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RE: Bitcoin (BTC) Mid-Day Update: Price Sitting on Top Trend Line as Support

in #bitcoin7 years ago

Just a quote from @haejin: "Let's see if the bands start diverging or not for the rest of the day."

..........and another quote: "I have updated the white arrow pathway to take into CONSIDERATION the Bull Wick potentials."

So what do you want to hear more from him?


I DON'T want to hear anymore of him, that's the point, duh!

Then why ya here every day? Think you're turning any heads? You're not. I WOULD LIKE TO SUGGEST THAT EVERYONE JUST MUTE THIS GUY LIKE ALL THE OTHERS. bye bye

@scarlet7 lol, mute him... and then you go and cry all over steemit that @berniesanders is censoring people for speaking their minds, and you just go and say mute him and in CAPS?

let your followers decide instead of telling them what to do perhaps? :)

maybe i should be muted for let my mind speak here?...


Umm...I SUGGESTED they mute him. Maybe you should be muted, for not knowing what the hell you're talking about or getting in the middle of.

Maybe you should be muted, for not knowing what the hell you're talking about or getting in the middle of.

epic, saved to notepad :-)

even if your name is not daniel grant you are a bit of a snowflake, don't you? :)

well 2nd time i flag myself lol
I apologize for my above comment and i wont edit it, since i am doing myself a nice snowflake there :)
flagged myself for internet trolling ! :D

ha....and I'd like to see your evidence of "you go and cry all over steemit" - This a game that you're not a part of. Stay out of the way.

you go and cry all over steemit

Well i have to retract from that words since you take them literally
and indeed are not accurate, in some posts i have seen and maybe crying was not the best term.

This a game that you're not a part of. Stay out of the way.

When my account got approved on steemit i became part of the game.

I acknowledge i am ignorant in many topics since i am just here since this 2018, but i am doing my research to leave the pit of ignorance.

You did an agreement time ago i was aware of even before my account got approved. And i recently did a lame try to make a second agreement from my naive / ignorant point of view, i think i left you a reply-comment somewhere weeks ago telling you about it, maybe i did a bad promotion... it barely got like 20 views

We can do better, starting with me.

To earn respect, i must respect others.

I like the fair play because is beneficial to all of us, and i work to promote it!.

Pd: i'd like to setup a discord for myself, invite people and chat maturely, i am participating in many servers, maybe we could have a chat someday if you think it worth it.

my discord: https.//

( disabled link to external places to remember about phishing attempts, change the dot for ":" )

My discord is open to all sea creatures :D

Maybe i can do you or anybody else an interview or just to let me know your points of view in an educated/constructive manner :) , i would like to be a kind of journalist as well as share my own content.

I am still at practice.


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