Turning Bitcoin Heat Into Fruit: Human Innovation At Work

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

We all heard the FUD surrounding the fact that Bitcoin requires a lot of energy to mine. People are reporting that the growth in the Bitcoin network means it will consume more energy than the entire planet provides in just a few years. While I find this absurd since the industry is already switching to renewables, it does bring up a valid point; what is the environmental impact?

As an aside, I do find it interesting that nobody asks how much energy JPMorgan uses running its system. Or the New York Stock Exchange. Or Visa. I can only conclude that the only energy hog on this planet is Bitcoin.

That said, there is always a way to turn lemons into lemonade, or in this case tomatoes.

Cryptomatoes might well be on their way to stores very soon.

This is the new business of Agritechture which uses the heat from Bitcoin mining to grow tomatoes. The company's first yield is a 5 acre greenhouse.

Others have tried to recycle Bitcoin energy waste yet many encountered scaling issues. This is the first project that was able to scale up.


This is why I am so optimistic about the future. We truly are in the age of innovation. Here is a situation where we see environmental issues being addressed by creating a solution to two problems. While I doubt this will be wide spread (the likelihood of growing tomatoes in Canada in January does not seem likely), it does show the creativity people have.

I keep stressing the importance of decentralization. This is the core concept for the next step in the advancement of the human race. Decentralized platforms enable people to simply take their ideas and put them out there for others to use. Open source means that people can build upon the works of others without the fear of being sued for copyright infringement.

Another advantage I see as we progress towards the Age of Abundance is the fact that, as the money system changes, we will see projects that can help humanity funded. Whereas today, money is controlled by the elite few, with the advent of "Internet money", we see that this realm is becoming decentralized. This bodes well for all those future projects that are going to require financing.

Who knows, maybe someday I will grow zucchini off the heat from my laptop.

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Using excess heat from BTC mining to grow tomatoes is just pure genius on so much levels!

Who wouldn't want these Cryptomatoes!??

Wow! This is the first time I hear something like this! I had heard about Bitcoin mining heaters (which we don't need in Florida) but are still pretty cool. Can you imagine a heater that pays itself? Just wow. If you hear about water heaters that do this please share the link.


I also see a lot of potential for animal farm heaters. It would be a great way to generate extra income on farms for energy you are going to spend anyways. Damn, I just came up with a great business idea!

I am a weather wussy...I could have used one of those Ethereum mining heaters last week.

But year, I dont see them being big sellers down by you in Dade County...

The innovation of people is simply amazing...that is what the establishment does not understand. Blockchain is letting a ton of ideas lose.

By the way, probably easier to get that business off the ground than to find an IOS app developer.

Haha, so true! A serious IOs developer that is.

It's pretty nice to see that some people are taking the exhaust, and doing something productive with it. There are a lot of Strawberries where I live, and to my knowledge this would work for them too!

Open source means that people can build upon the works of others without the fear of being sued for copyright infringement.

Talk about steemit? That's exactly what steemit provides.

Whereas today, money is controlled by the elite few, with the advent of "Internet money", we see that this realm is becoming decentralized.

Even the usual post you make saying whales are losing their power proves this fact. Decentralisation decentralized everything and makes everything available even to the lowest person in the foodchain.

But really, I didn't get what you were saying about bitcoin enygy being used to grow cryptomatoes...is this metaphoric or you being serious here.

You hit on some key points here.

Agriculture through bitcoin mining! Haha - The creative collaborative ways are seemingly endless. Love hearing stories like this.

Age of Abundance

100% Agree with the language here. It's paradigm shift in Awareness. From a poverty mindset...debt based mind set...to an Abundance living a rich life.

All of humanity is walking a process into consensus as what it means to be rich - coexisting in the best of ways here. It's a long journey and we're committed to the mountain climb...like the tower of Babble!

I got you put in my stemvoter to walk with you on this epic steem journey.

Cheers and best Regards.

Keep Steem'N

What an incredibly innovative idea, and one that I fully support. I'm going to spend the next few days thinking about other ways we could make use of energy like this now!

Yummy zucchini, I'm down for that. I'm just amazed that people can think of such a revolutionary idea, when someone puts a negative spin on things. What will you teach me next Task. 😎

I've heard about using the heat to heat homes, but this is some next level innovation! Pretty incredible, we are always going to need heat, it's a waste if we are mining bitcoin and not using the heat for something. Any major mining operation should be required to reuse the heat in some way imo, and really most server banks should have to do something like this.

That's so brilliant! And it's heat that would just be wasted anyways... actually they would have to pay more money to air condition or get rid of the heat. Now they're actually able to grow food and potentially make money selling them. Maybe we can get some mainstream coverage on it so people can hear positive things about crypto.

This is well beyond my imagination, people are really really thinking. And that's awesome. I believe the way we are going with blockchain technology, we are going to see tremendous growth in technological advancements in the next few years. It's time we as individuals join this movement by putting on our own thinking cap and think up someone that will solve man's numerous challenges.

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