CryptoKitties My Worst Investment Ever!?!?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I'll have to be honest with you people when I first heard about CryptoKitties I laughed and thought it was a complete waste of my time! let's be honest the idea of making a Virtual Kitten and paying with ETH to breed my own digital Kitten sounded to me like a complete waste of my Crypto and not something that could expand or ever be valued in the Crypto-Space.

This topic reminds me of an old saying "Curiosity killed the cat!" and with that being said after a quick review a couple months back I did gamble with a $3,000 total gamble/investment. I mean this could either be extremely popular and blow up, or be the most ridiculous outrageous move and loss of my Crypto Career.

The Name of the game here is to Bread Rare Kitten or Cats with rare attributes AKA Catributes. Depending on the two Kittens being bread will determine the Catributes of your new born kitten and rarer they are the more valuable your Kitten will be.

I found myself breading at random and made over 70 Kitten not really understanding the platform at all to be honest but will admit like a video game it was very addicting. As of recently I have began to sell off some of my Kitten with somewhat rare Catributes but have broke even and am in the horizon of some profit soon here with 26 Kittens left for sale .

With me burning myself out with this whole concept and idea I will step away for a while and possibly bread some Kittens here and there to later sell but maybe just like every other Crypto investment I have ever made HOLDING out for the long run could pay off. Maybe one day this will gain major poplarity world wide and my corny little kitty cats might be worth some serious money? Who knows but I had to take a gamble here I will however do updates if I do run across that pot of gold and make out with a nice profit but I am thankful enough to at least broken even on my initial investment, we shall see what the future holds.



"White Pa-Purr" LOL

"Key Info/Road Map"


Cryptokitties IS GAMBLING! you should not play blindly and breed kitties randomly.

This post made inspired me to write an article to better explain, here is the link:

They should rename the game to KittyCharity

after a month crypto kittes will are more popular and more expensive

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