Lightning Network Takes Off 2018-05-25 🚀 A Second Layer for the Internet of Value! 💰

in #bitcoin6 years ago

Dear Steemit friends,

i reported on May 5th about current usage of Testnet and also Mainnet des Lightning Network. Today i'll give a update and compare with past numbers:

Testnet Usage

DateNumber NodesNumber ChannelsIncrease Nodes %Increase Channels %

Number of nodes is decreasing while number of channels increased but overall not much change. That means interest for usage of the Testnet is similar if you look 20 days back. But i don't care because the usage of the Mainnet is much more important.. you'll see below in this article:

Link for testnet explorer

testnet lightning network

Mainnet Usage - what really counts!

mainnet usage

The number of channels is further increasing. But the number above (8950 channels) is different or higher compared to The old ideoflux-site is down and contained also the number of nodes. But the trend for both is clearly up! The Mainnet usage is increasing, maybe we see a shift of convinced Testnet users to the Mainnet which would be a good sign. Let's look at the pure numbers:

DateNumber NodesNumber ChannelsIncrease Nodes %Increase Channels %BTC Value

The following chart visualizes the faster development of new nodes:

If we look for the channels, the number is increasing too with faster pace:

We see faster growth in comparison to the prior time frame. There is no viral network effect just constant growth without any hype. It progesses forward at least. To get the right perspective the number of nodes increased by factor nearly 7x and the number of channels by factor nearly 8x!

The current Bitcoin value on the mainnet is 20.83 BTC. That is still tiny looking at the whole crypto market but already $158,000 worth of USD and the question is what happens if some bigger company is adopting the Lightning Network?

mainnet lightning network

Just to get a better sense following the node network picture from February 11th 2018:

The growth of the Lightning Network quite clear!

Recent News!

CoinGate - First Sandbox Testing with Lightning Network

The Lithuanian payment processor plays around with Lightning Network

The company accepts more than 50 different cryptocurrencies and wanna use Lightning Network for payment and get an edge over competitors.

Identity via Lightning Network?

Despite the controversy with statements by Bill Gates Microsoft looks for a secure and fast solution with Lightning Network.

The company sees a improved Authenticator App with the new technology.

OpenNode payment processing launched for merchants!

Onboarding of merchants has begun and looks promising for further adoption of Lightning Network!

Hackday #2 for Lightning Network in Berlin

The second Meetup for programmers who wanna develop LApps was now May 23th.

Beside showing the basics there are also demos for LApps, Apps for the Lightning Network.

MIT wanna integrate Smart Contracts with Lightning Network

A research group called DCI (The Digital Currency Intiative) wanna add smart contracts with their project.

They believe in scaling without any glitches with their solution.

Overall we see progress forward, 2 steps forward, 1 step back, 2 steps forward,..

What do you think of the increased usage of Testnet?

👍 If you like the read please follow me, vote me up and resteem! 👍 Thank you !👍

Exciting times ahead steemit friends!

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Great and amazing post sir.
Nice analyze work.
Very well articulated
Excellent job sir.
Wish you a great success.

Please check out my post once. 🤗💙

Thanks @onetin84 for sharing this post.

slowly and slowly it is taking all over this will lead crypto to new level in technology space

Yes it's crawling slowly and silent out of the void.. ignoring all the FUD around. It's like a small tornado far offshore which is slowly developing to a class 5 hurricane and will disrupt old technology and mindset.. hopefully.

Well some things take time but eventually that will it sure will be a great development once the adoption starts in massive numbers.

In my point of view it's one of the fundamental and groundbreaking works we need to get to real mass adoption and they do this from the bottom. It's like the water which permeates everyting slowly.

well agreed !

Pretty awesome post sir.
Lightning network is really very useful sir. ☺

Thanks @onetin84 for sharing.

Upvoted & resteemed your post.

It's fun to enjoy how to analyze and predict.👌
Succes & have fun my friend!👍

Resteemed by @resteembot! Good Luck!
Check @resteembot's introduction post or the other great posts I already resteemed.

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