Bitcoin cash to come out of the Hard fork August 1st!

in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)

Just as my previous posts about the soft fork and the activated Segwit we have Bitcoin Cash to come out of the fork.


Every one if you do not already have BTC get some and store it in your offline wallet.

After the fork you will get Bitcoin Cash equivalent to the amount of bitcoin you held before the hard fork.

Remember this post BTC Bitcoin Hard Fork SegWit - How to PROFIT from it. I talked about how to profit from the fork. Well now we have a name which is Bitcoin Cash This coin is of the same bitcoin we all know and love now there will be two bitcoins just like there are two Ethereum blockchains, to start off BCC will have a 8 MB block size not 1 MB like bitcoin core.

bitcoin cash.PNG

Now there could be good and bad issues with this but. There is nothing that can stop Bitcoin Cash to come out just like an old coin cant be stopped if it is brought back to life.

Please read some of these to get a better understanding of the whole situation.

  1. BTC Bitcoin Hard Fork SegWit - How to PROFIT from it.
  2. BIP91 Has Passed Bitcoin to the Moon!
  3. Why Bitcoin is surging again, in plain English. (Follow up Yesterdays Post)
  4. ALERT! Do NOT send Bitcoin Right Now you wont get it

To read more about what Bitcoin Cash just check out their site.

Here are some Questions you might have about the whole ordeal.



Well there you have it folks a new bitcoin coming August 1st. For more information on August 1st. Go to



Every one if you do not already have BTC get some and store it in your offline wallet.

After the fork you will get Bitcoin Cash equivalent to the amount of bitcoin you held before the hard fork.

Not sure if this is such great advice if your planning on placing a bet on BCC. May be smarter to get your BTC out into fiat and buy into BCC when the price inevitably drops after the 8/1. That way you may be able to buy back in and get much more BCC for your dollar (or euro or whatever). Then when BCC goes back up - which I think it will, especially if the block adjustment of SegWit2x never happens - you'll have much more BCC than you would have had otherwise.

Bitcoin Cash -> Bitcoin China.
Only Chinese exchanges are supporting it.
100% hashrate is Chinese.
Chinese control the source code.

There is no war just different opinions who says two coins with the same blockchain cant live in the same space have you heard of ETH and ETC?

ETH and ETC had the same owner - here you have 2 groups fighting, the BCC one is trying to take control over Bitcoin.

This makes no sense. It's like another Litecoin.

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I dont like what you are​ posting. It seems like you are conflating two things. You are possibly even misleading folks. You mention the segwit and hardfork are not the same thing :(

I really hope you aren't misleading folks.

what? They were not supposed too, Segwit is not a hard fork but a soft fork the hard fork is going to happen because of the folks that support bitcoin cash.

Whatever they call the fork..."Bitcoin Cash" or "Evil twin Bitcoin" or "Awesomecoin", it will be the market that decides what each respective coin is worth, and I think the best we can hope for is that the coin with the improved capacity will be widely adopted as the favored coin by the vast majority.

I don't care if one of the coins loses value. It's the total value of my investment I'm concerned with, as everyone should be. A smooth transition is my hope, where my net investment goes up, or at least remains stable.

Both coins will have value each coin will do its part in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. There is no reason for any one to get made, all I am saying is be ready to make a profit. Nothing more. Bitcoin is cool and old but I see it only as a transportation unit.

Thanks for the heads up. Next Tuesday is coming quick and I'm excited to see how many people take advantage before the date and how many express regret for waiting. I know how you'll be.

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