Bitcoin Price To Explode? Experts Think So

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Bulls are running wild. There does seem to be a lot of green in the market but this can just be the smart. Experts think shortly there will be an explosion in bitcoin price. This time it might even pass last years wild ride. To be honest I thought we would see any big movements until the end of the year but the market has already passed 9k. And steem is almost at $3.50. This is without the big update to come in the next few months.

This is not investment advice. Like I said I thought bitcoin was not going to surge until the end of the month. So please be careful with your money. Just reporting about this article I came across that is pretty bullish. It talks about the big moves that bitcoin has made recently and how it can lead to a bigger jump. And when bitcoin goes up it usually takes steem and other alts with it. And by the looks of how the market is I can see why people are optimistic.

The question is if it does explode will it stay there and for how long?

My prediction of steem was $10 by the end of the year. I think that is a real possibility.

What do you think? Are we on the way to the moon?



I am with you on your Bullish outlook. Looking at the charts and the analysts I follow, for the short term, I see a healthy correction to act as the final base from which to launch into a new paradigm. So, my guess would be down to 8k in the next couple weeks, up to 11k in May, then on to 18k by the end of the summer.

As for STEEM, being so involved here, I just grind away and let it go where it goes. When it drops, I buy and enjoy the increased SP rewards. When it pumps, I celebrate the higher SBD payouts. Win no matter what. The SMTs and update where maybe Businesses can invest in a STEEMit profile will make for a NICE increase........maybe to your $10?

Its good to see the markets are looking up again. I'm new to Steem, but I've seen the potential growth in the way you talked about with SP and SBD rewards. It's a great system. I definitely agree that SMTs could have a big impact. It all comes down to adoption. As soon as one non-crypto platform integrates it could likely flood it. We'll just have to wait and see.

Well BTC bulls are looking to stock up on anything they see as a pullback in preparation of the next mining halving event.

Also BTC is one of the only solid on/off ramps for crypto/FIAT. So it will always have normal up down quarters.

Onto other crypto.

I truly believe ETH is dead in the water. They have scaling issues and EOS is going to steal all new money for ICO’s.

So what is someone going to do ?

I am a steem believer. I think the biggest market movers for the price will be SMT’s and communities.

I can see steem back to $10 late this year early next year. Than the question will be do I cash out or get adding to my steem power.

I am a add to SP as much as you can kinda person.

@whatageek dear sir
bitcoin seems to gold day by day.its really worthy
great for crypto user.
in last few days i becoming in feel great to show steemit rais in 3.5$
great raising in a moments of recent time .
no dout cryto will controll the world

i think i will be a millionaire soon

Well, there does seem to be so much positivity right now when it comes to bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. If this continues, everything will definitely go to the moon, but... Some FUD can always make things go backwards really hard.

I think we'll have STEEM over 10$ by the end of June :)

It might happen, a lot faster than I thought.

Thanks for sharing your excellent information news I like your excellent post your cryptocurrncy and bitcoin news so useful

We are surely!

There are many people saying that Bitcoin and Cryptos in general are a very volatile and even dubious business. But in the wake of a soon emerging economic collapse, it becomes more than obvious that drastic shiftshave to take place, which comes hand in hand with peoples' expanding consciousness in many areas.

As always, we have innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and lastly, the laggards. Being innovative means to know what the future world will need, and most here on Steemit are at least early adopters. All others only start adopting when it shows up more frequently on their radar. The chain reaction is right on its way! ;)

It is happy times for the Crypto hopefuls. Time to plan ahead is now

we expect the bitcoin prices to be stable according to what the world's experts plan @whatageek

I'm predicting a 20$ steem by the end of year.
SMT will cause a huge surge in it's value I think.
Let's just see and hope for the best

that's the sprit man

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BTC 66531.19
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SBD 2.63