in #bitcoin7 years ago (edited)


2018 Could Pose to be a Very Tricky Year for Even Law Abiding Crypto Users

It appears that the US Government is now on the band wagon to start funding tactical law enforcement the tools they need to begin investigating and clearing the streets of criminals using technology to hide their activities. The FBI just put in for a budget request proposal before the House Appropriations Committee and Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies. Outlined by the acting Director of the FBI was a need for $8.77 billion in 2018 to carry out plans to fill 33,533 positions which include 12,484 special agents, 2,950 intelligence analysts, and 18,099 professional staff. $51.9 million will be used to construct new offices for this enormous workforce of law agencies.

All In The Name of Terrorism and Cyber Crime

Just like the outcry by the EU last week to upgrade their law enforcement to handle cyber crimes and terrorism, now the USA is on board to boost up funding to the FBI in hopes to wipe out terrorists from using the internet to recruit and stop cyber criminals from hiding their illegal activities through use of cryptocurrencies.

To quote acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe:

“Our adversaries – terrorists, foreign intelligence services, and criminals – take advantage of modern technology, including the Internet and social media, to facilitate illegal activities, recruit followers, encourage terrorist attacks and other illicit actions … The breadth of these threats and challenges are as complex as any time in our history. And the consequences of not responding to and countering threats and challenges have never been greater.”



McCabe feels there is a gap forming between technology and cyber criminals, caused by a chasm in not enough laws to let law enforcement get more behind the scenes of internet activities. This he would like to begin closing in on come 2018 and this budget will provide the key in doing so.

Its no secret that the stance by the FBI has been against Bitcoin and Altcoins since they first heard about it. They feel its a tool for wrong doing, that privacy of such magnitude is not warranted as a human right. And the last FBI Director James Comey preached constantly that "Virtual Currencies Obscure Investigations" and also stated "There is no such thing as absolute privacy in America. There is no place outside of judicial authority." Making strong statements on behalf of the Feds law enforcement beliefs in what we law abiding citizens use here on a daily basis.


Personally I am growing quite tired of the tactics I am seeing with the powers that be to constantly feel they have all the rights in the world to invade my privacy, take what I hold of value, and create laws on top of laws to keep enslaving the average citizen. Every year that passes they seem to take more and more from everyone and I am very sure the usage of terrorism in this recent case will be just a ploy to take more rights so they can take more wealth out of everyones hands. Looks to me they are less targeting the actual terrorists, if so I think we would be nosing more again in their business in the desert, and more just trying to nose their business in our computers.

I get it, there is true terror out there, and idiots run on the darkweb doing awful things. But how many more attempts to belittle our natural rights as humans does it take to get the job done? Its appearing to me its less a war on terror and more a war on American citizens and citizens in the world making a little good income off something they did not issue or create.

Don't worry tax man, you will get your money from this guy as always till we get rid of that stupid robbery you put on people but I am not letting anyone take my hard earned income in full, that I won't stand for or my rights to my own privacy.

Swear I need to find an island somewhere, out of this lame ass country. Lost so much respect for this Government over the last decade, just keeps getting stupider

Rant over, enjoy your weekend my crypto warrior friends. VIVA LA FREEDOME lol


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"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
-Ben Franklin-

Agreed, such a great quote from one of the brightest minds in real democracy. Its about to come to blows here soon, I suspect you will see me with a painted sign on the White House lawn saying FREE MY BITCOINS next year lol. Movement here is about to have to really kick up and be voiced soon

Big Brother slept on Bitcoin...especially after the Mt Gox debacle. Now that BTC and other cryptos have come back with a vengeance, Central Bankers/Gov't are starting to realize they may lose their control. It may take time, and it may not be BTC, but eventually the people will prevail and break the shackles of central banks and their corrupt ways. Hopefully I will be around when that day happens.

Its coming, I promise you sooner than you may think. There is a bunch of us in this always ready to push back if they try to take it out of our hands. There is going to be a time before they truly infiltrate that we have to start some processes before they can, legal way and ways to show them this is one area you can not touch. Its going to be rocky but I think in the end for once the little guys will win on this

USD fiat's guardians are probably scared their ponzi-scheme will lose traction, as people turn to more decentralized and transparent options.

I agree, I think that is exactly what game they are playing. They either want to take our rights more or take the rights of us and also find a way to control the internet and crypto with it. Buddy I am not happy with my country anymore, I gave it time to hope they would get it right but they are seriously becoming crooks more and more

Yeah, i think they, and most western countries (my country included) have been crooks for a long time. But now the free flow of information makes it easier to see.
And even if its the red pill in matrix, and I feel like the society is build up on some people exploiting the working-class, I am glad to "know the truth".

I think we need the truth, PLANET X my friend, that they need to seriously open up about, suns position recently changed and I suspect that conspiracy is a bit more truth then they let on, might be the reason for control lately. I am a bit of a nut on that I know but I believe I seen that second sun one morning and that seriously changed my opinion more openly lol

hehe damn :) Im open to anything like that, I had a period into the mandala-effect aswell, but It just drive me crazy, so I try to shield my from alot of it lol

that mandala effect stuff is creepy lol...seriously something has to be going on with that. C3PO did not have a silver leg, all gold and Darth Vader did say LUCK I AM YOUR FATHER, not NO, I AM YOUR FATHER....but there it is NO on my Star Wars boxed set lol

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Thanks as always my friend for the hard work you do for us little guys

These new "laws" only prove that crypto-tech is winning...there is nothing they can do to stop it, but I am sure they will try to make it as difficult as possible. Lucky for us there are dedicated developers all around the world, working together to create new decentralized systems that operate even better than the centralized ones. And better yet - outside the reach of centralized controllers.

Agreed, and there is a bunch of guys like me and so many others that won't stand by and just let anything happen. I already told my family if I got to I will piss on the White House lawn and act like a lunatic if they try to take my Bitcoins lol. Hopefully I won't have to but I will ....lol. We will win this in the end, too much common sense on our side, none on theirs...or morality for that matter.

I absolutely agree with your rant. Thanks for the post. They'll do anything to maintain their control.

thats bullshit...

lol...goes to show you the kind of guys cracking down lol. And they want to tackle encryption? lol. Great gif lol

If you find that island, let me know. I'm down. I too have had enough. Everything they don't like they get rid of in the name of terrorism or the drug war and I too have had enough. Seriously, maybe we could all pool our steem earnings together and buy an island, make bitcoin and steem our national currency!

Buddy that seriously might be a very wise plan, all of us pull together and star an island country of our own lol. They just keep on keeping on with us here in the USA, can't just have some common sense laws and be done with it. Seems they want to outlaw breathing at this stage. I am with you completely, if it wasn't for my family I be in a boat right this very second breathing fee air saying good bye for good. Sad to see our homeland being so driven by corruption

Yeah things are getting crazy. Same here with the family. We were joking around the dinner table one night, and I told them I was moving to Liberland if I won the lottery and they were all welcome to come with me :) The good news is people are slowly waking up and becoming aware.

Me and my girl constantly talk about getting an RV and go on the move lol...do my Steemit blogs from wifi hotspots for gas money and keep moving lol. The island thing has come up a lot too. But its that family and the roots of being American I guess that ties us to good old Florida. I will say this though, no matter the trials we may endure soon, this is a very important moment in human history and we are actually blessed to be apart of it. We have the potential to turn it around and your right more are awakening to that. I have high hopes that if we get this right, we will have a world and culture so vastly enhanced that it will be worth the coming headaches to get there.

Totally agree with everything you said. One of the great things about steemit and cryptocurrency is that it's giving people the financial freedom to live as they choose. The RV thing is a great idea. Thought about similar concepts with trading crypto while traveling and just tethering the computer to 4G mobile internet. Make a few trades each day and keep moving around. Great meeting like minded people! Have a great weekend :)

Actually that does sound sweet, I am a trader too so actually at the rate my earnings are going an RV and seeing the country isn't half bad. Sure I can pay an RV off faster than a house too lol. Really great meeting you, have a feeling we will have some great conversations in the future. I am about to pop in a movie and call Friday done here lol...so you have a great weekend as well

Thanks @sflaherty for your well written informative articles

Just trying to get the word out, we all seriously need to keep an eye on the law. We aren't doing anything criminal. We only have to pay our taxes next tax season so I hope the system gets we contribute to society not take from it. But I have a feeling next year will be the year all butt heads with the system, scary but I think its bound to happen

It sounds like their plan to install world government is gonna get overthrown by the people. We can keep following blindly what we are told or we can concentrate our efforts on bringing change through blockchain technologies. Let's replace the control institutions by decentralized and transparent systems. Steemit is only the beginning of user controlled apps. Imagine running the government off ethereum or something similar...

Couldn't agree more, though I am not a huge fan of eth, well not eth itself but JP Morgan the kind of central banks inside of its chain bugs me bad, I avoid them due their power inside to crash it any minute, and I am sure they will, they do it a lot to their own stocks. But I do agree, blockchain has so much wide usage to right the system, once they stop fearing it and embrace it, well if that will ever happen then we could maybe regain what we should have had in the first place, a transparent government for the people. If not then its going to be up to us to do something about it or it will never be right

Power to the people!

Power to the People!! now that is the spirit my friend


Such a great comment, well thought out and you are on point with the same very ideals I have about this. My belief is that we will probably have short time of butting heads with the system but more average joes are growing behind crypto so its gonna be hard to stop it. Maybe turn it to an asset and maybe they will form their own crypto currency in the end, unsure but I rather that than the central bank print off schemes.

I believe a huge shift is coming but we must hold tight to this and not let them corrupt it in any form


Agreed and the unawaken are so brainwashed they actually think its a good thing, its sad how uneducated the masses are when it comes to economy and how backwards we run it


So true, it seems it takes something bad to happen in ones life here in the USA for them to really get the enslavement their in. Blessed are the poor, that saying to me means they are blessed to see the world for what it truly is

Exactly, definitely a tipping point, and we all have that limit to tip it over and wake up. Kids seem to wake up faster in this area now a days, and that will just stem more generations wising up even faster.

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