
We must encourage our friends and families to also break free from the chains and embrace crypto. I have gotten a good handful of people into crypto since i started investing in it... Every new person must be getting at least 3 or 4 new people in!! Really exciting to think about the coming growth. It wont be stopped.

Same here I tell most people I meet and have introduced a few friends but most are like living zombies, they don't do anything about it. They just accept the way things are but those are the biggest moaners . If you want change go out and make it happen,.

Yes, yes and more yes to this! Great article and I agree with everything you've said Paul. I only wish I'd started to discover this for myself a bit earlier on... I only took the red pill myself a few weeks ago! Upvoted and followed. :)

at least we know now and we can prepare ourselves. i see this as a once in a lifetime opportunity.

good for you
and still opportunity to invest in bitcoin because it will know the rise in the coming years

I agree. My plan is to starve and stack. Live on bear minimum and invest most of my earnings from my day job

@paulanthony Good blog, Subscribed. Maybe you will be interested in my post - How to fall asleep for a minute ?

I wish I would have invested at its early stages.
If you would like know how much you could've earn on a small investment on bitcoin, check this link:

Truth. We've been trained by the movies to fear the Skynets and HALs when we should have been watching out for Hexus The Living Corporation.

Too late now; e's already here, running our lives, telling us where to keep our money and what to wear and, worst of all, even coopting the very symbols of would-be revolution.

Ever seen some kid wearing a Che Guevera t-shirt made in sweatshops and felt the urge to laugh and laugh and NEVER STOP? Good. It shows you're paying attention and that you are still sane.

@cryptocoinclub haha that is brilliant sorry i only just got round to reading it and yes i admit some of those attributes apply to me.

I've got a new addition now, although maybe I have gone too far this time. What do you think?

Hahaha . Mike hunt

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