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in #bitcoin6 years ago



Just some cars

crypto advisors
that said bitcoin

will be hitting
$ 50,000 by the end of 2018.




The last photo bringing a new meaning to balls deep :D

Hahaha. Yep, even a trunk can hardly resist a good tea-bagging every now and then.

I hope there's junk in that there trunk - oh yeahhhhhhhh

I just added two more axes and a bag of cement to that first and second picture

Hahaha. No avalanche to that third picture?

Infact, two more dick avalanches, specially from me

Oh @smasssh this year i wanted to buy a new house based in my portfolio but now i just can buy some parts of house jajaja. Regards

Imagine driving this Audi in the New York City, wouldn’t that be fun? I hope you are right about that 50k, I’m sooo ready for the new bull market. These dips allowed me to accumulate at great prices, but I think most of us are ready for some change.

Don't count on that. The moment they let Wall Street/Banks in into Bitcoin, you won't see that 50K. Unless ... they allow it (and, ofcourse, if it will be profitable to their own gains and profits). At least, that's my opinion.

LOL. Why do all the people around those cars seem to be so casually strolling around when all these cars are so wrecked? Like, pickaxes! 5 of them! A car half-buried in cement! A dick statue that must have dented the metal and broken the glasses!

But people are just looking somewhere else and paying no mind to it. At least a little crowd? Lol.

And we still have 4 months! Let it be $100,000 in 4 months :D

*dreams away into the horizon

I was promised Steem would be $10 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Hèhè, promises!
You know I'm actually thinking of moving to another house. One with a very large attic, so that I'll be able to store all the promises to me ever made.

Glad we made that hangar we've built 2 years ago a bit bigger than i had planned. They indeed take quite some space, all those promises.

Go go bitcoin,whales playing a game...

omg :))))

Did you do the same prediction? And if you did, never park your car in public! 😊

no honestly i didn't hhahah

cryptocurrencies are the future
but i don't understand why people didn't understand this

I also think it's the future (at least a big part of).
But for the moment all this "to the moon" talk is nothing more than wishful thinking to my opninion.

What is the opposite of moon

Ha really hope so!

Wouldn't count on it too much. That way you'll never be disappointed.

Wouldn't count on it
Too much. That way you'll never
Be disappointed.

                 - smasssh

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

Nice post , really cars is different . And your thought discription is very interesting . Thanks for sharing @smasssh

Thanks for commenting, but have you already heard of the possibility to upvote a post if you like it?
Seen your comments on every of my last posts but never an upvote.
I don't even care the value of that upvote.
No matter how nice or good a comment someone makes is, as long as they don't upvote me ... they can wait till Christ comes to Moscow before they'll get one of mine.

Am i close when i think this is just a nice way to say: BUZZ OFF!?

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