[coinBug: proposal ] Vatican, Catholic Coin ( @SteamSteem Creativity, revived, v.2)

in #bitcoin6 years ago (edited)

[coinBug: proposal ] Vatican, Catholic Coin ( @SteamSteem Creativity, revived, v.2)
[religionBug] combined use writing
( https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@steamsteem/coinbug-proposal-vatican-catholic-coin-steamsteem-creativity-revived-v-2 )
2018.08.03.Fri. 08:15(utc+9), by @SteamSteem, Revival from Downvoting Slaughter of the original version of

[coinBug: proposal ] Vatican, Catholic Coin ( @SteamSteem Creativity)
[religionBug] combined use writing
( https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@steamsteem/coinbug-proposal-vatican-catholic-coin-steamsteem-creativity
https://steemit.com/bitcoin/@steamsteem/6t16jn-coinbug-proposal-vatican-catholic-coin-steamsteem-creativity-revived )
2018.08.03.Fri. 08:15(utc+9), by @SteamSteem, English translation of the original Korean writing at

[코인蟲: 제안 ] 교황청, 천주교 코인 발행 ( @SteamSteem Creativity 독창성글 )
[종교蟲] 겸용의 글.
( https://steemit.com/kr/@steamsteem/proposal-vatican-catholic-coin-steamsteem-creativity )
2018.08.03.금. 07:32, by @SteamSteem


A story in the Christian Bible New Testament.
Those who know, all know well,
and others who don't know, don't know at all.


Paying Taxes to Caesar

Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words.
They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians.
“Teacher,” they said,
“we know you are a man of integrity and that
you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth.
You aren’t swayed by men,
because you pay no attention to who they are.
Tell us then, what is your opinion?

Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?”

But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You
hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me
the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a
denarius, and he asked them, “Whose portrait is this?
And whose inscription?”
“Caesar’s,” they replied.

Then he said to them,

“Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away.


[coinBug: proposal ] Vatican, Catholic Coin ( @SteamSteem Creativity)
Why are the non-believer putting nose into others' religion ?

To Christians who believe in Jesus as God,
Especially to the Roman Catholic Vatican which has global network of believers,

Here is a proposal to make CryptoCurrency of Catholic Coin,

In order to realize the Jesus's the great remark,
“Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”

If Catholic CryptoCoin is circulated among the global Catholic believers,

independent of the Fiat Moneys of local governments, or even the global key currency US dollar,

Vatican can have the seignorage effect from making and controlling the currency,
as the antient Roman Catholic enjoyed for hundreds years.

The seignorage effect for the worldwide Catholic coin
can be much larger than that of the Ancient Roman Empire,

and the profit can be much larger than
those from the current tithe,
or the Middle age Indulgence selling.

Surely, it will contribute to the diffusion of cryptocurrencies.


Every cathedrals around the world can have mining servers,

and contribute to make and maintain the blockchain ledger,
getting the mined coins.

The mined coins can be distributed to
the cathedral which mined the coins,
the Catholic believers belonging to the cathedral,
and the Vatican which has the platform developing decisions,

and Catholic coins can be used by all the Catholic around the world in the real life.

This also corresponds to the Bitcoin philosophy,
and can be the best appliation of CryptoCurrency.


Imagine !

Insteady of forcing to submit tithe in cathedral or church,

airdropping of Catholic or Jesus CryptoCoins whenever you pray.

Many people will go to church or cathedral to pray and get the airdrops.


Catholic coin can be the best coin among all the cryptocurrencies.

Catholic CryptoCoin in 4th industrial revolution age

can be much stronger than the denarius coin of ancient strong Roman Empire age.


This applies to the the Protestants, Islam, Buddism and all other relgions.


The following is added in v.2

from comments of the downvoting-hidden original or inetermediate writings,
and mostly for Koreans,
but at the end, brief English translation is also provided.




종북 간첩에..
자뻑 정의감 죽창에..

이 글에도 민감하게 반응하여,
광분 다운 보팅 학살을 반복 하는 것보면,

천주교 신자 까지 하는가 보군..
하긴 천주교의 탈을 쓴 종북 간첩 공산분자들 많이 있지..


희한한 조합일세..

종북 간첩 공산 분자와
자뻑 정의감 인민재판 공산 죽창 분자는
퇴행 공산 주의에 혹한 어리석은 자라는 동질감이 있는데,

천주교는 공산주의 와는 일반적으로는 서로 미워한다고 보지 않나?

내가 보는 관점은 서로 상당한 유사점들이 많지만..
역시 내 관점이 일리가 있는 관점인가 보군..

여러 공통점이 있지만,
다른것들은 천천히 적어 보기로 하고..

그 중 하나는
개인의 자유를 제한한다는 것.

몽매한 넘.. ㅋㅋㅋ


복붙용, 이글 주소는


번갈아 다운보팅 하느라 바쁘군..

@topping 은 그새 스팀은 좀 구입하여 스팀파워 보강을 하긴 했군..

ㅋㅋ @changyoon 은 임대주고 이자받아먹던 스팀도 많이 회수해서,
이제 예전처럼 고래탈을 쓰고 호가호위하는 모기처럼 앵앵대지는 않겠군.
그 정도 되야, 전쟁 상대해주는 손맛이 나지..

이왕이면 @topping 도 임대 스팀 파워 다 회수해서
제대로 뎀벼주삼.
수만 스팀파워 다 임대주고, 모기처럼 60 남겨놓고 앵앵거리지 말고..



(brief English translation)

The downvoting slaughter @changyoon=@topping .

He seemed to be
_1. North Korea spy downvoting slaughtering liberal democratic writings
_2. Self-fucked-justice Red Guard bamboo-spearing others as his stupid self-fucked-justice

Strangely, this guy is mad at repeatedly downvoting this Catholic Coin writing.
_3. I guess that he seems to be Catholic. It's funny.

In Korea, many Commie North Korea spy into Liberal South Korea have hided their identity under the masks of Catholic.
I guess that this guy is one of them.

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