[XMR] Monero Speculation

in #bitcoin7 years ago


Some of my thoughts on Monero and the current crypto currency boom.

  1. Monero has been in a consolidation phase with respect to Bitcoin since August of 2016. Take a look at the XMR/XBT weekly chart on a log scale https://bitcoinwisdom.com/markets/poloniex/xmrbtc and tell me what you see. The last major move was from 0.0016 XBT in June 2016 to a high of 0.0265 XBT in August 2016 for an increase of over 1600%. If the 0.0265 XBT high is broken on volume another major move upward is possible.

  2. The current @crypto currency boom has seen Bitcoin to fall to under 40% market dominance. To put is bluntly this is indicative that there is something seriously wrong with Bitcoin. My take is that this is related to the fixed 1 MB blocksize limit in Bitcoin together with the consequence of skyrocketing fees and seriously delayed transactions. These are problems for which @Monero has a solution. The market is looking for an alt coin solution and for the time being has focused to a large degree on Ethereum. My take is that while @Ethereum has its uses that may justify its market cap replacing BItcoin is not one of them.. If the market chooses Monero then all bets are off.

  3. The hackers are quietly hacking away. Sooner or later significant improvements will materialize. As to when? Who knows. That is the nature of FLOSS development. A recent example of this is multi sig, which is current being tested and not yet ready for main chain deployment.

My take is that if one is short Monero, the risk of a brutal negative reckoning is very high. As to when and to what extent I have no idea.

Noted :

This is not investment advice. The risk of a complete loss of funds on a Monero position long or short (or more for a leveraged position) is very high. Please do your due diligence and obtain appropriate professional advice before investing or speculating. Disclosure: I have long positions in XMR, XBT and NMC, and I am also involved in the Monero project as a core team member.


I think monero will soon exceed 100 dollars!Ty and follow back!

yeah it is possible Keep buying and hold it !!!

Great breakdown, thanks for posting

June growth supposedly going to be a good month for bitcoin, but might be a little slower during the first 3 weeks. The months after will show some more excitement in bitcoin until they reach ultimate "catching fire" and "ignition" phase during the Fall of 2017. By march of 2018 expect the Bitcoin price to rise substantially and I mean Substantially higher!

Is expected to "race" with ETH for "dollar gains" through June and into July. However, there is indications of some corrections along the way through the summer. Dash is expected to tag along with Ethereum though as the 2017 year progresses.

June is supposedly going to be very positive for Ethereum as there might be several price "pops." It is expected that Ethereum price rises will be considered one of the symptoms of a "developing debt currencies crisis." Also, there will be a lot of tech companies and corporations investing in Ethereum as new technologies will develop around it, including Veritaseum. Ethereum is expected to rise with Bitcoin and by March 2018, should be some multiples of its current price.

Great thread. Good to see I'm not the only one who thinks like this. I'm not sure if coins are that high risk. The quality coins are here to stay and it's like buying in at the S&P 500 50 years ago. Cryptos will fall and rise at a more rapit phase any investment market has ever seen. Just hold (literaly) and enjoy the ride. An interesting website I found: https://www.coincheckup.com Every single coin can be analysed here based on: the team, the product, advisors, community, the business and the business model and much more. On: https://www.coincheckup.com/coins/Monero#analysis For the Monero Investment and research analysis.

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