Insanely HIGH Bitcoin fee! - HELP??

in #bitcoin7 years ago

I'm asking for some expert advice...

I'm rather new to crypto but like to see myself as technically minded but bit unsure to why the mining fee to send my Bitcoin is insanely high.

I have $17.36 worth of Bitcoin in my Exodus wallet or 0.0063 btc

I want to send this over to another wallet (where the rest of my funds are) and i get this transaction fee...

Screen Shot 2017-06-23 at 23.23.35.png

$7.44 to send it over???

Thats like nearly a 1/3 of the value as a fee...

Is there something i have done wrong or am i too expect this for all my future transactions ???

Please help!


Just simple supply and demand. Normally the transaction fees are lowest in the weekend. So maybe wait a day :)

I've been using crypto for over a month now and normally its in the cents. $8 fee for $17 amount has really knocked my confidence in crypto

@slayerkm appreciate you asking for help here because I have been using ETH and LTC recently for transactions due to the network fees on Bitcoin! You see good motivation to not use it anymore now with this problem!

Yes brother, you are out of luck. Unfortunately BTC transactions are very high. STEEM on the other hand has 0 fees so you will not have to deal with this when holding STEEM.

unfortunately retailers don't accept Steem yet :(

I heard some people payed upto 0.01 BTC for a transfer. Thats insane! Imagine how much that would amount to once BTC reaches 10k? 100K?
Can't wait for Segwit to take over.

Disgusting. I am looking forward to it as well.

Yeah. Its great that STEEM doesn't have any fees.
BTW I just joined yesterday. Do you have any tips on getting more traction here?

Followers are currency in a way. As a content creator you should focus on creating the best content, followers will come. Over time people that are following you will grow there SP. In turn they will be able to help you more.

I don't seem to get many views at all. It seems like people are not even seeing my posts. I assume there are so many new posts that they get hidden fast. :(

Keep your head up my friend. Just continue interacting with others here, and finding content you like. You will make friends in time. One suggestion I have for you is to join - create an account and download the app. It is STEEMS 24/7 live radio / chat hangout. The best place to meet and socialize with new Steemians.

I came across the discord channel. Is it the same?

No ur posts are not "hiden theey are all still viewable! dont worry u WILL make followers! U cant compare urself to theese other peopel whove been here for a year and have thousands of followers! nothiing coomes for free u MUSt do work INTERACT make COMMENTS commenting and ADDING VALUE u cant just create a comment, go find a relevant image and post it! find a fun fact about the subject of the post on wikipedia and poaste some quote or paragraph from wikipedia and your thoughts aboit it!

u can do AO much to add alue to stemit!

u MUST acccept that u wont make much money at FIRST but THEN u WILL! My friends in africa were only making a few cents then afew dollars then a feew dozens of dollars then all of the suddden they are making $1000 on oe post or $1000 on one post! and if u post HIGH QUALITY ten you can tooo!

U ALSO must reembr that the moreposts u have, the moe things we will find to uppvote later! just mak sure u HAVE lots of content ready to be upvoted! if a whale comes and likes you and clisks your pfoiels but yy only have 1 or 2 posts, then you really screewed up! because someone was WILLING to sit there and upvote ALLL oru content, and they get to your pfoile and they find that you must not be serious because you will have no content tp upvote! Its ok u are a beginner and u have time! but u must TRY to post everyday IF you have soething tO SAY thats IMPORTAN!T

start with basic photos of things outside of your house ! we are interested in seeing photos from different countries so just post your most FAVORITE ophotos from your own facebok or your own instagram and make a nice post aboutrhere here! never pst other oeopeeks work or news articles etc, andjust keeo it original!

but if u DONt post then u wwont have anyting for us to upvote!

As a favor for Johal here I will follow u and giveu a chance! im upvoting all ypur posts now and if u would have had more i would have ben able to ggive you more upvotes! so u see?

any time thre coul be a whale that ens up finding u and u ccan end up making oney fast rnaodmly!

U only had fibve posts BUt u just jppined in june it says! So thats a good start! I like your posts theyare high Qality! and hey look your maing like $10 $40 $880 off single posts! WHy are u sad?? hahaha

look how much u are making! were u not aware of ur recet success? see how a whale can just come and upvote ALLL yoru stuff at once! u shoul have MORE posts tho so there is more to upvote!

i hope u stay encoruaged and realize that ppeoplee DO see our posts!

Thanks for the comment!
Its just not about the upvotes or the payouts, I care more about views and the information I can share with the community. Its the lack of such interactions that I was talking about.


@thejohalfiles and here you will prompt?( And how under such conditions more with large amounts

I am not sure what your question is brother

Yup it's really high
8$ is too much for this amount of small transaction

I know, but no way of changing it im screwed

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