and it is no secret that they gamble 2.5 billion crazy hoarding BCH. From the right to speak to the actual interests, there is no reason to sit back and face the "manic" bit of the CSW.

At present, although they have a slight loss in computing power, according to the coin.dance data, the number of Bitcoin ABC nodes used up to now is about 5.5 times that of Bitcoin SV nodes. A large number of miners still run Bitcoin ABC nodes.

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Image source: coin.dance

And today, in the face of CSW, which is determined to implement Bitcoin SV hard forks , the only way to prevent BCH splitting is to make a compromise by the Bitcoin ABC team and hand over BCH's development decision to CSW.

Follow Me: @graphyhunt


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